
  A hand grabbed him.

Chapter 293 The Pangu Clan Comes!Heavenly Book Reorganization! 【2】

  He opened his eyes in surprise.

  above that void.

  Jiang Gu stretched out his hand and held him.

  Those cold eyes still had no emotion, but they made the general feel the trace of humanity behind those extremely cold eyes.

  He laughed.

  He lost, but he also won.

  He is not afraid of losing.

  But he is afraid that the world will be destroyed if he loses.

  From the moment he felt Jiang Jin returning from two thousand years ago, what he feared in his heart was not that he lost, but that the Jiang Jin in front of him was Jiang Jin two thousand years ago, not Jiang Gu two thousand years later.

  He remembered the last time he saw those eyes.

  It was during the second kalpa.

  The ferocity that can destroy everything, without a trace of ruthlessness mixed with human nature, is like an emperor who regards the world as an ant. He has never cared about the life of an ant. Emotions, venting the darkness of the two thousand years ago.

  sorry for that

  It is said to this world, and it is also said to Jiang Gu.

  He knew that Jiang Gu could only deal with him in such a state.

  And he made Jiang Gu appear in such a state.

  But now that he sees Jiang Gu's humanity, he knows that the world has not lost.

  —————— below.

  When Uncle Qiu and the others saw this scene, their expressions were full of complexity.

  But after a moment.

  Uncle Qiu came back to his senses and said to everyone in a deep voice, "Everyone be careful."

  Ding-dong, Nino, and Mingyue are all alert.

  Anyone who has experienced this scene, or has seen everything recorded in the Bible code, knows that this may not be the end! The time of the second apocalypse.

  Rahu almost destroyed everything.

  At that time of despair.

  The second zombie king appeared.

  But the appearance of the second zombie king is the beginning of the second robbery.

  Now the third kalpa.

  Nuwa is going to die.

  The second zombie king appeared again and everyone was surprised.

  Everyone felt uncertain.

  This is the beginning of the third kalpa.

  Everyone was extremely vigilant, and at the same time their hearts were raised.

  During the second robbery, the generals could still stop the second zombie king, but now in the third robbery, the generals have been defeated as the annihilation of the world.

  Who else can stop this second Zombie King everyone is worried.

  Three Realms and Six Paths.

  They all looked at the figure of the sky standing in the void.



  A strange wave suddenly came from the vast universe! Behind the figure in the white fog, everyone saw the sky where countless cracks grew, and the nothingness in the cracks, and a silver light appeared at this moment! After that.

  A heavy, crushing force emerges from the sky! The fissures of the emptiness and darkness are filled with silver light! In that light.

  There appears to be a building.


  A beam of light broke through the atmosphere and slowly descended into this world.

  "We've come to take you home."

  The ethereal voice echoed in the heaven and earth.

  The general in the void felt an aura of closeness, he glanced at Jiang Gu in front of him, and then the figure slowly dissipated.

  And Nuwa, who was on the top floor of Tongtian Pavilion, gradually dissipated.

  The bright moon stands below.

  Seeing the light beam, his expression was extremely excited: "It's our Pangu people"

  Her body gradually disappeared.

  at the time of disappearance.

  She seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes turned to this vast land.

  A book slowly fell from her hand.

  "The years of heaven and earth are reborn from this"

  "The fate that belongs to you may have been different

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  "This world has begun to be different. Maybe soon, we will meet again."

  As she spoke, her body gradually disappeared.

  Just her eyes.

  Still looking at this vast land.

  There was unspeakable regret in those eyes.

  Everyone naturally saw the regret in her eyes.

  "Sister Mingyue said that she would also invite Uncle Jianggu to go to the Pangu clan."

  Nino was a little dejected.

  Everyone's mind recalls Jiang Gu.

  ————————Jiang Gu standing in the white mist.

  I saw that beam.

  A touch of coldness rushed from his eyes.

  The violent power slowly emerges! At this moment.

  The ethereal body of the beam of light seemed to sense the extreme danger, and it dissipated in an instant! Jiang Gu's eyes looked at the countless silver rays of light in the crack.

  After the light beam disappeared, the silver light slowly dissipated.

  ———————— On the top floor in the distance of Tsutenkaku.

  When the man in the white suit saw this scene, he slowly opened the "Book of the Emperor's Classics".

  "Did the Pangu finally appear?"

  In the "Book of Emperor's Classics" in his hand, the words in it are constantly changing, and the ending has begun to reorganize.

  The man in the white suit saw this scene, and the excitement in his eyes almost covered his pupils.

  "Finally changed"

  "Countless processes have changed two thousand years ago, but the ending has not changed. Two thousand years, the process has finally affected the ending of the third calamity!"

  "And the real situation may still be changed."

  "This Book of Destiny should be reorganizing soon."

  "At that time, it will be the best chance to change your destiny."

  "In June I finally made it."

  His other hand was tightly clenched into a fist.

  how many years.

  He never saw hope.

  But this time.

  The process begins to change the ending, the fate of the final ending has changed! That is.

  Fate can be changed.


  The words of "The Emperor's Classics of the World" slowly stopped.

  What is recorded here is what happened, so it is not difficult to reorganize.


  He seemed to have found something.

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