Countdown to the end of the world.

  Three minutes left.

  And the breath of that general.

  in a slow recovery.

  But only the breath of a general.

  The one who woke up from the endless darkness seemed to have fallen into an eternal sleep.

  this world.

  It's like there's no... any hope.

  three minutes.

  It's already close at hand.

  ————————— Ma Xiaoling went through the crack.

  She entered a vast darkness of nothingness.

  In the darkness of nothingness, there are countless pictures of flash 04.

  Countless years of history flow through.

  She walked here quietly.

  Feel the vast river of time.

  "Jiang Gu."

  She whispered Jiang Gu's name softly.

  The breath disappeared.

  The loss of the bloodline zombie's power made her understand.

  Jiang Gu may be gone forever.

  But she still couldn't give up.

  She doesn't believe it all.

  So she held back her tears so that they wouldn't fall.

  "The seal of Pangu eight hundred and sixty years ago."

  Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu thought differently.

  The seal of Pangu that Uncle Qiu thought might have a way of contacting Pangu, or there might be a way to deal with the generals or the meteorites outside the sky.

  Otherwise the bible cipher would not think.

  That lifeline.

  In the Song Dynasty eight hundred years ago.

  "One line of life."

  "It must be him."

  Ma Xiaoling thought of a possibility.

  But she had no way to guess, she could only move on.

  in the vast river of time.

  The surging of countless images.

  In those countless pictures, she found the existence of a person.

  She walks in this vast universe, and the pictures around her record every crucial moment in history.

  She is in these historical pictures.

  I saw a familiar figure.

  A white-robed general, a white-robed scholar, a businessman, a poet, he decided to keep appearing in the long river of history, all in a corner of the world.

  Ma Xiaoling suddenly remembered Jiang Gu's words.

  He walked in the long river of history, beheading the memory.

  In this annihilated memory, walking in these long years.

  He remained human, as gentle as ever.


  You shouldn't be struggling any more.

  Ma Xiaoling understood very well.

  She is not resisting Jiang Gu.

  She is resisting the identity of her own horse family.

  But wait until the real departure.

  She just found out.

  All identities and possessions, when lost, seem so insignificant.

  "I will definitely find you"

  Ma Xiaoling clenched her fist tightly.

  He said softly and firmly.

  She is powerless.

  It was very weak at the time.


  There is a chance now.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  She kept walking forward.

  That familiar face emerges in the long river of history.


  She came to an end.

  The picture of history came to an abrupt end.

  The picture here.

  is a battlefield.

  On the battlefield, the two armies are fighting.

  She looked forward.

  Ahead is a crack.

  Ma Xiaoling paused for a while, then walked in.

  ———————— The tenth spring of Shaoxing in the Song Dynasty.

  Outside Zhuxian Town.

  The army of the Song Dynasty confronted the army of the Jin Dynasty.

  The two sides fought decisively outside that Zhuxian Town.

  Zhuxian Town was occupied by the army of the Jin Kingdom.


  It was the eve of the Yue Family Army's march into Zhuxian Town.

  Countless soldiers of the Yue family were sharpening their swords and waiting for the military order. Everyone knew that this might be the last battle.

  The Jinguo army has already gone to Zhuxian Town, they must occupy Zhuxianzhen when the Jinguo army comes to Zhuxianzhen! Then quickly arrange everything, and then fight against the Jinguo army! But now.

  Zhuxian Town was guarded by an army of [-] led by General Wanyan Bupo of the Jin Kingdom.

  Inside the military camp.

  "Meteor, didn't you say you want to go to the battlefield?"

  Outside the tent of the military camp, a handsome soldier was sharpening his knife.

  In the distance, a forty-year-old middle-aged man and a man came over with a strong body like a bear.

  "Father! Big Brother Arrow."

  The soldier called Meteor quickly got up and looked at the two of them.

  His eyes were a little nervous.

  After all, it was his first time on the battlefield.

  But this is his wish.

  He has always wanted to go to the front line to kill the enemy and serve the country with loyalty! Sprinkle all his blood! Arrow looked at the sword sharpened by the meteor, took the knife and said directly: "You must understand that the knife must not be too dull, it is difficult to cut into the bones if it is too dull. Pull out, but not too sharp, too sharp and easy to break."

  He said, handed the knife to Meteor, and said, "Do you want to go to the battlefield?"

  Meteor nodded eagerly, he had long wanted to fight, but he never had the chance.

  Arrow saw the impatient look of Meteor, and a gratified smile appeared on his face: "Very good, then you will go to the battlefield with the vanguard tomorrow."

  Hearing this, Meteor's eyes widened.


  "Can I really go to battle with the vanguard?"

  The vanguard of the Yue family army! A legendary figure! 3 On that battlefield, seven victories! Defeat Wanyan's indestructible army! Let Wanyan's indestructible only be stationed in Zhuxian Town and dare not move.

  "Take your knife."

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