
  He ordered directly.

  The Yue family army took the siege equipment and directly rammed the gate of Zhuxian Town! The huge Zhuxian Town.

  There was no one at the moment.

  The atmosphere is a little weird.

  The sound of the siege and the impact of the city continued to sound! Echoing the entire night sky, the five thousand Yue family troops were ready to fight, rushing into the Zhuxian Town with weapons at any time.

  "Will you retreat?"

  The Yaksha Vanguard spoke.

  "This Zhuxian Town is the core area. If the soldiers retreat, the decline of the Jin soldiers can be seen, but it is not impossible to retreat. The reinforcements of the golden soldiers have arrived, but as long as we capture this Zhuxian Town and the soldiers of the Song Dynasty defend this Zhuxian Town, we can expel that. Golden Soldier!"

  Jiang Fu said in a deep voice.

  0 He remembered Ma Xiaoling's words.

  Strange things may happen today.

  But even so, he had to take that Zhuxian Town down! Bang! The last hit! The city gate collapsed suddenly! After the collapse, Jiang Fu led his army straight ahead! He just entered the entrance of Zhuxian Town. .

  Jiang Fu found out that it was not far from the city gate of Zhuxian Town.

  A soldier of the Jin Kingdom stood at the entrance of the city gate: not far away, there was a strange formation, they were wearing armor, with a very strange blood cloth on their cheeks, standing in an extremely strange posture. .

  These Jin Guo soldiers! It looks like there are three thousand! All the entrances to Zhuxian Town are blocked in an instant! If you want to capture Zhuxian Town, you must first break through these Jin Guo soldiers! But this Jin Guo soldiers Weird array.

  It makes people feel a chill infiltrating! "This"

  Jiang Fu's eyes shrunk slightly! The entire Yue family army is even more alert, looking ahead vigilantly! Jin Guo has always been known as the country of the demon formation! In many Jin Guo victories, not only because of the fierceness of the Jin soldiers, but also because The demon formation of the Golden State! This demon formation can stimulate the potential of the soldiers of the Golden Soldiers! Let these soldiers burst into a force several times stronger than usual! Now.

  The demon formation reappeared! "Arrange formation!"

  Jiang Fu shouted loudly! The soldiers of the Yue family walked quickly, constantly surging, and arranged an attack formation! Jiang Fu and Yasha walked forward on horseback.

  Not far from the demon formation.

  A figure riding a horse, Jiang Fu and Yaksha in the distance! It is Wanyan who is not broken! Om! He looked at Jiang Fu in front of him, and a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes! "Jiang Fu!"

  "We are meeting again!"

  Wanyan said in a deep voice.

  Jiang Fu led the Yue family army and defeated him seven times! You must know that he was a general in the Jin Kingdom who used his troops like a god, arranging troops and arranging formations with superior force! Moreover, the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom he led were almost not defeated! After arriving at Jiangfu, I failed seven times! "This time, you should accept your fate."

  The voice is a little heavy.


  He stroked his hand.

  With his hand down.

  Pfft! Three thousand soldiers picked up their knives at the same time, and they cut their necks! It was a neat and uniform movement.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Blood trickled out slowly from the neck.

  The soldiers fell to their knees directly on the ground.

  Their posture is very strange, the time when they just knelt down, it seems like a mummified corpse that has been dead for a long time.

  After these soldiers cut their throats and committed suicide, a distant flute sounded from there.

  slowly echoed in the night sky.

  The strange power comes along with the strange breath fluctuations.

  The entire Zhuxian Town, whether it was the common people or the Yue family army, instantly felt a chill that permeated the people from the sound of the flute! It seemed that something terrifying was slowly awakening from the sound of the flute! Wanyan Bupo looked at the sound of the flute. The soldier who committed suicide by slitting his throat clenched his teeth tightly.

  He couldn't blame the Yue family army in front of him.

  There are important things in the state of Jin in this Zhuxian Town, but it is completely unrealistic to want to guard Zhuxian Town! The only reality.

  with the life of the soldier.

  Use the demon formation! Keep the Yue family army out of Zhuxian Town! Wait for reinforcements to arrive! As a general, he has to watch his own soldiers commit suicide. This pain filled Wanyan Bupo's heart with hatred and anger ! But he, as General Jin Guo, has no choice! "Everyone be careful!"

  Arrow said in a low voice.

  He and Meteor followed behind Jiang Fu.

