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  Under the golden light, many cracks and disasters have been repaired, but the consequences of this catastrophe cannot be repaired by the golden light.

  Countless people have lost their loved ones, lost their lovers and friends, and countless graves have been erected after this catastrophe, and everyone is immersed in grief.

  The atmosphere of the whole world.

  All sad.

  But the world still works after the sadness, and everyone still has to live.

  Law enforcement officers in various places are carrying out post-disaster reconstruction, and everything in the world is slowly recovering.

  And this catastrophe.

  It has also been written into the history books.

  This is an unprecedented catastrophe.

  in this catastrophe.

  in the history books.

  A name was engraved on this history book forever.

  A hero without a name.

  A hero who stood up in that darkness.

  He is called.

  White fog.

  Nobody knows his name.

  But that scene will forever be engraved in the hearts of all human beings.

  No one can forget the despair.

  The figure walking out of the white fog calls for all things in the three realms and six realms. On the left and right sides are the monsters thousands of feet high. Behind him and under him are the colorful snakes. He is like the three realms and six realms. Lord.

  Standing in that void brings endless hope.

  The most impressive of many people.

  It's white fog.

  Therefore, he was called Bai Wu.

  ———————— Jiajia Building.

  Ma Xiaoling is sitting in the Linglingtang cleaning company.

  She slumped on the table listlessly.

  Jin Zhengzhong was cleaning the room. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but say: "Master, I think we should have started work. Many people called and offered a lot of money. Master, don't think about it."

  since the third kalpa.

  Ghosts breed in the whole world, even more serious than the second robbery! Under this ghost, the reputation of the Ma family has also spread.

  Therefore, countless people want to invite Ma Xiaoling to subdue the demons.

  It's a pity that Ma Xiaoling has always been a little listless.

  Or after she can no longer... feel Jiang Gu's breath.

  The hope in my heart gradually dissipated.

  A lot of things seem a little unimportant after that hope dissipates.

  The two obviously didn't get along for a long time, but they have experienced things that countless people can't experience in their entire lives.

  It was an unforgettable experience that was deeply memorable and unforgettable.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the computer beside her.

  The computer and the information she found about Jiang Gu.

  these data.

  The earliest existence is still Chen Tongfu.

  It seems that none of the previous records can be found.

  Looking at the portrait of Chen Tongfu.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes were a little blank.


  Ma Xiaoling said back to Jin Zhengzhong.

  Seeing this scene, Jin Zhengzhong felt helpless in his heart. He also knew that no one could force him to do what Master didn't want to do.

  "Master, Zhenzhen has gone on a trip to the West. Would you like to come with me?"

  "And my cousin aunt, who also took Nino to the west for a tour, even the aunt Dingdang has left, and Tianyou doesn't know where to go. Master, do you want to go missing as well?"

  Kim Jong-jung suggested.

  While sweeping the floor, he made various boring suggestions.

  "Oh, that's right, Master! What should you do with the ancient people you brought back?"

Chapter 299 Four years, disappearing for four years

  The arrow brought back by Ma Xiaoling.

  Because of the corpse poison on Arrow, the zombies in Zhuxian Town disappeared a lot after the battle.

  Ma Xiaoling brought the arrow back to see what the corpse poison contained in the Virgin Peach tree, and why it caused such a terrifying infection.

  Although the disaster was over, Ma Xiaoling vaguely felt that things were not that simple.

  The existence that created the eternal kingdom is still wandering in reincarnation, waiting for a chance of life.

  It seems that it is not so simple caused by the virgin peach tree.

  Hear Kim Jong-jung's words.

  Ma Xiaoling was still a little lost.

  "Master, these are all credit card bills. If you don't work again, you will be overdue."

  Kim Jong-jung took out his trump card.


  Ma Xiaoling said lightly.


  Jin Zhengzhong felt helpless for a while, and he didn't even use his trump card. "By the way, Master, there's a beautiful woman from the West. She seems to be called Mao You, and she's coming to you."

  "I heard that the vampire chaos in the west has not been resolved, and she wants to ask you for help."

  Kim Jong-jung remembered that a beautiful woman found him today, so he mentioned this incidentally.

  "Western Vampires"

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to think of something when she heard Jin Zhengzhong's words, "Where is she?"

  Western vampires are the descendants of Jiang Gu's impure blood. She suddenly thought that these vampires should die with Jiang Gu, and the power of blood in the body should dissipate.

  It's like the water at the source is disconnected.

  The power of these vampires should dissipate.

  Why did the power of blood in Zhongshan Miyuki and others not completely dissipated.

  But it's not a recovery either.

  They once felt the revival of the power of blood, but the moment it appeared, it dissipated again.

  But they can still feel the existence of Jiang Gu's blood in their bodies.

  Maybe waiting for some day.

  will wake up.

  "She said she would come again."

  Kim Jong-jung said hesitantly.


  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  She looked at the credit card bill in front of her and the email in the computer, and was silent for a while, then a smile appeared on her cheek.

  "Let's go."

  She stood up.

  "Master! Where are you going?"

  Kim Jong-jung was stunned.

  "make money."

  Ma Xiaoling was about to walk out of the room, but her footsteps suddenly stopped, Mei Mu looked at the end of the corridor: "Then find someone."

  Find a.

  people who may no longer exist.

  But she believed.

  A lifeline appeared.


  He will still come back.

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