At least.

  They can prove that they are not waiting for the world to perish in that despair! They have all worked hard, and they have all searched for a glimmer of hope in that despair! "That is, we need this drop of blood to stain everyone with Pangu Guangyu"

  Uncle Qiu looked at that Pan Gu Guangyu and that drop of blood.

  "let me try."

  Tomorrow directly wanted to pour that drop of blood into Pangu Guangyu! But just when she wanted to grab that drop of blood! A group of terrifying power rushed in in an instant! In an instant! Tomorrow's body instantly retreated! middle.

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to feel a call.

  She slowly stretched her hand forward.

  Under the horrified eyes of the crowd.

  The drop of blood was gradually moving towards her hand.

  Under the eyes of the crowd.

  Ma Xiaoling can actually manipulate this drop of blood! I saw she manipulated this drop of blood.

  Go towards that Pangu Guangyu! Om! When that drop of blood is about to approach Pangu Guangyu.

  An incomparably terrifying aura slowly emerged at the end of the sky.

  One of them is a cloud of white mist.

  There was a tinge of breath.

  But it's just a breath of air.

  But let the whole world sense the power of the master of this breath! "General"

  "The general is about to wake up."


  Feeling the breath tomorrow, he said slowly.

  Although the breath of the general has dissipated.

  But it belongs to his bloodline power.

  But it didn't disappear at all.

  That seven or eight hundred

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Although the blood mark of Wan, 7,'s zombie disappeared, its blood power still exists! General.

  A recovery is coming! In this impending recovery.

  Everyone knows that it has come to a dead end now! I want to save the world.

  Almost impossible.

  And the silver lining recorded in the Bible code.

  It has become the last hope of mankind! Om! That drop of blood poured into Pangu Guangyu in an instant! In an instant.

  A wave of fluctuations surged in your Pangu Guangyu! Ma Xiaoling felt the call of time.

  "Eight hundred and sixty years ago."

  She muttered to herself.

  At the moment when her voice fell! Pangu Guangyu fluctuated wildly! At this time of surging.

  A mass of white cracks.

  It slowly appeared beside Pangu Guangyu.

  With the cracks appearing.

  A mass of attraction.

  appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

  Look at the crack in front of you.

  Ma Xiaoling looked forward quietly with her beautiful eyes.

  Nino gave it a try and wanted to walk to the crack! But just as his hand reached the crack, he reached back in an instant.

  "What's wrong"

  Kim Miku asked worriedly.

  "Here, you are not allowed to enter, there is a forbidden power in it. I just felt it. If I put my hand in it, it is very likely that my hand will be annihilated in an instant."

  Nino said solemnly.

  This crack is filled with forbidden breath! The power of time surges in this forbidden breath.

  The surging seems to destroy everything! Everyone listens.

  Looking at the crack again, a trace of fear appeared.

  "Is it open, we can't get in"

  Nino asked in confusion.

  The power of time inside.

  As if to shred everything! Under the forbidden power of this time, it seems that no one is welcome to the rift.


  Nino suddenly found something.

  "There is the power of that drop of blood in that forbidden power. If that drop of blood is involved with the Ma family, Aunt Dingdang and Aunt Xiaoling may be able to pass through this forbidden power!"

  He thought of this possibility.

  "I can not."

  Ding-Dang reached out his hand and shook his head.

  The forbidden power seemed to tear her hands apart.

  people's eyes.

  He looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  If Ding-Dang can't work, then only Ma Xiaoling is left.

  in the eyes of the crowd.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes looked at the crack.

  She felt the breath of blood that belonged to the Ma family in the crack.


  As if only she could go.

  Is it.

  This crack is only opened for her "The person who should be robbed, Ma Xiaoling, Nino, Situ Fenren, names that do not exist"

  Tomorrow seems to think of something, 0.

  Say it directly.

  The person who should be robbed mentioned in the third catastrophe.

  Among them is Ma Xiaoling.

  As for the two key points of the third robbery, the first key point is related to the Ma family, and the second key point seems to have a certain relationship with the Ma family.

  That is to say.

  This crack can travel through endless time and space.

  Only Ma Xiaoling can go! "I see."

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  She is at this moment.

  I thought of some possibilities.

  Eight hundred years ago, the existence of Jianggu and the seal of Pangu might have something to do with it.

  And eight hundred years ago, the blurred woman in the portrait looked at the crack in front of her.

  Then she picked up the vanity case.

  He stepped into the crack suddenly.

  —————————【The rest will be updated tomorrow. Don’t worry about going to rest first. Before noon, there will be five chapters updated] Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 267 Eight hundred years ago!The Yue family army outside Zhuxian Town!

  That endless crack.

  Seems to be able to devour everything.

  Nino and the others stood there.

  Watching Ma Xiaoling enter the crack.


  They heard the sound of countless flames intertwined.

  Looked up.

  above the crimson sky.

  The meteorite from the vast universe was intertwined with endless flames, and in that flame, the temperature of the whole world rose suddenly! Everyone sensed it.

  They looked towards the sky.

  that moment.

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