"The way to open the tomb of Pangu, is it in the Bible code?"

  Nino asked.

  "Yes, you are the tomb keeper and can only be found by you."

  woman, nod.

  "Then who are you and why do you call me the gravekeeper?"

  Nino was very puzzled.

  The woman, with a smile on her face: "I am tomorrow, I hope in tomorrow's tomorrow."

  "Although the code of the Bible has changed, the tomb of Pangu is still open. I need to go to the supervisor and inform me of everything here."

  "The biblical ciphers have gone horribly wrong, and that's a serious problem."

  Tomorrow said, the figure gradually disappeared in front of everyone.

  "watch dogs"

  Ding-Dang was a little puzzled.

  "I feel a very familiar air."

  Nino said solemnly, "I felt an aura similar to that of Uncle Jiang Gu in him."

  "But she reminded me, I think, the tomb of Pangu may also be the front branch of one of the key points."

  "But we have now found the key point two thousand years ago, this key point, will it be"

  Nino looked at Uncle Qiu and Jingdong.

  "It was the key point eight hundred years ago"

  Uncle Qiu directly understood what Nino meant.

  "Then please, Nino."

  Tinkerbell looked at Nino, "We don't have much time left."

  "Well! I know! Don't worry! With a hint, I'll find it soon."

  Nino is confident.

  ———————— Jiajia Building.

  Ma Xiaoling dragged her tired body back to Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  I didn't expect to stay in the Dragon God World for so long.

  Open the door.

  Seeing that the room was cleaned fairly cleanly, I nodded involuntarily.

  "It seems that this stinky boy in the middle is not lazy."

  She went to the portrait of her aunt.

  Slowly add a stick of incense.

  Look at the portrait of the aunt.


  Her pupils shrunk slightly! The portrait aunt seems to have mentioned it before.

  She once saw a portrait.

  In the portrait there are Jiang Gu and a woman.

  And this picture.

  It seems to be in Zhuxian Town! [Ask for a monthly pass] [Update earlier today, update earlier! Can't be a vicious circle, woo woo woo] Please download Fei Lu's novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 230 The Unpredictable Pangu Clan!The madness of the general!

  Grandma used to say.

  She once saw a portrait in Zhuxian Town.

  The person in the painting is Jiang Gu! Then who the woman beside him is, the man who has survived countless years, is unfathomable.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the portrait quietly.

  She vaguely felt.

  There seems to be something involved here.

  It's just that she can't figure out those relationships.

  There was a half silence.

  She picked up the phone and called Ding-Dong.

  ———————— Tongtian Pavilion.

  The general looked at the five-colored messenger in front of him, as well as Kino and Levi.

  He holds a bottle of wine in his hand.

  The atmosphere felt a little tense.

  Especially the black rain and the red tide can sense the tension in the air the most! The generals and officials they have seen have always been very gentle.

  But today's generals.

  They saw madness.

  "starting today."

  "Wake up all those who are placed all over the world."

  The general said slowly.

  "True ancestor, why"

  Lan Dali was puzzled.

  The general glanced at him lightly, and Lan Dali stepped back slightly.


  "Starting today, give me all the bites!"

  "There's still a month and a half until January [-]nd."

  "In this month and a half, I will see that [-]%% of the world will become zombies."

  The generals directly faced the five-colored messenger and Chino, Levi said.

  His eyes were as deep as the sea, flickering with crazy flames.

  "True ancestor, you"

  Huang Zi was a little puzzled.

  Black Rain heard this.

  There was a slight fluctuation in his eyes.

  She understands all this.

  I'm afraid it's about to start.

  "I don't need an explanation."

  The general said slowly, looking at Huang Zi.

  That kind of power that came from the power made Huang Zi bow his head.



  The minister's eyes turned to a certain place.

  "Someone has entered Tongtian Pavilion."

  The red tide looked around vigilantly.

  Where is this place, but the place where the generals are! At this moment, someone can approach here quietly.

  enough to prove.

  The depth of this man is unfathomable.

  "Not only came in, but also appeared."

  The general looked forward.

  The five-colored messenger and Chino, Levi's eyes instantly turned to where the general's eyes were looking.


  A woman in a long black coat was standing.

  She stood quietly in the same place, her cheeks were delicate and white, and she was full of a peaceful atmosphere.

  this moment.

  The generals felt a sense of intimacy stemming from the bloodline.

  "Can we talk alone?"

  Looking at the general tomorrow, he smiled.

  "You go out first."

  The general said to the five-colored messenger, as well as Kino and Levi.

  when people are leaving.

  He suddenly said again: "Remember what I said, now"

  Wait until everyone closes the door.

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