"You must know that the power of the Five Stars does not belong to the heavens and the earth. It has existed in the world since ancient times. No one knows where the Five Stars 55 came from, and no one can master this power."

  "The five brave men are those who chose to roam the world to punish and eradicate evil, but according to rumors, even the five brave men have never mastered the real power of five stars."

  "Why can Jiang Gu master it?"

  Ask uncle to mutter to himself.

  The black rain was shocked.

  She just wanted Five Star 55 to help Jiang Gu, but the power of these five stars poured directly into Jiang Gu's body.

  as if.

  This power belongs to him! But the five-star 55 power cannot be conquered by the generals! Unless Jiang Gu is involved in this five-star 55 power.

  Maybe even.

  Five stars and 55 are six created by him! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 261 Power Collision!The world is shaking!The world is destroyed!

  Countless possibilities are intertwined.

  But at this moment.

  Jiang Gu felt the power of five stars.

  This power poured into the body, hovered in the body, and surrounded it into five kinds of rays of light, which were constantly intertwined.

  under this interweaving.

  The aura around him became more and more terrifying.

  And he was reviving in the extreme darkness where the breath of the general was about to erupt, and suppressed it again.

  Why is this five-star power so familiar to Jiang Gu that it is too late to think about it.

  The generals in front of me shot again! Boom! The two collided and collided! After a brief silence below, countless riots broke out again! Countless wars intertwined! Huge prototype! Attack those zombies suddenly! Vampires and bats are intertwined! Fighting against zombies! Ghosts and humans join forces! Together "Three Two Three,"

  Press! The whole Xiangjiang.

  A fight broke out! The building collapsed.

  Countless human deaths.

  The earth cracked.

  The crimson sky is full of darkness, and the darkness interweaves and collides with attacks! Countless figures wander and attack between the heavens and the earth! The whole world turns into a tragic battlefield, and the camera records all this quietly.

  Countless people just felt that their hearts stopped at this moment.

  The scene in front of you.

  It is the last hope of mankind.

  It is the last hope of the whole world.

  Pictures of countless battles.

  It's the final battle for salvation! Countless blood splatters the world.

  To save the world, the three worlds and six paths will act together! Everyone sees this picture, and their expressions are no longer fearful, but solemn.

  They stared at everything on the screen.

  Looking forward to the victory of all beings in the Three Realms and Six Paths! More people's attention.

  He even stared at the sky.

  The world where countless cracks breed.

  The shadow of nothingness and darkness! The two are constantly colliding and fighting! The mighty force shreds everything, tearing the sky into cracks! The whole sky seems to be cracked! A magnificent battlefield map! "Five-star power is the real five-star 55 power!"

  "So you've already appeared."

  The gigantic dragon wings of the general are fanning! He and Jiang Gu's strengths are once again equal to each other! He also sensed the strength of the five stars.

  This power he wanted to conquer.

  This is a spiritual power that does not belong to heaven and earth.

  But the power of the five stars ignored him at all.

  No one knows where these five-star 55 powers come from.

  I don't even know who created it.

  Now that the general sees Jiang Gu, he seems to understand something.

  Om! The general attacked Jiang Gu again! His body disappeared in the boundless darkness in an instant! Jiang Gu's eyes narrowed slightly.

  Under the blood-red pupils, five-colored rays of light intertwined and stared into the darkness.

  in that darkness.

  He saw a figure breaking out of the darkness.

  The body suddenly moved towards the front of him, and his fists gathered countless strengths, and the body attacked the self-carving, using the power of heaven and earth to punch forward! Bang! The mighty momentum is like the collision of mountains! The two collided! A powerful crack erupted again! Bang! This time the crack! Infinite expansion! In an instant! The Three Realms, Six Paths, and Zombies who attacked each other froze slightly! Then they launched a fierce attack! "Come again!"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The generals roared in the sky! Exhausted the countless strength of the body, condensed the strength above the fist, the cracks intertwined around his fist, the void collapsed, and the strange power distorted the entire space! The power of this punch! It is like destroying the sky and destroying the earth! "Roar!"

  Jiang Gu roared, and the five-colored rays of light in his pupils were intertwined with blood, like flames! The momentum on his body was condensed to the extreme! This darkness is directly twisted by the power of the fists! Om! Om! Jiang Chen and Jiang Gu shot at the same time! One left fist, one right fist.

  They blasted from the back to the front! The twisted force swept through the void, creating countless cracks and twisted spaces! At this moment, the world seemed to be in a slow state for a long time.

  It's like time has stopped at this moment.

  Only the two fists and the two figures collide in the void! The time to stay.

  The two fists collided! Boom! Boom! Like a monstrous ocean wave that swept the four directions! In an instant! The violent and turbulent power directly swept the whole world! Countless voids collapsed! The earth cracked! A million miles! The atmosphere collapses directly! These two fists collide and form a cold light that can pierce everything, and go through the world! The whole world.

  It was directly divided into two halves! Boom - the three realms and six realms and zombies that collided and attacked below! I felt a huge violent force in an instant! The violent force is centered on Hanmang! Everyone on both sides of Hanmang, don't let this The force hits back! All of a sudden! Heaven and earth are silent! The violent power permeates the sky and the earth and can't be dissipated, constantly tearing the void between the sky and the earth.

  And above the sky.

  On both sides of Hanmang.

  The two figures were under the collision.

  Fly straight away.

  The two flew tens of thousands of meters straight upside down.

  Under that tens of thousands of meters of void.

  The two stopped.

  There was a trace of blood on the corner of the general's mouth.

  There was a trace of blood on the corner of Jiang Gu's mouth.

  Two Zombie Kings.

  All under this collision.

  Injured! Five-star 55 condensed, Jianggu intertwined with semi-extreme dark recovery and normal state! The second form, a general with a huge dragon wing! The strength is the same! But.

  Jiang Gu's injuries were even more serious.

  Just there.

  His power fluctuated below the balance value and had not reached the ultimate dark recovery, but Jiang Gu knew that as long as he did not release the real dark ultimate recovery, his power would never be 0.

  6 is far from being reached.

  Because the real extreme darkness is the most powerful.

  It's that cold heart.

  "cough cough"

  Jiang Gu and the generals coughed up a few traces of blood at the same time.

  The minister looked at Jiang Gu.

  There was a hint of helplessness and sadness in the deep blood-colored pupils.

  "Nu Wa has accompanied me for countless years, since the beginning of the world, thousands of years."

  "The generals you know can't be without Nuwa, and Nuwa can't be without generals."

  "So, if you want to save the world, you must kill me."

  "But I can't let you kill me."

  "She's still waiting for me to come home."

  The general looked at Jiang Gu.

  He closed his eyes slightly.

  An aura that was far stronger than before.

  Suddenly swept out! The real killer of the generals.


  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 262 The third form!The power of Jiang Gu and his generals to destroy everything!

  Hundred meters in the distance of Hanmang.

  The servant closed his eyes.

  A mighty icy breath.

  It's like suppressing the common people.

  The dragon wings behind him gradually extended to a thousand feet in an instant.

  His eyebrows and hair.

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