Gradually extending the power that can destroy everything, it is even more terrifying! Like the four rivers converging into the sea, it is more and more terrifying and vast! The terrifying and mighty power gushed out from the crack of the coffin.

  A violent aura reverberated in that mountain peak! The spells and chains in that mountain peak! The shock is very terrifying! Under this shock.

  The whole mountain seems to have a trace of cracks! The terrifying and violent aura accompanied this crack, slowly surging in the sky! Boom - the moment when the violent aura emerged! Everyone who just experienced the catastrophe.

  I felt it in an instant! Inside the bar.

  Uncle Qiu, Ma Xiaoling, and Ma Dingdang are all about to leave to rest.

  The violent aura that suddenly erupted at this moment made everyone's expressions change slightly!

  The cracks in the coffin are getting more and more terrifying! The ultimate dark recovery, this black copper coffin is enough to suppress.

  But the black copper coffin seems to be unable to support the dark recovery in the second form! Even the chains on both sides.

  At this moment, it is also shaking like crazy! The whole mountain peak.

  Started shaking like crazy! "Roar!"

  It seems that I feel that I want to break free! Jiang Gu's power is getting more and more violent! The terrifying and mighty power reverberates in this coffin! An extreme depression, the cracks in the coffin extend more and more terrifying! "Kill."



  A burst of roars came out from the coffin! Like a dragon trapped in the abyss, it will destroy everything! Wait for the moment when he breaks free.

  It's time for blood to flow.

  The sound of chanting seems to be a little weak under this roar!

  The crack of the coffin is even more terrifying! Clap clap clap! Bang! Under the impact of the last violent force! The coffin.

  In an instant, it was torn apart! Bang! The coffin was just torn apart! Jiang Gu's body appeared in an instant! It was just the moment of emergence! The sound of the chain crashing appeared! Then countless thick chains, emitting golden light, locked him tightly.

  At the moment of locking him.

  Jiang Gu's body suddenly fell 300! I saw an abyss beneath the torn coffin! An abyss with the exact same shape as the coffin! Jiang Gu's body just broke open the coffin, and was directly locked into the abyss by the golden chain. Countless golden chains instantly blocked the exit of the abyss, as well as the stone walls around the huge platform! Jiang Gu's body kept falling from the abyss.

  I don't know how long it took to fall.

  It seems [-] meters, it seems to be [-] meters, it seems to be endless.

  The golden chains disappeared.

  But Jiang Gu did not struggle.

  His cold and ruthless eyes seemed to sense something at the moment, and when he fell, he looked towards the deepest part of the abyss.

  seems to be there.

  There is something he is looking for.

  He didn't know how long he had been down.

  In the endless abyss, it is cold and dark.

  In the darkness, he kept falling.


  I don't know how long it took.

  He saw a ray of light in the darkness.


  He fell into the deepest depths of the abyss in an instant.

  The moment he fell.

  He looked into the deepest part of the abyss.

  in the deepest depths of that abyss.

  There is only one candle, and a black copper coffin.

  ———————————— [Good night everyone, today is updated! It will be maintained in the future! I beg everyone’s support] To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu’s novel

This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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Chapter 298 The end of the third robbery, the rebirth of heaven and earth!

  The faint candlelight reflected the black copper pavilion.

  Jiang Gu fell here.

  The cold and ruthless eyes looked at the copper pavilion, the madness in his eyes seemed to gradually dissipate, and in this darkness, he sat down quietly.

  The candle light gradually faded away.

  There is silence and darkness here.

  ————————Outside the half mountain peak.

  The mountain gradually stopped shaking.

  Many things from the Three Realms and Six Paths that have not left just now rushed here, and even Ma Xiaoling and others came here.

  Ma Xiaoling, Ma Dingdang, Uncle Qiu, Nino and others were not far away.

  "It's so desolate in here."

  Ding-Dang said in a deep voice.

  When you come to the distance, you can see that it is almost all wasteland, very lonely and dilapidated.

  Dark and endless forest.

  There is silence here.

  Like a dead place.

  No insects, no birds, no sound.

  It's like an abandoned place.

  "here is"

  Ma Xiaoling saw half of the mountain in front of her and seemed to think of something.

  "It's in the mountain where the first part of the Ma family lost."

  The uncle said in a low voice.


  It was the beginning of the lost record of the Ma family that Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu found before.

  It was also the beginning of a turning point in Ma Xiaoling's fate.

  Since here, the crisis she has encountered has increased almost a hundredfold! And it is also here.

  Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu released the sleeping second zombie king! Now.

  Just now, the violent aura of destruction broke out here! Could it be that Uncle Qiu and Ma Xiaoling looked a little uneasy.

  A compass appeared in Uncle Qiu's hand.

  When he and Ma Xiaoling woke up the sleeping second zombie king, the place almost turned into ruins, the mountain collapsed and turned into a dead place.

  But today's scene seems to indicate that there are things here that he and Ma Xiaoling have not found.

  But now there is no breath.

  Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu searched.

  However, after searching for a long time, no trace was found.

  Ma Xiaoling walked to half of the mountain peak, her hand gently touched the stone wall of the mountain peak, she seemed to be able to feel the shock when she saw it for the first time.

  In the world, there are things that she has never discovered before. Here is like the beginning of everything. When she opened it, everything seemed to change.

  The second Zombie King, Weird Jiang Gu, Yingguo Town, and Rahu people searched here and found nothing.

  "Let's go, it may be caused by the second zombie king just now"

  Uncle Qiu has deep fear in his eyes.

  "Is this second zombie king an enemy or a friend?"

  Ma Dingdang looked at the half mountain in front of him, a little low.

  Ma Xiaoling also looked at the half mountain peak in front of her.

  Her eyes flickered, "Let's go."

  Ma Dingdang was a little absent-minded when she saw Ma Xiaoling, and knew that Ma Xiaoling was still there: in grief, she gently patted Ma Xiaoling on the shoulder, then turned and left.

  As the people leave.

  Ma Xiaoling also turned around.

  Just the moment she turned around, she seemed to feel something, and her eyes looked down at half the mountain peak.

  After a while, she turned around and left.

  On that half of the mountain peak is like the bottom of hell, a single eye, staring at the black copper pavilion in front of it in the darkness.

  ———————— With the end of the third robbery.

  Economies around the world have collapsed, buildings have become ruins, and mankind has begun to rebuild after the catastrophe. At this moment, all mankind is united as never before.

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