"A remnant of memory was banished here"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the remaining memory of the Dragon God.

  She seems to understand something! It turns out that the fourth part of the lost record of the Ma family.

  It actually exists in the memory of the Dragon God! That is to say.

  In the memory of the Dragon God, I can find records about the fourth part, and can find clues to fight against the third calamity! "I should go too"

  He said slowly, his tone flat.

  At the moment when his voice fell.

  He turned into a golden light.

  This light turned into stars scattered in the void.

  Om! Endless darkness! Instantly enveloped Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu! Then the golden light scattered in the void.

  Slowly moving towards the darkness of the whole body! These scattered golden rays of light soon filled the entire darkness! Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu's whole body is full of scattered rays of light! After the diffusion, these scattered rays of light unexpectedly slowly A fainter light is diffused, intertwined with the surrounding light.

  After thorough interweaving.

  a picture.

  It appeared around Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling.


  Before Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu, the memory of the Dragon God appeared.

  Remember the first picture.

  It is an endless forest.

  The Dragon God was on a vast ancient mountain, his huge body wrapped around the ancient mountain, hovering on the ancient mountain, his huge head was above the clouds, and he could see the top of the ancient mountain at a glance.

  It hovers here.

  All the monsters around the body retreated! I dare not approach at all! The picture flows quietly.

  Time passed quietly.

  The dragon god fell into a deep sleep.

  But in a deep sleep.

  Ma Xiaoling can see the entire vast Kyushu from the memory of the Dragon God.

  The monsters in the vast Kyushu are constantly chaotic, but as time goes by, these monsters gradually disappear on the earth, and the consciousness of the dragon god has always been: hovering on the land of Kyushu, quietly watching the changes on the land of Kyushu.

  At the same time, it also frightens the monsters.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu saw the turmoil in Kyushu, the annihilation of countless creatures, and the fear of countless people.

  She can go from here.

  See the land of Kyushu.

  one day.

  The Consciousness of the Dragon God.

  Looking slowly.

  The prosperous Qin Dynasty.

  A grand ceremony was held.

  this day.

  The Emperor Qin canonized the witch of the Ma family.

  this day.

  Countless exorcists and Taoists in Xianyang came to worship the Ma family.

  this day.

  The Ma family prospered and commanded all the families in the world.

  Shenlong's consciousness fluctuated slightly here, and it seemed that something was touched.

  After this.

  From time to time, Shenlong's consciousness would stay in Ma's house.

  Although it fell into a deep sleep, its consciousness has been hovering on the land of Kyushu, but for some reason, since the Ma family was consecrated, its consciousness has been staying in the Ma family.

  The witch of the Ma family has a profound way of doing things. She and a mysterious man banished all demons and drove those demons back to the forest. So far, they dare not step out of the forest! The number of demons in the world has gradually decreased, and Daqin has entered a prosperous and prosperous era.

  But not long after.

  A monster corpse.

  It appeared all over Daqin.

  So far.

  The Demon Corpse Rebellion begins.

  And this day.

  The dragon god opened his eyes again.

  This is the mountain that it has circled for countless years.

  Welcome guests.

  [Today, I will finish writing a large part of the story at the fifth watch! Don't worry about breaking the chapter! Cough! Ask for a wave of monthly passes, flowers, and evaluation tickets!] [A wave of monthly passes! Flowers! Evaluation tickets!] Feilu reminder You: Three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 215 The vast black fog forest!Ma Linger and the man in black!

  The dragon hovers over the peaks of countless years.

  Two figures were ushered in.

  Ma Linger and the man in black long clothes.

  The two stood outside the mountain peak.

  In front of you is an endless forest.


  Ma Xiaoling looked at the man with her eyes.

  The man stood beside Malinger.

  The figure is slender, the steps are slow, and the saber is hanging around his waist! It is exactly the same as the figure of resentment! That resentment is really the second zombie king! It's just.

  How could his grievances be sealed here and possess such terrifying power, Ma Xiaoling raised countless questions in her heart.

  Especially in the second robbery.

  Majia Shenlong appeared in this world and helped the second zombie king to deal with the generals together! I am afraid that she can find the answer in the memory of this Shenlong today.


  The man's face was blurred and could not be seen at all.

  Divine Consciousness of the Dragon.

  Quietly hovering over the top of the mountain.

  As the two walked in, the entire forest was filled with thick fog.

  Endless resentment welled up in that forest.

  The vast white mist gradually turned into darkness.

  In an instant, it enveloped the entire forest, as well as Ma Linger and the man in black who had just entered it.

  Under the divine sense of Shenlong, all the black fog no longer exists, Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu can clearly see the direction and movement of the two in the memory of this Shenlong picture.

  Jiang Gu watched this scene with deep eyes.

  in the screen.

  In the vast darkness.

  Endless resentment rushed towards the two of them.

  Ma Linger held a long sword, and the blue veil was floating in the air. She walked forward with the sword, and the man quietly followed behind her, moving forward step by step. The two walked forward step by step in this vast darkness.

  Ma Xiaoling saw this scene.

  There seemed to be some kind of touch in my heart.

  Her beautiful eyes lightly looked at Jiang Gu on the side.

  But I saw Jiang Gu's eyes quietly looking at everything in the picture.

  His deep eyes.

  There seems to be endless vicissitudes.

  Ma Xiaoling couldn't help but raise the question she had always had.

  Jiang Gu and the second zombie king.

  What is the relationship? Jiang Gu once answered her enemy.

  Between these two zombie kings.

  What happened, she turned back and continued to look at the screen.

  within the screen.

  The two walked towards the depths of the forest.

  The resentment that formed around him kept attacking the two of them.

  This is the resentment left by Shenlong's subjugation of the demon! After sleeping, the resentment entangled the entire forest! The screen accompanied the two of them moving forward slowly.

  Ma Xiaoling could clearly hear the slight footsteps.

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