So what does the second zombie king know? Her mind is a little confused.

  But the only thing I know is that the second zombie king, I am afraid he will know something! "Who is this person who travels through time and space?"

  Kim Miku's expression was full of solemnity.

  A terrifying existence that can travel through time and space. "But what is certain is that the person who opened the tomb of Pangu is on our side. He left behind Pangu Guangyu and took away the wrong chance of life, and we found salvation. the way of the world."

  Uncle begged to know that no matter how much everyone struggles, they still can't find that person, but the only thing that is certain is.

  That... person is on their side.

  If he hadn't taken away Pangu's bow and arrow, even if everyone destroyed Nuwa's body, no one would be able to deal with whoever killed the mad generals and officials.

  Even Jiang Gu has no choice.

  Then, the people will still be destroyed.

  The only way to find a lifeline is to send Ma Xiaoling back to [-] years ago and find that lifeline.

  "This drop of blood was left by the ancestors of the Ma family. The ancestors of the Ma family were involved with the person who opened the tomb of Pangu, which may be due to the travel of time and space."

  "But this drop of blood, why can it wake up Jiang Gu eight hundred years ago?"

  Uncle asked a very important question.

  Why did this drop of blood coagulate?

  Jiang Gu will break the cycle of reincarnation and come back. "Also, after awakening Jiang Gu, Jiang Gu walked into the vast white fog, and that ray of life should have appeared at that time."

  "Ten Seconds 1"

  "When there are only ten seconds left in the whole world, the second zombie king wakes up."

  "That is to say, [-] years ago, Xiaoling, you awakened Jiang Gu, and the second zombie king awakened at the last moment after [-] years. It has something to do with Jiang Gu."

  I asked Uncle to clear up all the relationships in one breath.


  Very complicated.

  It's so complicated that people can't even imagine what happened.

  3 love.

  "So, apart from some questions, the most important question about this lifeline is that"

  "Who is the person who opened the tomb of Pangu?"

  "Why can this drop of blood wake up Jiang Gu?"

  "Jiang Gu, what does it have to do with the second zombie king?"

  Three 3 questions.

  But no one could answer.

  Just give them more imagination.

  I'm afraid it's hard to imagine.

  Jiang Gu and the second Zombie King are the same person! A real lifeline.

  It is to let Na Jianggu absorb the power of Pangu and the resentment of the Virgin Peach Tree that existed eight hundred years ago! These few questions deeply puzzled everyone.

  This line of life.

  Until now, it is difficult to understand what it is! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 297 The deepest part of the half mountain peak! 【6】

  "Maybe, Jiang Gu told the second zombie king the news, and then the second zombie king woke up."

  Kim Miku guessed.

  "If that's the case, then, the moment Xiaoling traveled back to eight hundred years ago, a chance of life appeared."

  Ding-Dang said directly.

  Because when Ma Xiaoling went to [-] years ago, she had already told Jiang Gu at that time.

  The end after eight hundred years.

  Now that Jiang Gu already knows, he will definitely mention it to the second zombie king. Maybe Jiang Gu does not need to take action, the second zombie king has already taken action.

  There is a fog that no one can see through.

  Think of this.

  Everyone had a headache.

  "Oops, my head hurts!"

  "Maybe, Jiang Gu is the second zombie king"

  Kim Miku said directly.

  But realizing something was wrong, he quickly closed his mouth.

  Jiang Gu is now alive and dead, and the breath dissipates.

  Everyone knows that the relationship between Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling is not simple.

  So she stopped talking halfway through.

  "I feel that this matter may not be over yet."

  The uncle said in a low voice.

  Ma Xiaoling looked a little dazed.

  She remembers.

  20 Zai Jie once told her that that person was wandering in reincarnation in search of a lifeline.

  And the chance of life he was looking for had a lot to do with it, and it involved the chance of life eight hundred years later.

  That is to say, there may still be big things happening in the future.

  She originally wanted to say:.

  But seeing everyone's exhausted appearance, she could only bury this matter in her heart.


  Ma Xiaoling said to Jin Weiwei.


  Kim Miku lowered his head like a child who did something wrong.

  "But anyway, we finally got through this disaster."

  Ding-Dong breathed a sigh of relief.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  The existence of the third kalpa.

  After the second robbery, everyone has been looking for a way to break the robbery.

  until the birth of Nino.

  When the Bible code appeared, they began to look for it.

  this way.

  It's really long and far.

  There are many questions here.

  But it doesn't seem to matter to everyone.

  The important thing is.

  This catastrophe.

  It's finally over.

  ————————In the deepest part of that half of the mountain.


  Countless dazzling, upright golden lights permeated this mountain peak.

  These golden lights are diffused by the spell.

  The sound of scripture reading reverberated in this mountain peak.

  in the deepest part of the mountain.

  in that coffin.

  Jiang Gu lay here quietly.

  His eyes were still open in the darkness.

  Those eyes.

  Cold and ruthless, insane! The violent aura is constantly surging in this coffin! Let the coffin shake wildly! Just.

  Outside the coffin, countless thick golden chains locked the coffin tightly! "Roar"

  In his eyes, that smear of humanity completely dissipated after he returned here! Now he only has the ultimate dark recovery! The sound of roars echoes here! The violent power seems to be able to destroy everything! The long white hair presses Behind him, five-colored stars slowly emerged in the deepest part of his eyes, full of terrifying power to destroy everything here! The ultimate suppression of dark recovery.

  Then you will get the ultimate rebound! Bang! Bang! Bang

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  ! It seems that the power that can destroy everything keeps hitting the coffin! Crack! There are cracks in the coffin.

  That golden light is even more powerful! The terrifying and mighty golden light must be completely sealed here! It's just.

  Still nothing works.

  Cracks in the coffin.

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