For Ma Xiaoling, the appearance is vague.

  For Jiang Gu.

  no longer exists.

  what he saw.

  It's the same face as him.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 214 The Dragon God hovering over the years!The fourth part of the record of the Ma family!

  The scarlet eyes gradually disappeared.

  Only a piece of clear remains.

  His eyes are like the purest water in the world, clear and transparent, without a trace of impurities.

  Under the watchful eyes of Jiang Gu.

  He opened his mouth and smiled.

  Clear eyes narrowed into a crescent moon.


  The figure gradually disappeared.

  in an instant.

  The vast darkness collapsed directly! I saw that the darkness began to collapse directly! A bright light broke out in the middle of the darkness! Darkness! It collapsed into two halves and slowly dissipated! All these grievances are slowly dissipating! The darkness of nothingness.

  It gradually revealed its original appearance.

  This is a vast and endless meadow.

  at the end of the grass.

  It is a figure.

  A phantom figure.

  He stood at the end of the grass, as if waiting for someone to come.

  The smell of horses.

  on this figure.

  Feeling the resentment around her dissipate, Ma Xiaoling still did not move.

  Jiang Gu stood still.

  The figure and that Bingjian have dissipated.

  He looked at the vast grass.

  quite a while.

  He stretched out his hand slowly.

  Ma Xiaoling in the distance saw Jiang Gu stretch out her hand.

  Without any hesitation, he hurried forward.

  She came to Jiang Gu and looked at Jiang Gu carefully.

  "Hey are you?"

  she asked.


  She took Jiang Gu's hand.

  this moment.

  Her heart stopped beating again.

  It's just that Ma Xiaoling's surface hasn't changed much.

  "I'm fine, let's go."

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly.


  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu's smile and suddenly felt strange.

  "You're smiling, so happy."

  She said, but she laughed involuntarily.

  It seems that Jiang Gu's smile is contagious.

  "Let's go."

  Jiang Gu took her hand and walked towards the phantom.

  "Is there any danger around?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu's back and asked suddenly.

  "No, maybe there is."

  "then you"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu holding her hand.

  "protect you."

  Ma Xiaoling's cheeks were slightly red.

  She glared directly at Jiang Gu's back, and said, "Is this how protection is protected?"

  "If there is danger here."

  "You can't escape."

  Jiang Gu said slowly.


  Ma Xiaoling only felt angry.

  Obviously there is nothing wrong with Jiang Gu's words.

  This is already the deepest place in Shenlong's inner world, where the grievances are the most intense. If she touches it a little, her sanity may be eroded! But she is very angry.

  "I don't want to talk to you."

  Ma Xiaoling said angrily.

  The two walked forward slowly.


  He walked up to the phantom figure.

  The illusory figure stood on the vast grass, looking at the two, his eyes showed a wave of fluctuations.

  Ma Xiaoling felt a strong Ma family atmosphere from him.

  This is the power from the Ma family! This figure is very illusory, and the whole body is filled with the breath of the Ma family.

  "A drop of blood."

  Jiang Gu said slowly.

  Ma Xiaoling understood his words.


  She ran her fingertips across her own, and a drop of blood appeared on her fingertips.

  The moment that just appeared.

  The drop of blood floated towards the figure in an instant.

  An endless blood fog shrouded this figure in an instant! I felt the call of the blood of the Ma family.

  The figure made a sound.

  "I have been waiting here two thousand years ago"

  "Finally waited until the arrival of the wait"

  He muttered to himself.

  "Who are you"

  Ma Xiaoling asked directly.

  "Dragon God."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The figure replied.

  "Dragon God"

  Ma Xiaoling frowned slightly.

  "Isn't the Dragon God outside?"

  She didn't understand what the figure in front of her was saying.

  "He is, so am I"

  "I am the memory left here, and I was exiled here."

  The Dragon God said slowly.

  He is just a memory.

  But it is also part of the Dragon God.

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