Ma Dingdang asked, "That is to say, we didn't find Pangu's bow and arrow, but found this gate of light."

  Look around tomorrow.

  But could not find any traces.

  Finally, her eyes turned to Pangu Guangyu in front of her.

  "The tomb of Pangu must have been moved."

  "No wonder the tomb guards can't open Pangu's tomb anywhere in the world. Pangu's tomb must have been moved by someone."

  Tomorrow only felt a depression in her chest, making her breathless.

  Someone moved the Pangu Tomb Ma Xiaoling, Ma Dingdang, Qiu Shu, and Jin Weiwei were all stunned.

  "Pangu Tomb, is it easy to get in?"

  Kim Miku asked.

  "Come in"

  Tomorrow shook his head.

  "If you don't have a tomb guard, you won't be able to get in at all."

  "Because the tomb guardian is the key, and only when the key appears, the door of Pangu's tomb will be opened."

  "If the tomb guards do not appear, the tomb of Pangu is everywhere in the world, and it cannot be opened at all, and even the entrance cannot be found: even we Pangu people can not find the entrance:."

  "And no tomb guards have opened Pangu's tomb. Once they break in, the power of Pangu in it, but the power of Pangu in the ancient times, is enough to destroy everything!"

  explained tomorrow.

  It's not easy to get in.

  But it is impossible to get in at all! The tomb of Pangu, which even the Pangu people can't find.

  Who can still come in "So, no matter who it is, it will be scary."

  Tomorrow's voice was a little uneasy.

  Jiang Gu looked around.

  He knew that there were naturally Pangu bows and arrows in Pangu's tomb.

  Everything here has changed.

  Fate cannot control the generals to destroy the arrows.

  Therefore, Pangu bows and arrows naturally exist, but why is there only Pangu Guangyu here? "Will that be the enemy of the Pangu tribe?"

  he asked suddenly.

  It's fate. "Impossible, even if it is the enemy of the Pangu clan, there is no such tomb."

  Tomorrow was in unease, and followed Jiang Gu's words and continued, but she quickly reacted, glanced at Jiang Gu in surprise, and then rejected Jiang Gu's question.

  Even if it is fate.

  There is no Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man.

  There are not many things that fate can control.

  The tomb of Pangu was born outside the Three Realms and Six Paths, and the fate, let alone finding it, cannot even be speculated.


  It can't be fate.

  "Who would that be and why would leave a stone behind"

  Ma Xiaoling's voice was a little deep.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Didn't the Bible code say that the second key point of the third kalpa is here? That is to say, this stone is the second key point."

  "No, it should be the front branch of the second key point. If this is the case, it will prove that there is no Pangu bow and arrow here at all."

  Ask your uncle to analyze it carefully.

  "That said, in any case, this is the front branch of the key point."

  his analysis.

  It made everyone's anxiety dissipated a lot.

  After all, what you know tomorrow is different from what everyone knows.

  what you care about tomorrow.

  Who changed the tomb of Pangu?

  But everyone cares.

  This stone is not the second key point.

  "The front branch of the second key point"

  Tomorrow muttering to himself.

  That is to say.

  This stone was not left by the enemy.

  If it is an enemy, then after Pangu's bow and arrow are destroyed, everyone will be helpless in the third robbery.

  "Tomorrow, you said before that Pangu's bow and arrow can fight against the third calamity, can you elaborate?"

  Ma Jingdong asked.

  "Maybe, I understand."

  Tomorrow will look at Pangu Guangyu in front of him.

  She seemed to understand something.

  "Let's go out first."

  "The tomb keeper shouldn't hold on for too long."

  "After I go out, I will explain it to you in detail."

  She said, holding out her hand slowly.

  Her hand penetrated the glass and took Pangu Guangyu directly! Om! The moment her hand touched Pangu Guangyu! In an instant! A terrifying breath suddenly collapsed! Boom! The entire Pangu tomb was almost crushed Everyone looked at the front in amazement.

  I saw behind the glass.

  A shadow slowly emerged.

  His entire body was blurred, making it difficult to see his face.

  He stretched out his hand.

  Take out the Pangu bow and arrow.

  Then the Pangu bow and arrow disappeared in an instant! The figure ignored the Pangu bow and arrow.

  Instead, reach out.

  put a stone.

  Slowly put it into it.


  This phantom dissipates! "This is the afterimage left by Pangu"

  Look at the afterimage in front of you tomorrow.

  Finally convinced.

  Indeed, someone moved the tomb of Pangu.

  It's just that this person doesn't know who it is! The moment she stretched out her hand to Pangu Guangyu, the entire Pangu tomb trembled! Under this tremor! The rich Pangu aura burst out instantly! "No, we have to leave quickly. Here, these Pangu auras are very strong, you can't contaminate and absorb them, they will explode."

  Tell everyone tomorrow.


  Uncle Qiu also felt the strong Pangu atmosphere.

  Ding-Dang pulled Jin Weiwei and Ma Xiaoling away and left.

  "Jiang Gu!"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu.

  Jiang Gu stood still.

  Feel the vast pangu breath.

  He knew that this was the recovery of the power he was looking for.

  Om! The breath of Pangu in front of him is getting stronger and stronger! He looked at the people who were leaving.

  Om! A mass of energy surged out in an instant! Ma Xiaoling, tomorrow, Ma Dingdang, Jin Weiwei, and Uncle Qiu were instantly caught by this force and rushed towards the exit of the ancient tomb! "Weird!"

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to sense something, and Mei Mu looked back anxiously.


  In front of her is the exit of Pangu's tomb! Om! She and everyone entered the crack together.

  Everything in front of him turned into endless darkness.

  in that darkness.

  A gentle voice came from the moment when the crack in Pangu's tomb was closed.

  "No need to worry"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 244 The key points of the third robbery have been gathered!The catastrophe has come! 【1/8】

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