four years.

  She had only the last trace of obsession left.


  Now this obsession has come true! "Roar!"

  Nakayama Miyuki's long hair flutters! Ice blue eyes look at Alice in front of her, and her figure disappears in an instant! At the moment of disappearance, Alice senses an extreme danger emerging! Alice in the black mist, with dark green eyes Eyes looked around! Just.

  Under the magnetic field of her resentment.

  She couldn't even feel the breath of Zhongshan Miyuki! Boom—suddenly! Behind her, a figure with long hair fluttering stood in the air, and the ice blue eyes were particularly bright under the crimson sky. Eye! She stretched out one hand and five fingers, and the violent power was sensational! Bang! Those five fingers turned palms into fists, and immediately blasted towards the ten-meter-high black mist! The violent power carried a very strong destructive aura! One punch Booming towards Alice! Om! The black mist is pouring out of the sky! Going towards the tyrannical power! This is Alice's hard counterattack! This black mist looks very strange and terrifying on the resentful magnetic field.

  Accompanied by the emergence of the black mist! The grievances around have also found a vent, and suddenly accompanied by the grievances, they attacked that Nakayama Miyuki! Below.

  Ma Xiaoling, Mao You, and Wanyan Bupo all watched this scene with some unease.

  To know.

  Even Wanyan Bupo and Ma Xiaoling suffered from these black mists, and the two almost died! Now this black mist has appeared again! It's just under the horrified eyes of everyone.

  That dark fog.

  It was directly smashed by the power of Zhongshan Miyuki! The violent power has an aura of destruction! Even this black fog can't stop it! Om! The black fog was smashed by Zhongshan Miyuki! But the power did not stop! Boom forward! The force that almost destroyed everything made the black mist more than ten meters high to dissipate like smoke at the moment when it was attacked by the violent force! The black mist dissipated.

  In the center.

  Alice was suspended in the air more than ten meters in the air, holding the doll in her hand, looking at Nakayama Miyuki with a little fear at the moment! She felt that even in this magnetic field of resentment.

  The Nakayama Miyuki floating in the air in front of her can easily kill her! This feeling is very strong! Her strength is not strong, if there is no such resentment magnetic field, Ma Xiaoling can easily conquer her, but with her The resentment leaked out, and those infected souls provided her resentment, causing this resentment magnetic field around her.

  And in this resentment magnetic field her strength.

  Dozens of times! The steady stream of grievances is her greatest strength.


  The power of Zhongshan Miyuki destroys everything! It even suppresses everything! The strong corpse aura makes those resentments have no effect on her at all! Under this corpse aura.

  Alice is no match for Nakayama Miyuki at all! "Is this the power of that person's bloodline?"

  Mao You's eyes were brimming with brilliance.

  She never thought.

  The bloodline power alone is so powerful.


  Wanyan Bupo looked at Zhongshan Miyue in front of him, he propped up on the ground and stood up, "In eight hundred years, I have only felt such a powerful force three times."

  the first time.

  It was eight hundred years ago, that... Jiang Fu who appeared in the white fog in the sky! The second time, it was Mr. Tian Yi.

  the third time.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The woman in front of her.

  He can learn from these people.

  A sense of mortal danger.

  You must know that as a pseudo-generation zombie, he has been almost invincible for many years, and almost no one can compete with him! But here it is today.

  He actually suffered two setbacks! "You"

  Alice looked at Nakayama Miyuki in front of her, her resentful eyes were full of unease and fear.

  The beautiful snow in Zhongshan in front of you.

  He looked a little cold.


  A strong corpse aura filled the air.

  She doesn't want to be merciful to Alice in front of her! Besides, she doesn't know how to be merciful. If it continues, the entire human beings in a radius of tens of thousands of miles will be turned into shadows! The rich and violent power makes her long hair flutter. As she stood up, her ice blue pupils looked at Alice in front of her, emitting a dazzling diamond-like light. There was already a mass of power in her palm.

