"A man who planted a drop of blood [-] years ago, but turned me into a monster."

  Wanyan Bupo clenched her fists tightly.

  But he.

  But he couldn't control the fear in his heart.

  That fear.

  From his heart, from his blood.

  His power, everything he has, is given by the Mother of Yaochi, just like the descendants of zombies meet the first generation, there is no resistance at all, life and death are all in one thought.

  "Our Lady of Yaochi"

  "A god in charge of rewarding the good and punishing the evil."

  The figure in the white mist said gently.

  His voice was very gentle, as if talking to an old friend.

  But his breath.

  But it made one feel an extreme danger.

  It's like a beast that will devour you at any time staring at you in the abyss, at a certain moment, it will burst out crazily, tearing you to pieces in an instant.


  "She, you can't punish her."

  The figure in the white mist said slowly, very gently.

  "Can I ask why?"

  In the blood mist, the Virgin of Yaochi asked.


  "She is mine."

  Gentle, gentle, but domineering words echoed the magnetic field of resentment.

  At the moment when his voice fell.

  Everyone felt a shock inside! A kind of fear was surging deep inside.

  His words were like a decree.

  Not a single bit of resistance.

  "Who is he"

  The old ghost looked at the figure in the white mist uneasily.

  "Could it be white fog?"

  His body trembled a little, but at the moment he was very excited.

  White fog.

  Four years ago, the hero who saved the whole world.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  But it's impossible, he didn't shake his head, thinking it was impossible.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes were moist, with the joy of reunion after a long absence, she pursed her lips and looked at the figure in the white mist.

  She knew as long as he showed up.


  All will be resolved.

  The third robbery is also, and it is now! "He is Jiang Gu."

  Ma Xiaoling said softly.


  Mao Youmei's eyes were shocked.

  Anger magnetic field.

  Some quiet.

  Alice stood in the blood mist, behind the Lady of Jade Pond.

  Nakayama Miyuki was standing in the white fog, behind the figure.

  Silent for a long time.

  The figure in the blood mist spoke again: "I'm leaving."

  "I'm taking her away."

  Of course she was referring to Alice.

  Just her words.

  But it made everyone stunned! The Virgin of Yaochi actually compromised without any objection, that is to say, she agreed with what the figure said.

  She is not qualified to punish Zhongshan Meixue! The figure in the white mist actually made the god who rewards the good and punishes the evil to compromise, especially Wanyan Bupo, who knows how terrifying this Lady of Yaochi is.

  All of his strength is derived from the Lady of Yaochi.

  But now, Our Lady of Yaochi has compromised with the figure in the white mist. Everyone feels incredible! "Go back and tell Mr. Tianyi"

  "Alice, I took it, he will understand."

  Our Lady of Yaochi said softly.


  The blood mist in the sky slowly dissipated.

  As the blood mist dissipated, Alice and the Lady of Jade Pool in the blood mist also disappeared.

  Karma fire.

  It also slowly dissipated under the white fog.

  The whole grudge field.

  Only the white mist under the crimson sky remains.

  "rest in peace."

  The figure in the white mist pointed out.


  A strange energy swept out! The moment it swept out! The entire resentment magnetic field suddenly collapsed! Like a mirror, it shattered directly! The battlefield slowly dissipated.

  The moment they watched the picture dissipate.

  They also saw under that finger.

  At this moment, a mass of resentment emerged from the wretched souls on the battlefield, and the black resentment that filled the sky moved towards the figure in the white mist.

  The ghosts whose grievances faded also gradually disappeared in the hotel.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes quietly looked at the sky above the battlefield, at the figure in the white mist.

  He stood in the void.

  Just as it was then.

  Indistinct like smoke.


  The scene in front of me shattered.

  In front of him, there is a dilapidated hotel.

  Everyone has not recovered yet, and looking at the surrounding environment, they are still a little uncomfortable.

  just time.

  very long.

  Yet very short.

  In that moment of life and death.

  They felt long.

  But when the breath that shocked the three realms and six realms emerged.

  Time seems to be only a moment.

  Especially after the figure in the white mist emerged.

  That finger.

  It seemed like a second.

  But it gave everyone the feeling that it was like a vicissitudes of life.


  Ma Xiaoling looked at the upper floor of the hotel with her beautiful eyes.

  She had no hesitation.

  He ran quickly towards the upper floor of the hotel.

  her at this moment.

  Don't want to care about anything.

Chapter 313 You finally... come back!

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