Ma Xiaoling stood in front.

  She no longer has any magic power.

  Even driving the magic wand is difficult! "Miss Ma."

  0 Jiang Fu's low voice sounded.

  "You stand behind me."

  His magnetic voice sounded in this place full of roars and depression.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Fu.

  She nodded.

  She no longer has any mana, maybe, as long as she can recover some of it, she will still have a chance! The long sword in Jiang Fu's hand stabs straight ahead! Yasha, Meteor, Arrow, and Yue's army are all surrounded by Ma Xiaoling to defend! Ma Xiaoling is standing in the crowd the center of.

  Look at the dense swarms of zombies ahead! These swarms are already growing.

  Those people in Zhuxian Town have no news at all! Ma Xiaoling, who has no action, is calm for a moment at this moment.

  She felt something wrong.

  Even if the final result did not change, she and Yasha went to the eternal kingdom.

  Who is the black-clothed woman in the portrait, is it really like what Zai Jie said, it's herself but.

  She looked at her white short skirt and shirt.

  It is completely impossible that Ma Xiaoling seems to have thought of something.

  But she couldn't catch it.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Suddenly! Meteor behind her turned sideways while avoiding a zombie, and a zombie grabbed the gap! Straight to Ma Xiaoling! Meteor waved and stabbed his forehead! Just without the spell It is absolutely impossible for the weapon to kill the zombie in one hit! The zombie directly grabbed Ma Xiaoling! "Miss Ma!"

  Meteor shouted quickly! Ma Xiaoling came back to her senses.

  I saw the zombies rushing towards me! So close! So close.

  Even if there is a body pierced by the Yue family army behind him! But the zombie still pounces on Ma Xiaoling! The hideous face.

  Ma Xiaoling's pupils continued to expand! Ma Xiaoling turned to avoid her! But even so, her arm was still scratched and injured! Five sharp scratches appeared on the bright arm.

  The rich corpse qi devoured Ma Xiaoling! Her body was slightly

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  Slightly backwards! "Girl Ma!"

  Jiang Fu's expression changed slightly when he saw this scene! A strong corpse aura poured into Ma Xiaoling's body in an instant! If it was normal.

  She may be able to resist! But now she has no mana at all! At the moment when the corpse gas is about to consume her.

  Om! Suddenly! An inexplicable force fluctuated in an instant! Then! I saw a crack in the indestructible Pangu seal! The moment the crack appeared! A force poured directly into Ma Xiaoling's body! That force directly transformed into Wearing a black dress! In an instant, countless white mists filled the black clothes! As the white fog spreads! Ma Xiaoling can feel a familiar aura permeating her body! This is how she feels that this belongs to The breath of the Ma family! She looked at herself.

  I saw that I didn't know when black clothes appeared on my body! Black streamers flowed from the black above, filled with the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and the rich spiritual energy rushed towards her body overwhelmingly! The mighty spiritual energy,

  Let her mana directly return to its original appearance at this moment! In the white fog that fills the sky.

  Ma Xiaoling walked out slowly. She was wearing a black slim robe, and the breath of the Ma family flowed on her body! The rich spiritual power continued to emerge from Ma Xiaoling's body! This is the Ma family's dragon battle clothes! The dragon suit to this day! However, according to the records of the Ma family, the whereabouts of the dragon suit was unknown during the Song Dynasty and lost its trace.

  Could it be that Ma Xiaoling seems to understand something! This dragon suit! It is destined to return to the Ma family! The dragon suit lost in the Song Dynasty was taken away by her! Om! Feeling the majestic spiritual power of the dragon suit, Ma Xiaoling couldn't help but have a glimmer of hope in her heart! As long as there is still strength.

  Then she won't fall! Ma Xiaoling, who won't fall, still has a chance! Om! Suddenly.

  Just when she lifted the magic wand! Suddenly! The blood-colored fog all over the sky suddenly swept in! From that distance, from the center of Zhuxian Town! The terrifying and oppressive atmosphere filled the air in an instant! The endless blood-colored fog directly made Those zombies who were not very strong suddenly seemed to go crazy, and the power in their bodies skyrocketed! Jiang Fu stabbed four swords in a row! It rushed towards Jiang Fu! Bang! Ma Xiaoling made a strong shot! A flame emerged from the magic wand! It directly burned the zombie to ashes! The strength of Ma Xiaoling with the dragon suit has soared more than twice! It's just.

  The two were not happy yet.

  in the distance.

  A figure ran directly from a distance! "Save my brother"

  "Please save my brother."

  The figure fell to the ground, very embarrassed.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the figure lying on the ground in surprise.

  This is a woman.

  The woman actually wore it out of the zombie swarm "Roar!"

  Suddenly! A terrifying roar echoed in the world! In the blood-colored mist.

  A figure carrying a long spear slowly walked out of the blood-colored fog! Terrifying aura.

  Let Ma Xiaoling's eyes narrow slightly! This figure made her feel it.

  A kind of unease and danger! ————— [I called at 1:[-], but the author fell asleep and now hurriedly got up to make up for yesterday’s work] Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 283 The golden light of the second robbery emerges again!Prepare to condense blood! 【3】

  Beneath the bloody sky.

  The figure, wearing the armor of the Golden Kingdom, walked slowly from a distance.

  That is flawless.

  That is the past life of Situ Fenren! It's just.