  Bang! This force suddenly swept away towards Alice! If Alice under the magnetic field of resentment did not kill Alice.

  No one can go out! Alice looked at the violent energy in front of her, and endless grievances suddenly blocked her in front of her! But cluck! The protective magnetic field formed by these grievances was broken in an instant! The violent power blasted directly at Alice. ! Om! At this critical moment.


  A terrifying and mighty force suddenly broke the resentment magnetic field, and shattered the power of Nakayama Miyuki in an instant! The moment of smashing! Nakayama Miyuki's reaction was beyond the reach of the future.

  A thick blood-colored mist appeared in front of Alice's eyes.

  In the blood-colored mist, a black figure and clothes fluttered in the blood-colored mist, and a fragrance filled the air.

  "Zhongshan Meixue"

  "There are countless killings, although they are all evil people, but they destroy the ecology of heaven"

  An ethereal voice came out.

  Then, a pair of pupils slowly opened and looked at Zhongshan Miyuki.

  "Today I will punish you for suffering."

  "I should have entered that samsara and suffered from the samsara, but I thought that all the people you killed were evil, and the merits were negated, so I made you suffer from the fire of karma."

  As her voice fell.

  The sky is full of flames.

  Going towards that Nakayama Miyuki! The terrifying and mighty force blocked Nakayama Miyuki in all directions! Nakayama Miyuki roared and tried to break free! One side of the sky with resentment magnetic field suddenly swept towards that Nakayama Miyuki! This flame was burning.

  It caused the surrounding to become a layer of high temperature! Zhongshan Mixue looked at the karmic fire constantly approaching her, and her ice blue pupils showed a trace of anger, but she was powerless.

  The high temperature made her body feel the scorching heat! The scorching sensation became more and more intense! This karmic fire comes from hell and can burn the things of the three realms and six realms. Although it cannot kill zombies, it will make them suffer enormously! Miyuki Zhongshan struggled Struggling but to no avail! "Not good!"

  Ma Xiaoling wanted to make a move.

  Just hum! At the moment when the karmic fire is about to burn Zhongshan Miyuki.

  A terrifying force is like a vast sea of ​​stars breaking through the magnetic field of resentment! A touch of breath.

  at the moment of breaking.

  Suddenly swept in! White fog filled the sky.

  Rising up, filled the entire magnetic field of resentment! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 312 Because, she is mine!

  White fog.

  In that karmic fire welled up.

  The white fog penetrates into the karmic fire, and the karmic fire interweaves the white fog in the place where the karmic fire and the white fog interweave.

  A figure slowly walked out of the white fog and karmic fire.

  Nakayama Miyuki's body, which was originally immobile, suddenly had endless power.

  She turned around suddenly.

  The ice-blue pupils saw through the white fog, and saw a figure walking out of the white fog gently, step by step.

  The figure walked out slowly and walked in front of Zhongshan Miyue as if walking on the ground in the void.

  "It's you"

  The figure in the blood-colored fog saw the figure in the white fog, and the voice was a little complicated.


  "do you know it"

  The figure in the white mist said gently.

  The gentle voice sounded.

  In an instant.

  Countless people burst into tears.

  Ma Xiaoling, Hun Yaozun, Green Snake, White Snake and Zhongshan Meixue.

  Inside the staff, the arrow pointed at the figure in the white mist, and there were a few dazed eyes in his eyes.

  He felt that the voice seemed a little familiar: "Pioneer"

  "Maybe you don't know me, but I know you."

  20 shadows of the body in the blood mist, said softly.

  No one understood what she meant.

  "You want to protect her"

  The figure in the blood mist said again.

  Her words echoed the entire magnetic field of resentment.

  "is her"

  "is her!"

  Wanyan Bupo reluctantly stood up, looking at the figure in the blood mist, he only felt that his heart was constantly shaking.


  Mao You and Ma Xiaoling looked over.

  "Our Lady of Yaochi"

  Wanyan Bupo said the name that he feared.

  "Our Lady of Yaochi"

  Mao You was puzzled.

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