turned pale.

  An extremely terrifying atmosphere permeated.

  Under this terrifying atmosphere.

  Time has come to a standstill.

  Countless cracks grow around the generals.

  After the cracks continue to grow.


  Slowly opened his eyes.

  The blood-red pupils were getting darker.


  This look.

  At this moment, it turned cold and ruthless.

  It was an extreme coldness.

  this moment.

  He was completely emotionless.

  The third form of zombies! Jiang Gu looked at the generals.

  He felt a breath of dark recovery, but the general's dark recovery was not complete.

  It's not so much that it's not complete, it's better to say that even his first stage of dark recovery can't be compared.

  But Jiang Gu instantly understood.

  This is the third form of zombies! General.

  He has awakened to the third form of zombies! No wonder he is the god of war of the Pangu clan, the most powerful Pangu clan since the ancient times of the Pangu clan! At this moment.

  04 Time stands still.

  Everything in the heaven and earth trembles under the generals of the third form! The eyes of countless people.

  Under this silence, he slowly turned his eyes to the sky.

  Even the Nuwa in the distance.

  The expressions all fell into shock.

  She never thought about the generals, but she has been hiding them all the time.

  The Crimson Tide finally understood why, the True Ancestor would let Zong Ancestor absorb the Qi of Xuanyin.

  What the True Ancestor wanted was a fair duel.

  not to mention.

  The Revival of the True Ancestor.

  More or less, it may have something to do with Zongzu.

  Jianggu standing on the clouds.

  Naturally felt it.

  That general's terrifying power.

  This ultimate power.

  Even his ultimate dark recovery is difficult to resist.


  Unless he can awaken the second form of his bloodline by [-]% in the ultimate dark recovery! The power of the general.

  Shaking between the heaven and the earth! Stop the flow of time! Jiang Gu felt an unprecedented suppression! This suppression.

  Not seen in years! "I can't die."

  "If I don't die, Nuwa won't die."

  The voice of the general.

  Echoes in the world.

  This is his word, his oath! He will not die.

  Nuwa won't die! Nuwa won't die in this world, she will perish! He promised the horse ding dang! But now he has done his best! He gave the world the last chance.


  this opportunity.

  It was in Jiang Gu's hands.

  Jiang Gu stood above the void.

  The eyes of all things in the world turned to him.

  All beings in the Three Realms and Six Paths know that the hopes of the world are all condensed in Na Jiang Gu.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu quietly with her beautiful eyes, bit her lip lightly, but at this moment, her heart clenched inexplicably.

  She is afraid.

  For the first time, she was afraid for Jiang Gu.

  She knows that Jiang Gu is the zombie king, maybe she can't solve it, Jiang Gu will help her.

  but now.

  She couldn't help.

  Jiang Gu shoulders all the hopes in the world.

  But the enemy ahead.

  too scary.

  "The third form of zombies is a general, worthy of being the most powerful Pangu people of our Pangu people."

  tomorrow body

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The body was shaking.

  "From ancient times to the present, very few Pangu people have awakened to the second form, and the third form no longer exists."


  "That ray of life."

  "Does it cease to exist?"

  under this absolute strength.

  She doesn't know how and how the lifeline exists.

  She didn't want to know either.

  But at this moment, heartfelt despair loomed over him.

  Feeling powerless tomorrow.

  Everything recorded in the Bible code seems to no longer exist! Under this absolute strength! There will be no chance of life at all! Tomorrow will be clear.

  Ma Xiaoling et al. are more clear.

  Is it everything before.

  Is it all in vain?

  They all stared at Jiang Gu.

  Those eyes.

  It is hope and expectation.

  He is the last hope in the world.

  The only existence that can resist the generals.

  Jiang Gu stood in the void.

  Looking at the third form of awakening, the general with white hair, he suddenly laughed.

  He smiled softly.

  "bring it on."

  For the first time he spoke in battle.

  At the moment when the words fell.

  He condensed the breath on his body to the extreme! Under this condensation.

  Countless forces intertwined

  The general heard Jiang Gu's words.

  The cold eyes suddenly looked forward.

  Endless mighty power.

  Condensed on the fist.

  He stood quietly in the void, his fist clenched tightly, countless cracks grew, the void twisted, and countless darkness intertwined on this fist! And Jiang Gu in the distance.

  The body was filled with a group of five-colored light.

  His pupils, the five-color light is reflected in the blood.

  The power between heaven and earth condensed in his fist.

  The two were separated by [-] meters.

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