
  Countless Yue family soldiers roared! They rushed forward with their spears! Yasha's silver spear shook! Along with Jiang Fu, they killed those zombies together! Ma Xiaoling saw this scene.

  She had little mana left in her body, and the spiritual power of Long Zhanyi was also exhausted. She thought this was a lifeline.

  But he never expected Wanyan Bupo to suddenly come out! Now his mana has not recovered.

  Could it be that Gong really didn't have a chance to leave the road for mankind, and it was still the endless reincarnation that her expression was a little sad.


  She saw the drop of blood in the open vanity case.

  Seems to be condensed.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 284 The Eternal Kingdom Lands!A ray of life has emerged? 【4】


  Every soldier of the Yue family.

  A final roar erupted! Their spears.

  It stabbed the zombie in front of me! It was just that the spear of the zombie Yue Jiajun, which was blessed by the blood mist, couldn't even pierce through the zombies! Many people didn't react and were directly bitten by the zombie's arm.

  At the moment, there were still hundreds of Yue family troops left, one by one, and then they turned into zombies and stood up.

  The number of Yue's army is rapidly decreasing.

  An atmosphere of grief and anger permeated the world.

  The meteor and the arrow rushed towards the zombie group! The two of them were good at martial arts, but even so, in the terrifying sea of ​​zombies, the two of them were like ants, struggling to no avail.

  Following the fall of the soldiers of the Yue family.

  The long sword in Jiang Fu's hand was stained with more and more blood.

  This is the blood of zombies.

  The suffocation and sword energy penetrated! It can still cause heavy damage to the zombie! The blood essence is lost! But even so, he can't lead the crowd out of here.

  Think of this.

  A sad and solemn atmosphere permeated the crowd.

  After killing some zombies in the front.

  The mighty sea of ​​zombies.

  Swept in again! "Pioneer Meteor is going one step ahead."

  In the distance, Meteor shouted tragically.

  On his hand, the zombie has already caught it! Just at this moment.

  However, he resolutely raised his trembling hand and aimed it at his own throat.

  Then there was no more sound! "Meteor."

  Jiang Fu's eyes were surging with chills.

  The long sword in his hand is even more vicious! It is destined that there will be no time for sadness! Om! Yasha, Arrow, and two other soldiers of the Yue family, all gathered around Jiang Fu.

  Jiang Fu had experienced a great battle, and the white robe armor was stained with a lot of blood, including the cracks that appeared when the zombies attacked! His helmet.

  I don't know where it was thrown.

  The bundled hair was a little messy.

  Ma Xiaoling stood beside Jiang Fu.


  It is a mighty sea of ​​corpses.

  The breath of terror and despair.

  Permeated in this moment.

  The approaching zombie sea.

  Unstoppable like a huge black wave! It makes people feel depressed and breathless! Everyone's body.

  All trembled slightly.

  This is not fear, but the body has reached its limit! Fighting all the way.

  Three people 3 are only mortals after all.

  Human body.

  reach this step.

  It's almost the limit.

  Look at the sea of ​​zombies coming from the sky.


  They all clenched their weapons.

  in this oppressive world.

  Everyone is fighting for their last hope.

  Look for that silver lining.

  But where is the chance of life? Ma Xiaoling looked at the zombie swarms like a tide all around. It was so mighty! It was densely packed! She could even clearly see the madness on each zombie's face.

  Under the blood mist.

  Suppression lets everyone know this.

  It's the last battle.

  There was a hint of sadness in Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes.

  worked so hard.

  After all, I still can't find that silver lining? I couldn't find it eight hundred years ago.

  Eight hundred years later, it still can't be found.

  The records here [-] years ago have finally disappeared, and she will also go to the eternal kingdom that Zai said.

  Eight hundred years later, the Three Realms and Six Paths are on the verge of extinction, and they can only continue to search for hope through reincarnation.

  One line of life.

  Everything written in the Bible Code.

  It's like a fateful joke playing tricks on everyone! Do it all.

  Is it still in vain after all? Ma Xiaoling slowly closed her eyes.

  She has no power anymore.

  Don't know

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Tao why.

  at this moment.

  She thought of black rain.

  She still remembers.

  In that street.

  The words that the black rain said.

  When love comes, don't struggle or resist, otherwise it will be very hard.

  on that stage.

  Jiang Gu hugged himself.

  The flower of love.

  already blooming.

  It's just her own resistance that makes her work so hard.


  I didn't have time, eight hundred years later, I told Jiang Gu that I like you.


  In this desperate world, Ma Xiaoling suddenly looked at Jiang Fu.

  Jiang Fu seemed to sense something and turned his eyes.

  Looking at those cold eyes.

  Ma Xiaoling smiled: "please help me to tell that weirdo from eight hundred years later that I like him."

  As she spoke, because she opened her mouth to speak, she felt the blood in her body surge again! There was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.

  in this world.

  Ma Xiaoling seems to be explaining her last words.

  she knows.

  Jiang Gu will not die.

  Even Pangu.

  Can't destroy him either.


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