"Horse Girl"

  Seeing Ma Xiaoling giggling in a daze, Jiang Fu couldn't help shouting.

  "Pioneer! Yasha Pioneer is here!"

  At this time, a soldier rushed to report.

  "Well, please come in."

  Jiang Fu said.

  The Yaksha pioneer Ma Xiaoling looked outside the tent.

  Not long after the soldier left.

  A figure in silver armor walked in from outside the tent.

  "Three two three,"

  Ma Xiaoling took a closer look and saw the silver-armored general wearing a helmet and a gauze under the helmet, walking in from outside the tent.

  The soldier in silver armor came in from outside the tent, and saw Ma Xiaoling inside the tent was also slightly stunned.

  Apparently she didn't think so.

  Jiang Fu actually brought this strange woman back.

  She also heard that a demon girl came to look for Jiang Fu, so she was a little worried.

  "Pioneer, there will be a battle tomorrow. Marshal Yue wants to invite Pioneer to discuss it."

  She came to report.

  "Okay, I'll go right now."

  Jiang Fu stood up from his seat and walked out of the tent.

  Ma Xiaoling stood in the barracks, her cheeks became a little weird since she saw the woman.

  because of this woman.

  It was the general Yinjia she saw in Zhuxian Town [-] years later! It was also the Yaksha pioneer! Even the Yejia after [-] years seemed to be named after Yaksha! It looks familiar .

  But Jiang Gu did not mention it.

  The night wind was blowing gently.

  Ma Xiaoling looked outside the barracks, she walked out of the barracks, and took a closer look at the era that belonged to [-] years ago.

  —————— The next day.

  The sunset is gradually setting.

  As night rises.

  In the woods outside the Yuejia military camp.

  Ma Xiaoling stood in the dark, looking at the barracks very unhappily.

  Last night, she arranged a formation in the woods, and then rested here.

  Jiang Fu discussed with her for a while last night.

  Women are not allowed in the army, so Jiang Fu meant to let her stay here temporarily.

  But how could Ma Xiaoling stay here?

  To know.

  According to legend.

  After Yue's army invaded Zhuxian Town.

  The entire Zhuxian Town suddenly disappeared.

  Then the demon qi began to condense! The condensed above Zhuxian Town refused to disperse for a long time, and the entire Zhuxian Town was empty! There was no trace of it at all! That is to say.

  Unless she enters the battlefield in Zhuxian Town with the Yue Family Army, it may be too late.

  She is standing under the tree.

  From a distance, I sensed a suffocating aura condensed in the Yue family's military camp.

  In front of the Yue Family Army's barracks.

  Fight this time.

  Jiang Fu and Yasha personally led the troops.

  Yue Fei wrote a letter to the emperor in the military camp.

  This resistance to the decree was not Yue Fei's original intention, but it was rooted in the fact that Yue Fei couldn't get rid of the relationship, Jiang Fu was Yue Fei's subordinate, and Yue Fei naturally wanted to excuse Jiang Fu.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Cold wind blows at night.

  The Yue family army, Jiang Fu, and Yaksha all know that this time is a battle of life and death! If they succeed, they will be able to expel the golden soldiers from the Central Plains! The Central Plains will be prosperous again! Honor the ancestors! And they will be able to resist yesterday's crime of disobeying the decree! So .

  Every brother of the Yue Family Army is very imposing: "We will attack that Zhuxian Town! Jiang Fu rode a horse and looked at the Yue Family Army behind him, his long sword shook! "Yue Family Army, let's go!"

  The voice fell, and a suffocating aura suddenly swept up! The entire Yue family army was shocked! The five thousand Yue family army army headed towards the Zhuxian Town in a mighty manner.

  in the dark.

  Ma Xiaoling followed secretly.

  According to legends, the five hundred Yue family's army broke through [-] to [-], but in fact, the Yue family's army here is really only [-]! The remaining [-] are ordinary soldiers! But they also fought countless battlefields with Yue Fei! ——— ————— Zhuxian Town.

  In the center of Zhuxian Town.

  A woman wearing a red veil was dancing gently.

  Her body was surrounded by a formation, surrounded by red flags and red cloth to seal the place. In the formation in the center, there were nine long lamps surrounding the center, and strange symbols were depicted inside.

  with her dance.

  An inexplicable force pervades the air. It seems to be looking for a breakthrough, and there is a breakthrough in the air! Om.

  This force seems to have found a breakthrough! In an instant, the center of the formation fluctuates! Then.

  The monstrous demonic energy suddenly swept up! It was just.

  This demonic energy comes and goes quickly.

  at the moment of emergence.

  Instantly annihilate the fluctuating power.


  It returned to its original appearance.

  But the dancing woman seemed to have found a backlash and coughed up blood directly.

  A man with long hair scattered behind him, wearing a general's armor, saw this scene and quickly stepped up to support the woman.

  "Brother, I failed again."

  woman, said softly.

  The man looked at the woman in distress.

  But he didn't speak, and another voice hurriedly sounded: "Time is running out! Try again!"

  "We must quickly untie the seal of Pangu! To protect our golden country's legacy for all ages! It will never die!"

  A middle-aged man wearing a walking crown came over and said hurriedly.

  "However, the Yue family's army has now attacked Zhuxian Town, Zhuxian Town, and has been unable to defend, and the reinforcements will not be able to arrive in a short time. We must first retreat and join the reinforcements."

  The man said in a low voice.

  He didn't want to defend Zhuxian Town at all! He also received an urgent report.

  The Yue family's army is attacking Zhuxian Town tonight! And.

  It's already close to 30 miles away! Originally there were 0 troops here, but Wanyan Bupo met Nayue [-].

  Pioneer of the 6 armies, seven defeats in seven battles! There are only a few thousand people who have left countless wounded, sick and disabled people who will really be able to fight.

  And these thousands of people are not popular.

  I want to deal with the Yue family army.

  I'm afraid it's already impossible! So he must find the things recorded in the Yaochi Ancient Scroll as soon as possible! "Wanyan is not broken, Wanyan has no tears, you must hear clearly, you must break the seal of Pangu! Find what we want! Otherwise , you cannot retreat until the last soldier is killed!"

  The man said directly to Wanyan Bupo.

  "As for how to defend Zhuxian Town, it's your business!"

  That long-haired man is naturally flawless! Hearing the words of the supervisor, his face sank.

  "Brother, there is a way."

  Wanyan Wuxi's expression sank, and she said to Wanyan Bupo.

  It's just that her eyes are full of unbearableness.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 272 Weird Formation!In robbery's reckoning!

  The Yue family army.

  Soldiers are coming under Zhuxian Town! This time.

  The Yue family's army is bound to capture Zhuxian Town! With Zhuxian Town as the core, they will attack the Golden Soldier! "Pioneer, Zhuxian Town seems a little weird, there is no one on the city wall. Could it be that the soldiers have retreated?"

  The spies in the front report the news.

  Jiang Fu took the Yue family army and gradually approached Zhuxian Town.

  As they approached, the entire Zhuxian Town was indeed empty.

  Jiang Fu was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and there was a cold glow in his eyes.

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