A figure.

  Slowly under the white galaxy.

  Go down slowly.

Chapter 229 The Bible's password is messed up!Pangu Tomb is just the front branch?

  The figure radiated light.

  As if with endless hope.

  She stepped down from the star river.

  Slowly came to the front of Nino and Jin Mirai.

  next to Nino.

  Ding-Dang, Uncle Qiu, and Jin Weiwei all stood beside them, and a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere gradually enveloped them.

  "Who are you"

  Nino looked at the woman in front of him.

  This woman seemed to be radiating hope all over her body.

  He couldn't see her face clearly, but he felt that she was very familiar.

  "Grave Keeper"

  She called out Nino's name.

  "You are about to complete your mission."

  "Finish the last clause of the Bible Code."

  Her voice was soft and gentle, full of kindness and dignity.

  Nino heard the words and gently stretched out his hand.

  that woman.

  He also slowly extended his hand.

  The two hands clapped together in the air.


  Countless memories are intertwined! Countless pasts are intertwined! What Nino has experienced, what he knows, slowly emerges in the woman's mind.

  Boom! Boom! Suddenly.

  The woman, her body backed up in an instant.

  The light on her didn't fade away.

  But everyone felt her panic.

  She took a few steps back and looked at her palm in disbelief.

  "No, no, no"

  "Not at all what the Bible Code says."

  "What the hell happened"

  The woman asked in confusion.

  3 I don't know what to ask.

  Maybe yourself.

  Maybe Nino.

  "The Dark Ages [-] years ago."

  "The second robbery a year ago destroyed the world."

  "Nuwa's annihilation has become the third calamity."

  She shook her head.

  Feeling a little restless.

  "Despite the great confusion, the direction has not changed."

  "Perhaps, the Bible code is messed up"

  The woman closed her eyes tightly.

  "What’s wrong with you"

  Nino looked at the woman in front of him.

  "Perhaps, there is some deviation."

  The woman slowly looked at Nino in front of her.

  "However, your mission still needs to be completed."

  Nino asked in confusion: "What mission?"

  Woman, looking at Nino.

  He said word by word: "Open the tomb of Pangu and prevent Nuwa from destroying the world."

  her words.

  Everyone was shocked in an instant! Opening the tomb of Pangu to prevent Nuwa from destroying the world "How to open the tomb of Pangu"

  Nino was puzzled.

  Woman, see Nino's expression.

  She raised her head, as if thinking about her at this moment.

  He seemed to be in a moment of confusion.

  After half a sound.

  She slowly came back to her senses and said warmly, "Perhaps before the time comes, there is a huge error in the code of the Bible."

  "You should be looking up the scriptures right now"

  She looked at Nino and asked.

  Nino nodded.

  "May I see it"

  she asked.

  Nino looked at Jin Weiwei and Dingdong Ma, begging the three of them.

  "Let's go."

  Ding-Dang replied.

  She felt a little weird.

  After all, she just returned from the general.

  The generals were no longer able to stop Nuwa.

  How important it is to accompany Nuwa for thousands of years in the hearts of generals, how could Ma Dingdang not know.

  And this strange woman appeared out of nowhere.

  He even said that he wanted to open the tomb of Pangu to prevent Nuwa from destroying the world.

  Could it be that everything was doomed to a chill in her heart.

  Nino with a woman

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  ,, came to the second floor.

  On the second floor.

  The ancient version of the Bible code is recorded on the wall, the ground is a Bible code, and countless books are recorded.

  The woman gently picked up the Bible code.

  She opened the Bible code, and a golden light shrouded the Bible code in an instant! In an instant.

  Nino and the others saw that countless golden runes were spinning around the woman, and she closed her eyes.

  Om! The golden runes poured into her body in an instant.

  The woman, opened her eyes, a touch of golden light flashed from her eyes.

  "The number of variables has exceeded expectations. There are many variables in this disaster."

  "The final point and key point of the third robbery has nothing to do with the tomb of Pangu"

  "I can't even fully translate the code of the Bible."

  Woman, the light around her body slowly dissipated.

  A beautiful woman in a black robe was revealed.

  She looks very delicate, not very beautiful, but it makes people look like a spring breeze.

  Her clear eyes looked at Nino.

  "Gravekeeper, you need to find a way to open Pangu's tomb as soon as possible."

  "Pangu's tomb is only the front of one of the key points. If we can't find all the key points before the third calamity recorded in the Bible code."

  "The rebirth of heaven and earth recorded in the Bible code will be reborn by Nuwa."

  "The biblical code has lost a certain degree of accuracy, but its key points are still normal, and we need to open the tomb of Pangu as soon as possible."

  woman, said softly.

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