"Eight hundred years ago, there was something that couldn't be predicted by the scriptures,"


  He pointed a finger, and countless books suddenly appeared in the nothingness in front of him.

  He took out one of them.

  It records what happened after the third kalpa.

  The words above are changing wildly.

  He took out another good one and it was still the same! "The Book of Heaven began to reorganize, what did Zai Jie say to Ma Xiaoling [-] years ago?"

  "Why is it just a few words, and the book of the sky will frantically make calculations and speculate, even at the cost of confusion?"

  The man in the white suit is very puzzled.

  He took out the "Huangji Jingshilu" that just recorded the third calamity, and the last paragraph of this sentence just inferred the arrival of the Pangu Clan.

  "They wandered through the years in search of eternity, waiting for their eternal return in the vast universe."

  This is the last paragraph of the record in this "Huang Ji Jing Shi Lu".

  He turned back to eight hundred years ago.

  He saw it.

  Everything that was recorded [-] years ago has been completely changed, and in it, there is a blank record of Ma Xiaoling and Zai Jie.

  It was this blank that made the Book of Heaven begin to reorganize.

  "Since the Book of Heaven has been reorganized, and fate has begun to change, it's time for me to take action."

  As he spoke, his body slowly dissipated.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 294 The interval of eight hundred years is like a dream [3]

  The dispersal of the man in the white suit.

  The eyes of the Three Realms and Six Paths quietly looked up at the body on the sky, in the vast white mist, under the countless black void cracks! He stood there.

  There was no movement whatsoever.

  It's like eternal immobility.

  However, everyone in the Three Realms and Six Paths can feel that an extremely violent aura is being suppressed, as if something is being suppressed, and once it erupts, the entire world will be destroyed in an instant.

  Uncle begged to stare at the figure.

  They were afraid of the figure's move.

  The world fell into a brief silence.

  Under that extremely oppressive atmosphere, the common people of the three realms and six realms are full of unease and fear.

  The remaining human beings, zombies, demons, and bats were unable to move, and everyone was extremely uneasy, fearing that the depression would explode! Ma Xiaoling stood quietly in the crowd, looking at the body standing in the white mist, she Feeling a little dazed for a while.

  There seems to be a moment.

  She felt that the figure standing in the vast white mist was Jiang Gu.

  But she knew that was impossible.

  The breath of the two zombie kings is completely different.

  But at this moment.

  She is so willing to be photographed, that figure is Jiang Gu! Above the sky, white mist fills the air.

  White hair fluttered.

  Jiang Gu's icy eyes, a trace of humanity is restraining the violent aura, restraining the impulse to destroy everything.


  He seemed to sense something.

  His eyes stared into the distance.

  in the distance.

  The golden light filled the sky in an instant! Endless chains are surging crazily from all over the sky! The ultimate golden light echoes on the sky! Everyone feels that there seems to be a golden light in front of them. The red sky is reflected, and the golden light of the sky makes people feel extremely dazzling.

  Ma Xiaoling felt the golden light! But her eyes were staring at the figure above! Under the golden light that filled the sky.

  She felt the Ma Jialong battle clothes she was wearing, and at this moment it also filled with golden light, covering it together with the golden light! And under her eyes.

  She saw the golden light in the sky, and the golden light broke through the white fog.

  In that white fog.

  That figure.

  As the golden light slowly disappeared.

  the moment he disappeared.

  Ma Xiaoling felt a trace of Jiang Gu's breath in that golden light.

  But that breath came quickly and disappeared quickly! But even so.

  It still made Ma Xiaoling feel thousands of waves in her heart! Om.

  The golden light that filled the sky came and went quickly, and quickly dissipated.

  When the Three Realms and Six Paths regained their sight under the extreme golden light, they found that along with the golden light, there was also the figure standing in the void! As that figure and the golden light dissipated.

  Everyone could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

  "Third Calamity"


  Uncle Qiu slumped on the ground and let out a long sigh of relief.

  his back.

  It's been soaked in cold sweat.

  It's not just him, almost everyone around is like this! That suppressed aura is like a bomb that will explode at any time, and once it explodes, everyone will be shattered! "I didn't expect that there was a chance of life, but it was in the eighth Who would have thought a hundred years ago."

  Uncle Qiu smiled bitterly.

  "What's going on here, Sister Xiaoling?"

  Nino asked.

  Everyone knows it.

  Ma Xiaoling came back from that eight hundred years ago.

  The world that was going to be destroyed was dissipated by a drop of blood at the last second! This catastrophe! All life depends on this drop of blood! Ma Xiaoling stood quietly in place.

  "I just felt Jiang Gu

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  breath! He must not have left!"

  She didn't seem to hear Nino's words, but the misty eyes were a little excited.

  Hear Ma Xiaoling's words.

  The crowd fell silent.

  "Xiao Ling we."

  Uncle Qiu's eyes were complicated, "Jiang Gu is gone."

  He really didn't want to say that.

  But Jiang Gu's breath really dissipated.

  no longer exists.

  Everyone couldn't even sense his breath, everyone just thought that Ma Xiaoling had an illusion.

  "Can't go wrong, it must be!"

  Ma Xiaoling was flustered in her heart. She is now like a little girl, not as cold as in the past. "I felt his breath. When the golden light appeared, I really felt it."

  Her voice got lower and lower.

  She looked at the silent crowd in front of her, her eyes reddened.

  She turned around and closed her eyes.

  At this moment, her heart was very flustered.

  But she still believed.

  Even if everyone doesn't believe it, she must believe it! "He is our savior."

  Uncle Qiu stood up slowly and said solemnly: "Perhaps, we have all misunderstood the existence of the Zombie King. There are no monsters and monsters in this world, only good and evil."

  "Even the Nuwa who created us still had extreme ideas to annihilate us."

  His voice was low.

  Ma Xiaoling turned her back to the crowd.

  After a while.

  She took a few deep breaths and turned around slowly. She seemed to have recovered some emotions, not as disturbed as before.

  "Xiao Ling, are you alright?"

  Ma Jingdong asked.

  "I'm all right."

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head, she knew that at that moment, she seemed to be the only one who sensed it.

  "Eight hundred years ago, what happened, what was that chance of life, what was it?"

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