The top floor of the hotel.

  Without any pause, Ma Xiaoling went directly to the top floor from the first floor of the hotel.

  She pushed open the balcony door on the top floor.

  This is an open-air balcony, beautifully decorated, with a lot of tables, chairs, flowers and plants, but it has become a little dilapidated over time.

  on the edge of the balcony.

  Two figures stood gently on the edge of the balcony, looking at the brightly lit city.

  The sky is dark red.

  The aura that shocked the Three Realms and Six Paths gradually dissipated.

  In the end, it all came down to the figure standing at the front.

  Wearing a black long gown, she has a slender body and slightly long hair, with a gentle and elegant temperament. The night wind blows.

  He seemed to sense Ma Xiaoling's arrival.

  When the night wind blew his long hair, he slowly turned his head.

  With a delicate and handsome face, with a gentle smile, those deep eyes like a vast galaxy, under the crimson sky, under the night wind, slowly looked towards Ma Xiaoling.

  Gentle as always.

  That cheek always seemed to have a gentle smile on it.

  see him.

  Ma Xiaoling stood where she was, looking at him quietly with a pair of wet red eyes.

  Her eyes were like this, deadly, quietly, looking at the figure.

  four years ago.

  Eight hundred years ago.

  She also watched him walk into the white fog that filled the sky.

  That look was the last look.

  For four years, she no longer... could find any trace or breath.

  She pursed her lips slightly, and the wet tears seemed to slide down her red eyes.

  She turned her head away.

  He sobbed softly in the darkness.

  "haven't seen you for a long time."

  The figure laughed softly.

  "four years ago."

  "Don't talk!"

  Ma Xiaoling's voice was slightly hoarse and discontinuous, as if she couldn't even speak because of her emotional breakdown.

  She is at this moment.

  Quickly ran forward and ran to the edge of the balcony.

  Under the crimson sky.

  She used the fastest speed in her life to tightly hug the figure on the edge of the balcony.

  The figure felt a warm body hugging his back tightly.

  Nakayama Miyuki quietly stepped aside, did not speak, and looked into the distance.

  Under the bright city, the lights illuminate everything.

  The crisis dissipated and the crimson sky gradually turned into a normal night sky.

  The humans who survived the catastrophe stared blankly at the sky above, no one knew what happened.

  On the balcony of the hotel at the center of the disaster.

  under the night sky.

  A woman hugged the back of a man in a black gown tightly.

  Her head was buried in the man's back.

  "It really is"

  The old ghost, the big remnant member looked at the two people on the edge of the balcony with disbelief.

  It's just like.

  They met Ma Xiaoling on the first day.

  In their minds, what they see.

  It always looks icy and cold, making people feel an icy breath and dare not approach.

  But today they saw a lot of Ma Xiaoling not feeling emotional, just like a person who is always high above, suddenly has a human nature.

  this moment.

  Everyone doesn't seem to know Ma Xiaoling.

  "Don't talk about you, I almost don't know you"

  Kim Jong-jung was also stunned.

  Ma Xiaoling has never looked so gaffe before.

  Even his apprentice has never met.

  This is simply an image collapse.

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling holding the man, her beautiful eyes were stunned.

  "he is"

  Wanyan Bupo looked at the man, his eyes fixed on the back.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The fateful opponent [-] years ago "I'm back."

  On the edge of the balcony, the man turned back gently.

  He looked at the woman with her head down in front of him with eyes like the sea of ​​stars, and a heart that had been silent for a long time seemed to be beating again.

  He gently hugged Ma Xiaoling with his hands, and said with a soft smile, "I'm back."

  The repetition of two sentences.

  echoing in the night sky.


  He didn't get any response.

  I saw the woman in front of his chest.

  I don't know when I fell asleep.

  She was breathing very evenly and seemed to be sleeping very peacefully.

  There was only a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.

  neither knows.

  Ma Xiaoling dragged her seriously injured body and ran from the first floor to the top floor.

  He only felt that his heart was about to melt.

  See you.

  A mass of energy poured into Ma Xiaoling's body.

  "Long time no see, my face is not broken."

  The man saw that his face was unbroken.

  "Jiang Fu"

  Wanyan asked in astonishment.


  "I now"

  The man smiled softly.

  "It's called Jiang Gu."


  It is Jiang Gu.

  A zombie king who has been in deep sleep from four years ago to the present day.

  Jiang Gu's voice fell.

  his body.

  slowly dissipated.

  disappeared together.

  There are also Ma Xiaoling and Zhongshan Meixue.

  in front of you.

  There was only a dark night sky.

  A bright moon.

  Slowly gushing out from the cloud.

  The night wind blew by.

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