"Change is the law of nature. As for whether it is good or bad, you need to listen carefully."

  "I have heard the accusations of countless creatures against human beings, and they are already launching their next revenge."

  Nu Wa shook her head slightly, a little heartbroken.

  "He lives here."

  The general pointed to Jiajia Building.

  "Two thousand years have passed, but I don't know if his innocent heart has been... contaminated with the dust of this world."

  Nuwa stared at the Jiajia Building in front of her.

  In front of her and the general's eyes.

  It seemed that an upright young man appeared in front of the two with a long sword in hand.

  That is.

  The two met him for the first time.

  "Come on, let's go in and see."

  The general followed Nuwa and entered the Jiajia Building.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 208 Nu Wa's Questions!Change is inevitable! 【3/7】

  "This is the floor where Jiang Jin lives."

  "By the way, his name is Jiang Gu now."

  The general said softly to Nu Wa.

  "Why is it called Jiang Gu?"

  Nuwa was puzzled.

  "do not know."

  The general shook his head.

  He knocked gently on the door.

  After half a sound.

  The door opened slowly.

  This is a woman in a white kimono.

  Looking at the two people standing outside the door, she said to them gently, "Good afternoon, both of you, Jiang Gujun is already waiting for the two of you."

  She slowly opened the door.

  Behind the door is the living room.

  Jiang Gu sat in the living room and looked at the two of them with a gentle smile.

  "Long time no see."

  He looked at Nuwa.

  The Mother Earth, who created all living things.

  The first god to appear in the universe.

  "Your eyes are already full of dust in the world. Maybe the reincarnation of time is a change for you."

  Nu Wa said softly, she seemed to have countless emotions.

  The general took Nu Wa and sat opposite Jiang Gu.

  The most important thing in this world is change.

  Jiang Gu smiled.

  "I want to know what you think of the world."

  Nuwa looked at Jiang Gu, "Two thousand years ago, I saw your hatred for this world. Two thousand years later, we no longer seem to have the same goal."

  Jiang Gu smiled gently.

  Early Spring gently poured tea for the generals and Nuwa.

  "Is it important to you and the generals?"

  Jiang Gu laughed.

  "I think it's very important."

  The general was the first to speak out.

  Nuwa also nodded.

  Both of them are very concerned about Jiang Gu's opinion.

  Especially the generals.

  The general did not want to perish the world.

  But Nuwa is different.

  Nuwa has made a decision.

  Jiang Gu tapped his finger lightly on the coffee table in the living room.

  "The world will change."

  "I don't have a view on the world, and my view on the world is just because there are people I love in this world."

  Jiang Gu is simple.

  "But there is no one you love in this world, I remember, she is dead."

  Nuwa said slowly.

  "She may not be dead."

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly, "This world is interesting and diverse, but change is an unchanging truth."

  "So you think it's right that this world has changed, maybe it's wrong that I'm going to destroy the world."

  Nuwa asked, she was not scolding, but was discussing with Jiang Gu.

  "You should know about human babies"

  Jiang Gu suddenly said.


  Nuwa nodded.

  "The very beginning of human beings is this baby, but as he grows up, he changes constantly, because he doesn't change, he can't survive, he doesn't change, he doesn't know how to eat, how to live here. Survive in harsh conditions."

  "What we have learned in the process of change is naturally good and bad, and change is between good and bad."

  "Because of this world."

  "It's balanced."

  Jiang Gu said gently.

  He just told Nuwa a truth.

  Very simple reason.

  Humans can change.

  Even if she was destroyed and reborn, and returned to extinction, she would still change.


  Nuwa was a little bewildered.

  The generals could not persuade her.

  It is because the generals and ministers have not yet been born.

  He sometimes has extraordinary insights and wisdom, but he still has problems that he does not understand and cannot explain, such as Nuwa's problems, he can't explain, or he can't explain to the point.

  The reason for Nuwa's demise.

  It's because she hates the intrigues in this world, because hatred is launched

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The war has caused the whole world to be wiped out.

  What she wanted was a civilized peace.

  A kind of no killing, no war, no resentment, because every creature she created is her child, and watching her own child kill her own child is also the reason why she is gradually disappointed in this world.


  She is disappointed with her own child.

  The five-color messenger is her teaching to children.

  But still to no avail.

  So Nu Wa went from disappointment to despair.

  This is why she is determined to destroy the world.

  In her opinion, all creatures in this world are created by her, and she has never thought from the perspective of human beings. The perspective she sees is different from the perspective seen by the world and generals.

  Jiang Gu's words made Nu Wa seem to understand that change is inevitable.

  "Change is the inevitability of civilization. If there is no change, human beings will continue to fight beasts in the jungle, and everything in the world will continue to be killed."

  Jiang Gu said gently.

  Nu Wa's eyes were blurry.

  There was a half silence.

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