  Today's Wanyan is not broken, and there is a faint blood in the pupils! Those eyes have no emotion, and they look at Ma Xiaoling and everyone in front of them coldly! The atmosphere of terror and depression.

  Instantly makes everyone unable to move!

  Jiang Fu's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw the figure.

  "My brother was melted into the body by the worm transformed by the virgin peach tree, and directly turned into the current appearance, you guys"

  Woman, I want to explain to Ma Xiaoling and others.

  It's just that her cheeks were very pale, and she was obviously very weak, and she fell to the ground before she could finish speaking.


  The unbroken body suddenly swept over! Ma Xiaoling felt a sense of depression.

  The magic wand in her hand shook! Her body moved forward in an instant! The terrifying spiritual power oscillated on the magic wand! Ma Xiaoling instantly collided with the Wanyan Bupo, and the mighty power turned into qi in the collision. Waves! There are layers of fluctuations around! "So scary"

  Ma Xiaoling felt that the Wanyan Bupo in front of her was not a zombie king, but her power had surpassed that of the second generation of zombies! It was very difficult to deal with! If she hadn't had a dragon suit.

  I'm afraid it will be difficult to support under the unbreakable offensive! Jiang Fu, Yasha, Meteor, Arrow, the four of them lead the Yue family army and continue to kill.

  That lifeline.

  Right in front! Bang! Bang! Bang! The mighty corpse aura swept in! Ma Xiaoling took the magic wand and attacked Wanyan Bupo! Now she can only bless that magic power on the magic wand! The rest of the spell.

  They all call dragon gods.

  It takes twenty-four hours to summon the Dragon God once! Although I found the Dragon Ball and Dragon Suit! But the fastest time also takes one hour! So she can only cast simple spells now, but If you want to deal with the Wanyan Bubreak in front of you, there is no way for ordinary spells to do anything! Dark color! As Wanyan Bupo's corpse aura permeated, Ma Xiaoling could clearly feel that Wanyan Bupo's power was getting more and more terrifying! Oh! He was holding a spear! He was standing in the distance.

  The cold eyes looked at Ma Xiaoling through the bloody sky.

  The blood mist filled the air, causing the sky to be stained with a layer of blood.

  Ma Xiaolong looked solemn.

  She felt the unbroken aura that was constantly condensing! A trace of twisted power spread directly from the tip of the spear! Terrifying and mighty power.

  Slowly condensed on the spear! Om! Wanyan's body moved forward instantly! The spear in his hand! A stab in the distance! Om! His body broke through the space! It appeared directly in front of Ma Xiaoling! Ma Xiaoling I sensed that Wanyan Bupo! The magic wand in his hand also stabbed towards the long spear that gathered strength in Wanyan's hand! It's just.

  Ma Xiaoling knows that relying on her own strength, she is likely to be killed by this shot! But she has no way out! The power of the Ma family is condensed on the magic wand! Come! In an instant, it collided with the immortal spear! At the moment of the collision! The terrifying power of the spear directly dissipated the power of the Ma family of the magic wand! Ma Xiaoling's expression turned pale in an instant! She held the magic wand's palm and trembled slightly! An extreme power that made her almost unable to hold the magic wand! It was just there

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  The unbroken long spear is about to stab forward! A golden light emerges from the dragon's battle suit! Instantly pours into the magic wand! Bang! This golden light is full of terrifying power! The moment of the magic wand! The endless golden light filled the whole body of the magic wand! The surrounding zombies turned into ashes under the reflection of the golden light! Ma Xiaoling looked at the golden light with her beautiful eyes.

  this moment.

  She felt a very familiar breath! She had encountered this golden light before! It was the second calamity! Just when the second zombie king was going to destroy everything! This golden chain penetrated everything! Now .

  This golden light appeared again! Bang! The magic wand exploded with extremely terrifying energy! It collided with the indestructible spear! The place where the two collided! The whole space was distorted! Go! It swept across a hundred miles! Under the wind, those zombies retreated directly! Jiang Fu and others were knocked to the ground! Bang! "Ugh"

  A trace of blood gushed from the corner of Ma Xiaoling's mouth! Her body was under that power! She was directly knocked back by dozens of meters! Wanyan Bupo stood in the zombie horde.

  There seemed to be a tinge of pain in his bloody cold pupils.

  He held his head and howled in pain! And Ma Xiaoling returned to Jiang Fu's side.

  She felt that the spiritual power on Long Zhanyi had been exhausted! The golden light just emerged from Long Zhanyi! She didn't have time to think about it.

  A sense of weakness made Ma Xiaoling feel a little dim in front of her.


  In the darkness, when she was about to fall, she saw the dense zombie sea that had been shaken away, the crazy zombies that surrounded everyone, and after the golden light receded, they rushed forward again frantically! The Yue family's army plus Jiang Fu, Yasha, Meteor, and Arrow 4, there are only a few hundred people! Zombies around! It is dense and dense like the Black Sea! At this moment, it is like the tide of the Black Sea sweeping everything! To swallow everyone! Suppress the breath .

  It's breathless.

  Ma Xiaoling's body that was about to fall, at this moment, her originally blank eyes suddenly burst out with a determined look again.

  She gritted her teeth and gently supported herself with the magic wand.


  She heard Jiang Hao's calm voice.

  It was calm.

  It's a decision.

  A mighty zombie swarm.

  Depressed breath.

  Bloody sky.

  An endless wave of zombies.


  There is no way out.



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