In the endless darkness, Ma Xiaoling and others felt that the place they were in was a little crushed.

  Everyone quickly left.

  Cracks in Pangu's Tomb.

  After the crowd left, it slowly dissipated.

  Outside the crack, stood Ye Qianping and Ye Yanyan, as well as the phantom.

  Nino sat cross-legged on the ground, and when he saw everyone's return, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Where's Young Master Jiang?"

  Ye Yanyan asked.

  She didn't see Jiang Gu's figure.

  "Yes, what about Young Master Jiang?"

  Ye Qianping also asked.

  "He didn't come out inside."

  Uncle said.

  Hearing this, Nino watched the crack in front of him gradually disappear, and said worriedly, "Is Uncle Jiang Gu not coming out? Once the tomb of Pangu is closed, it will be difficult to open it again."

  Tomorrow looked at Ma Xiaoling and asked, "Do you know his origin?"

  She remembered that Ma Xiaoling seemed to have said it before.

  There is also a bloodline zombie that does not suck blood.

  She has previously denied it.

  But Jiang Gu appeared.

  Completely subverted her imagination.


  in this world.

  There are also many things that Pangu did not discover at all, or that even the Pangu people did not involve.

  For many years, the Pangu people have wandered outside the universe, looking for opportunities to fight against fate, looking for and protecting the last holy place, and not letting fate get involved.

  Especially the blue planet, it should be carried out according to everything recorded in the Bible code, although the ending has been the same, but the process has been different.

  And this process may have affected the final outcome! "I don't know."

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head, her beautiful eyes quietly watching the cracks in Pangu's tomb dissipate.

  "Let's go first."

  Martin Ding-Dang said, "This place may have been noticed by the generals. Let's go back to the bar first and then make plans."

  Demons gather.

  Now Jiang Gu has disappeared again.

  If those monsters appear again.

  I'm afraid everyone will be difficult to deal with! "Jiang Gu"

  The phantom in front of the crowd, holding a silver spear, muttered to himself.

  "Why do I think he is so familiar"

  Her memory seemed to be mutilated.

  Om Ye Qianping came out.

  In her hand, a white portrait appeared.

  She stretched out her hand.

  A pulling force instantly came towards the phantom.

  The phantom seemed to sense the call.

  The phantom gradually shrank and condensed, the spear in her hand gradually disappeared, she closed her eyes slightly, and the phantom slowly condensed into a drop of blood.

  A drop of blood with two colors.

  "It was the remnant soul of a human being and a drop of zombies that left her in the world."

  At a glance, you can see the true nature of this phantom.

  That drop of blood.

  Go to the white painting.

  With the fusion of that drop of blood, the silver helmeted soldier holding a spear reappeared in the portrait.

  "Everyone, walk slowly."

  Ye Qianping said to the crowd.

  "Today, our Ye Family's mission has also been completed. We just guarded this painting for so many years. Now that this painting has disappeared, I don't know what to do."

  "Let our Yejia continue to wait here, maybe one day we can find the value of Yejia."

  Ye Qianping said to the crowd.

  She is old.

  I don't want to move anymore.

  Ye Yanyan also wanted to stay here with her.

  Everyone wanted them to leave here.

  It is a place of right and wrong after all.


  Everyone also said goodbye to Ye Qianping and Ye Yanyan,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  On the way back to Xiangjiang.


  a few days later.

  The crowd returned to the bar in Xiangjiang.

  In the past few days.

  Everyone felt that the entire Xiangjiang was about to be crushed by a dark cloud, very dull, lifeless, and the anger of the past dissipated.

  Back to the bar.

  Uncle Qiu began to scroll through the recent news.

  And tomorrow.

  I wanted to talk to people on the road.

  But in the end, I still plan to come back here and answer everyone's questions.

  Bar rooftop.

  The crowd gathered here.

  "You mean that Pangu's bow and arrow can destroy Nuwa's primordial spirit, thereby preventing Nuwa's body and meteorites from hitting the earth"

  Ding-Dong repeated the meaning of tomorrow.

  "That's right, our Pangu tribe has left a supervisor, but now the supervisor has betrayed, and Pangu's bow and arrow have disappeared."

  Nod your head tomorrow.

  "Do not."

  Ma Dingdang smiled, "I think that if Nuwa's primordial spirit is destroyed with a bow and arrow, then the world will come to an end."

  "When Nu Wa dies, the generals and subjects will go completely crazy. Even if Nuwa does not destroy the world, the generals and officials will destroy the world."

  Ma Dingdang knew the generals very well.

  Ma Xiaoling crossed her hands and leaned against the wall, listening to Ma Jingdong's words, she seemed to understand something between her brows.

  "So, Pangu Guangyu appeared in the tomb of Pangu."

  Tomorrow took out Pangu Guangyu, "Although I don't know who moved Pangu's tomb, that person should not be the enemy."

  "What is the role of Pangu Guangyu?"

  Kim Miku asked.

  "return to the past."

  Nino suddenly raised his head and said.

  His eyes showed excitement.

  "That's why the Bible code is written, and opening the tomb of Pangu is the first branch of the second key point."

  "And the second key point is in the Song Dynasty [-] years ago, that is to say, we can rely on this Pangu Guangyu to go back to the past."

  Nino explained to the crowd.

  "return to the past"

  Everyone was stunned.

  Uncle Qiu frowned and said, "Although it's written like this, what's the use of going back to the past?"

  Nino shook his head.

  "I do not know either."

  "There seems to be something missing."

  "We now have a bottle and a Pangu Guangyu. How can these two be combined to prevent the third calamity?"

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