When the flame meteorite is about to break through the atmosphere and emerge above the sky.

  The sky is intertwined with flames.

  everyone's eyes.

  All staring at the sky, waiting for the final doomsday to come! Om! Suddenly.

  The pupils of countless people.

  The pupils illuminated by the flames saw an incredible scene.

  Under the flames in the sky! The endless white fog is coming! It fills the sky for thousands of miles! In that white fog.

  A low growl slowly emerged.

  The endless and violent breath is like tearing apart the world! It suddenly swept in! The terrifying and mighty breath! In an instant, it swept the mountains and rivers in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles! The power to suppress everything.

  Emerge in that white fog! At this moment, the world is silent! "Second"

  "Zombie King!"

  Beg Uncle's pupils to shrink! That aura in the white fog that made the world fearful reappeared in that day and earth! It shook millions of miles of mountains and rivers! Om! A crack.

  Emerges in mid-air under the white fog.

  The breath belonging to Pangu emerges! "Blood Comes"

  A low growl.

  Appeared in the white fog in the sky! The moment of appearance! I saw the crack that just appeared at this moment.

  A 300 drops of blood slowly poured out from the crack! The second zombie king in the white mist, tap your finger! That drop of blood.

  It appeared directly at his fingertips! Om! He pointed to the sky! That drop of blood.

  Penetrating the endless white fog, piercing the endless flames, breaking through the endless sky towards that, the vast universe! "It's that drop of blood."

  Nino and others saw this scene.

  That's the drop of blood that Ma Xiaoling took away! That drop of blood.

  It has a relationship with the second zombie king! At this moment, it is actually controlled by the second zombie king! Time.

  The last three seconds 3! Meteorite, only a tiny distance away from the blue planet.

  The breath of destruction.

  Permeate the whole world! This moment.

  The whole world is watching.

  Everyone, the creatures of the Three Realms and Six Paths, all looked at the figure in the white mist! He was standing under the burning flames and the sky! The endless white mist covered him, and everyone could only see his vague back. !Is it going to be destroyed? Everyone feels the breath of dying.


  Only the last second left.

  everyone's eyes.

  All saw through the endless white mist and the sky of flames.

  in the vast universe.

  That drop of blood.

  Appeared above the vast universe! At the moment of appearance! In the vast universe of nothingness and coldness.

  A pair of eyes.

  It opened slowly in the darkness.

  Bloody eyes.

  Staring at this blue planet in the vast universe! "The World"

  "It's the end."

  The last second came.

  The meteorite intertwined with flames slowly smashed towards the earth, broke through the atmosphere, and emerged above the sky! At this moment.

  Everyone's heart.

  Filled with countless emotions.

  Relief, pain, unwilling to see the world, destroyed in front of their eyes.

  Boom! Boom! Suddenly! In everyone's pupils, flames and meteorites slowly fell.

  Just in the same second! In that instant! Out of the vast universe.

  under everyone's eyes.

  A big hand, covering the sky and breaking the sun

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Heaven, reach out and grab the meteorite! The vast hand! With extremely terrifying power! The moment you grab the meteorite! Directly reach out and drag the meteorite toward the vast universe! Om! The meteorite slowly recedes The instant! Everyone saw it.

  above the sky.

  outside the vast universe.

  A figure stared at the earth in the vast universe of nothingness! That huge body covered the entire sky! It was like a giant.

  Staring at the blue planet out of the vast universe! Everyone is under that body.

  like fine dust.

  As small as an ant! The vast flame gradually faded away.

  In the vast white fog, the figure and the body stared at a long distance.


  It seems to stand still.

  On the Tongtian Pavilion.

  Nu Wa's body trembled slightly, she seemed to think of something, but she couldn't believe it.

  "The breath outside the vast universe"

  "It's him"

  She seemed to understand something.

  In the vast exiled universe, she once sensed a faint breath, floating in the emptiness of darkness, wandering outside the vast universe.

  It seems to exist, and it does not seem to exist.

  And when she felt the presence of this breath, she had also sensed it two thousand years ago, and in the intermittent years that followed.

  She has searched and found nothing.

  And when she came back on the five-color Galaxy Avenue.

  That wisp of breath seemed to reappear in the vast universe! She never thought about it.

  What does this breath have to do with the blue planet?

  Available at this moment.

  She understands.

  That was Jiang Jin's arrangement.

  She felt Jiang Jin's breath and Ma Linger's breath.

  The breaths of the two are intertwined in the sky.

  Formed the force of traction to wake up the body outside the vast universe! "So it is"

  "I see"

  She laughed suddenly.

  That smile had a few traces of relief, and a few traces of deep fear.

  She holds herself to be the mother of the earth.

  Everything about human beings, everything about the three realms and the six realms, is in her hands.

  But only now did she realize it.

  In those long years, there was a hand that vaguely controlled all this.

  when she returns.

  She was doomed to lose.

  It's just that she doesn't know it all, it's all a ray of hope.

  The meteorite receded.

  The flames in the sky gradually dissipated.

  The high temperature lingered in the air.


  The living beings of the three realms and the six realms.

  All after the catastrophe! Everyone was stunned in place.

  That lifeline.

  "It's him" emerges

  Nino said excitedly: "I understand! What was awakened by that drop of blood! It was the eyes that I sensed before outside the vast universe!"

  Nino was very excited! When the Nuwa came back on the five-color Galaxy Avenue, he sensed the breath that existed in the vast universe! But he didn't expect that breath to be the ray of life! Cracks in the white mist.

  A woman in a black gown, carrying a vanity case, walked out weakly and walked into the vast white mist.

  And at the same time.

  A low growl.

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