  Seeing such a strange thing, he didn't need Jiang Fu to remind him, he said it out loud! There was a strange breath in the air.

  The distant sound of the flute gradually rose.

  With the high-pitched sound of the flute, a blood mist slowly emerged on the soldier's corpse, and the blood mist emerged, and a strange force emerged from the soldiers' bodies, and the strange force in the air slowly Mixed together! Under Yue Jiajun's vigilant eyes.

  A trail of blood-colored bats emerged from the soldier's corpse! A terrifying aura emerged from the bat! "This is"

  night sky.

  Jiang Fu frowned.

  A strong smell of unease.

  Echoes the entire battlefield! ———————— I don’t know how far away 323 is.

  on a mountain.

  The mountains are foggy here.

  A man in a white cloth robe stood on the top of the mountain, surrounded by white fog, and his eyes were fixed on a certain place! "It is doomed, it is doomed!"

  "Could it be that the Yue family's army is dead?"

  He counted the arrogance of Yue Jiajun.

  But the result obtained.

  All are bad.

  Think of this.

  His eyes were extremely heavy.

  He continued to count, trying to find a silver lining.


  He frowned.


  "There is a silver lining"

  He continued to count, and his brows became more and more solemn.

  "This ray of hope actually comes from eight hundred years later, and eight hundred years ago it will affect the eight hundred years of future generations."

  He couldn't believe his calculations.

  But his reckoning.

  But never went wrong.

  That is to say, this time the Yue family's army is not exhausted, there is still a silver lining.

  And this line of life.

  It has also affected the lifeline of future generations. What the hell is going on?——————Zhu Xianzhen.

  With a distant low voice.

  The blood-colored bat opened its blood-colored eyes! Under the sound of the flute, the bats in the sky flocked directly to the Yue family army! Feilu reminds you: the three things to read, collection, push

Chapter 273 One Hundred Thousand Scarlet Bats!Desperate Zhuxian Town!

  Scarlet bats all over the sky.

  It appeared from the corpse in an instant! Then the corpse disappeared immediately! The moment these blood-colored bats flocked to the Yue family army! The battlefield in Zhuxian Town suddenly surged into the sky! When the qi surged, on the ground of Zhuxian Town, countless bats poured out from the ground on the battlefield.

  The distant sound of the flute echoed in the night sky.

  Scarlet bats emerge from Yue's army.

  Weird breath.

  Permeated the battlefield.

  Although the Yue family army has experienced hundreds of battles! It has even fought against many monster formations, but it is such a strange scene, but there is absolutely no way to deal with it! Those blood-colored bats came with strange fluctuations, and immediately passed through the body of the Yue family army! The Yue Family Army, whose bat passed through his body, only felt an inexplicable headache, as if his body had been stabbed with a sword! Although he did not fall down, his movements were slow! Om! Clang! In the darkness.

  Jiang Fu drew his sword and pulled out its sheath! Looking at the endless blood-colored bats in front of him, he drew his sword and rushed towards the blood-colored bat! The long sword drew a cold light in the darkness! In the distance.

  Ma Xiaoling's figure slowly emerged, she just arrived.

  Just arrived at the moment.

  She saw this scene.

  The white-robed general drew his sword out of the scabbard, and the long sword drew a cold light in the dark night! At this moment, Ma Xiaoling felt an inexplicable familiarity with her figure! Her figure in the dark paused slowly:.

  She wanted to do it right away.

  But the white-robed general drew his sword and unsheathed her, leaving her figure standing still.

  She didn't know why.

  I just felt a strange sense of familiarity.

  The white-robed general drew his sword out of the scabbard with a mighty imposing manner. He patted the horse's back lightly with a palm, and his body instantly moved towards the mid-air roll! The long sword in his hand cut through the sky and stabbed directly at the bloody bat! Cut through the darkness, pierced through the body of the blood-colored bat! The fierce sword qi pierced through the sky! The evil spirit rose into the sky! At this moment, he seemed to let Ma Xiaoling see the figure that had appeared in the two thousand years of pictures.

  The sword energy pierced the body of the blood-colored bat! The bat whimpered, and then slowly dissipated in an instant.

  "What a fierce evil spirit and sword spirit."

  Ma Xiaoling saw it.

  These blood-colored bats are simply not something that ordinary weapons can deal with, unless they are powerful.

  These blood-colored bats are not real, but an illusory body, swords and guns: all have no effect on these blood-colored bats! "Too many.

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