It resounds in the other corner of the sky! The general's breath is completely recovered! The three worlds and six realms who have just breathed a sigh of relief! At this moment, my heart is lifted again! Please download Fei Lu's novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 290 Jiang Gu's Second Form!Overwhelming terror!

  The general's breath emerged.

  The other corner under the crimson sky.

  The white mist dissipated.

  At the moment when the white mist dispersed, Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes.

  The blood-colored eyes stared straight ahead! The huge dragon wings behind him continued to expand! Covering the sky! His hair was silver, and his dark red eyes looked at the figure in the white mist with some shock.

  "You are finally back."

  He spoke softly.

  He felt it.

  Jiang Jin is back.

  That... [-] years ago, the man who wanted to destroy everything has awakened again.

  Just like Jiang Jin who appeared in the second robbery, at this moment, he felt the breath that really belonged to Jiang Jin! In the white mist.

  The figure stood above the void.

  behind him.

  That crack.

  The woman in black walked out slowly, holding the vanity case in her hand, and the arrow behind her holding her arm just walked out.

  She saw it.

  The big hand that covered the sky took the meteorite away! A silver lining.


  But she was very flustered in her heart.


  She didn't feel Jiang Gu's breath, even if there was a trace of life coming.

  But Jiang Gu gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly.


  twirling in that eye socket.

  She felt the terrifying aura, the power that could tear everything apart, and the aura that belonged to the second zombie king.

  in the white fog.

  The second zombie king stood with his back to her and stood above the void.


  Ma Xiaoling felt a hint of familiarity but at the same time felt unfamiliar.

  Om! Ma Xiaoling and Arrow's bodies dissipated.

  Emerging again, she came to the ground.

  On the ground, Uncle Qiu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ma Xiaoling, but when he saw the arrow not far from Ma Xiaoling, he was a little puzzled for a while.

  But even if there are more problems now.

  If there is no solution to this crisis.

  Then all questions are meaningless.

  "Please uncle"

  The mist swirled in Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes, she turned her head away, pursed her lips, and asked, "It's weird?"

  What worries her the most.

  It's still Jiang Gu.


  Uncle Qiu was silent for a while, "There is no breath of him."

  This sentence.

  Go straight to the deepest part of Ma Xiaoling's heart.

  Even though she had experienced countless despair and darkness, at this moment, she felt utter despair! Her heart.

  There seemed to be a sour emotion that made her want to cry, constantly corroding her heart.

  "The Second Zombie King Appears"

  "It's just that his position doesn't seem to be our enemy."

  Ask uncle to mutter to himself.

  Although everyone did not understand why the second zombie king appeared.

  But they all saw it.

  The second Zombie King's body outside the vast universe with blood on his fingertips will completely drag the meteorite that destroys the world away.


  They all looked up again.

  Looking up at the sky.

  This battle.

  It's about the end of the world.

  on the void.

  The figure in the white mist still turned his back to the general.

  The general did not look at him, but looked at Nuwa in Tongtian Pavilion.

  He felt Nuwa's breath gradually weakening.

  The physical body is separated from her primordial spirit, and at this moment, her primordial spirit is difficult to maintain without the physical body, especially as the physical body is once again exiled into the vast universe.

  her soul.

  getting weaker.

  Before, she had the energy of a five-colored messenger and the power of a general.

  But her soul.

  Can only hold on until January [-]nd.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  This is also.

  Why did she choose to let the body return on this day and destroy this world.

  With the physical body exiled again outside the vast universe.

  She couldn't hold on any longer...


  The minister pointed out.

  Void energy.

  Let the Nuwa gradually calm down.

  "Her body has been away from her primordial spirit for too long."

  "Either I destroy the world and bring back her body, or you kill me."

  The general said softly.

  There is still a dead end ahead.

  Inside the meteorite is Nuwa's body.

  No one can open the meteorite, once the meteorite is broken, Nuwa's body will be destroyed along with it.

  Only when the meteorite is close to Nuwa, Nuwa can return to her place.

  But Nuwa's primordial spirit cannot appear in the outer space, the vast universe.

  When she broke away from the body, she used the power of the five-color messenger to set up the five-color Galaxy Avenue to return.

  in front of you.

  Still a dead end.

  You die and I live.

  After defeating Jiang Gu, the generals summoned the meteorite again, and the world was destroyed again.

  After being killed by Jiang Gu, he was also freed.

  his eyes.

  Staring at the figure in the white mist.

  The figure did not turn around.

  Countless eyes were staring at the ethereal figure in the white mist.


  The general let out a low growl.

  The terrifying and mighty aura swept through the mountains and rivers of millions of miles! In an instant! The world seemed to be divided into two halves again! The terrifying and mighty dragon wings of Jiang Chen fanned the sky and the sun, and his blood-colored eyes were icy cold. Look at the figure in front of you.

  I felt the aura of the general burst out completely.

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