If there is no clue, it is difficult to parse it.

  "Xiao Ling, I have found the fourth part of the missing record of the Ma family."


  "You'd better prepare yourself mentally."

  "Because it would take a long time to find this record."

  Uncle Qiu said solemnly to Ma Xiaoling.

  "Long time"

  Ma Xiaoling was puzzled.


  "Because of this record"

  "Not in this world."

  [The cold is better, I just woke up and now I will fight seven chapters!] Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 207 The Dragon's Body!The mysterious figure in front of Jiajia Building! 【2/7】

  "This world does not exist"

  Ma Xiaoling didn't understand Qiu Shu's words at all.

  There is no Ma family record in this world what is going on? "Simply put, you can find traces of your previous three 3 records, but in the fourth part, I searched for countless records and materials, but None were found."

  "Finally, I overlooked one point, that is, your record may not exist in this world, and only if this world does not exist, it is possible that no data and records will remain."

  Uncle said directly.

  "From the first part to the third part, although it took me a long time to search, I can still find a clue!"

  "But about the record of the fourth part, I can't find any clues at all! Not even the slightest!"

  "So I finally have a bold speculation, maybe the fourth part of the record, does not exist in this world at all!"

  Uncle begged to smile complacently.

  Seeing Uncle Qiu look complacent.

  The crowd was also aroused by curiosity.

  Especially Ma Dingdang, she is also a woman of the Ma family, and she can't help but say directly: "Please, don't cheat, what's going on?"

  "If it doesn't exist in this world, how could Xiaoling find this record?"

  Uncle is very pleased.

  He stood up and took out a piece of paper.

  "Although this world does not exist, it does not mean that it cannot be found, and it does not mean that it will not leave traces in this world."

  "If the records of the Ma family really have something important about the third calamity, then the ancestors of the Ma family would definitely not put it in the real world."

  "So, I found a trace of clues in it, and from this clue, I got the place where the fourth part of the record is located."

  Uncle Qiu pointed to the record here.

  Ma Xiaoling took over the record.

  This paragraph records.

  Not confidential.

  It can even be said that many exorcists and Taoists have records.

  Because this record contains legends about the Ma family! The dragon! The dragon that guards the Ma family for generations! It is also the dragon that the Ma family worships from generation to generation! And the dragon is a spiritual thing in the world!

  Ten thousand demons tremble! Whether it's an Asura ghost or a ten thousand-year-old demon! They must all tremble under this dragon! "This is the record of our Ma family conquering the dragon, what's wrong?"

  Ma Xiaoling asked, suddenly, she and Dingdang seemed to think of something.

  Looking at the proud begging uncle in front of him.

  Ma Xiaoling and Ma Dingdang said in unison: "Golden Dragon"

  This record records how the ancestors of the Ma family surrendered to the dragon.

  It is also a well-known legend.

  The uncle nodded proudly.

  "It's recorded here that the Ma family has become famous since the first battle in the Qi capital!"

  "And Ma Linger was recommended by Wang Ben, the most powerful witch of the Qin Dynasty, and the most trusted witch of Qin Shihuang!"

  "The Ma family has also become the first family of the Qin Dynasty! Unstoppable!"

  "And what made the Ma family's position the most stable was because the demon corpse was in chaos, so Qin Huang asked Ma Linger and the mysterious man to subdue the dragon!"

  "This record is the experience of subduing the dragon."

  The uncle said slowly.

  "Originally, I couldn't find any clues until Nino said that the Ma family records were probably about the third calamity."

  "So I thought, why is it really so important, where would the ancestors of the Ma family put this record?"

  "And then I thought"

  "Inside the dragon."

  Shenlong's body! As soon as this sentence came out.

  Ding-Dang and Ma Xiaoling Noodles

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The color is a bit shocking! The fourth part of the record of the Ma family is hidden in the dragon's body. The ancestors of the Ma family are too unexpected.

  "But we know it's useless, I only have half a Dragon Ball."

  Ma Xiaoling said to Uncle Qiu.

  She also knew.

  Da Mi and Xiao Mi both smashed the Jingshi Dragon Ball in half sixty years ago, and after the two cats ate the Jingshi Dragon Ball, they turned into human beings.

  I don't know what method Shadow Moon used last time.

  After knocking the Dragon Ball out of Xiaomi's body, Xiaomi did not change back into a cat.

  And everyone present.

  There is no such way.

  It's easy to get the other half of the Dragon Ball.

  Just spit it out right away.

  But once you spit it out.

  Big Mi's way will be gone, and she will become a cat again.

  Big Mimi doesn't care.

  According to her words.

  That is, she has been a person for so many years and has earned something that belongs to the Ma family, and sooner or later she will return it to the Ma family.

  Delightful people are not plants and trees, and who can be ruthless.

  After getting along with Big Mi for so long, everyone is naturally reluctant to turn Big Mi back into a cat.

  Especially Nino.

  Big Mi takes care of him the most, so he doesn't want Big Mi to turn back into a cat.

  "Not useless."

  "I said we can't do anything about it, but there is someone who can do it beside you, Xiaoling."

  Ding-dong laughed.

  Ma Xiaoling heard Ma Dingdang's words.

  You know who Ding-Dang is talking about.

  "I'll ask"

  Ma Xiaoling muttered.


  She left here.

  The priority now.

  It is to find the records of the Ma family and find clues about the biblical clauses. These are all about the third calamity. Since it is the third calamity, it is naturally a catastrophe that no one can resist! So we must find clues to solve it! After Ma Xiaoling left .

  Nino and others also acted 323 again.

  There is not much time left for people.

  Summer has now begun.

  There is only about the second half of the year before the millennium.

  For many people, it may be a bit long, but for everyone, this long half year is full of oppression all the time.

  The world is on the brink of destruction.

  No one can completely relax.

  ———————— Jiajia Building.

  A man in a white long coat and a woman in a light white dress came here.

  "Look, the world is constantly changing and full of countless surprises."

  The general laughed.

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