four years.

  His body slowly healed under that half of the mountain peak.

  For four years, he had no breath like a suspended animation.

  Until the resentment of the spirit weapon emerged.

  The endless grievances in the sky came towards the half mountain peak, and he finally woke up in the darkness.

  Sleeping for four years.

  after the third kalpa.

  He finally woke up again.

  It's just that he is still very weak now, and needs to absorb a lot of mysterious yin to heal his injuries.

  ———————————— Ma Xiaoling woke up from her sleep.

  "do not go"

  this dream.

  She did it very sweetly.

  It's just the end, but it's still a separation.

  She looked around.

  The memory in my mind seemed a little fuzzy.

  But no matter how vague the memory was, she still vaguely remembered that the figure was real! It had never been so real.

  She looked out the window beautifully.

  Sunny and windy.

  Looking at the fresh sunshine and air in front of me, it seems that everything last night was just a dream.

  Just this dream.

  But it made her feel so real and so safe.

  That feeling has been gone for four years.

  She seemed to have forgotten that feeling.


  In that dream-like place, she felt that long-lost feeling.

  It was a homely feeling, very warm and nostalgic.

  When the whole world is full of danger.

  But you can still find a place that belongs to you in this world, that place will not have a trace of danger, there will be no trace of cold and there will be endless warmth.

  "You really"

  "are you back"

  She muttered to herself.

  She vaguely remembered that she seemed to be seriously injured. After the serious injury, her consciousness began to gradually become confused. In that confusion, she ran to the distance with all her life, and then she slept in a warm embrace. on.

  wake up again.

  came back here.

  bang bang.

  Just when her memory was gradually awakening.

  There was a knock on the door.

  Ma Xiaoling got up and opened the door of her room. After walking down the stairs, she came to the hall.

  She opened the door to the hall.

  Outside the door stood a mature young man, Arrow, Mao You, and Wanyan Bubro.

  "Sister Xiaoling, you are indeed here!"

  When Kuang Fusheng saw Ma Xiaoling, he breathed a sigh of relief: "I don't know why last night, but the door couldn't be opened! I fell asleep under Brother Arrow last night!"

  He was a little embarrassed.

  "Xiao Ling, are you alright?"

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling, Ma Xiaoling was seriously injured yesterday.

  "I'm fine."

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head and invited everyone in.

  She doesn't even know what happened last night.

  However, Mao You and others remembered it clearly.

  the hearts of the people.

  There are too many questions.

  Whether it's an arrow or a perfect face, and Mao Youfeilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 315 The plague eight hundred years ago!The Pangu breath that appeared in the crack!


  It is very well decorated here.

  Everyone is sitting in the living room on the second floor of the living room bar. This is a duplex structure. Ma Xiaoling is sitting on the sofa, next to Mao You, Wanyan is not broken, Arrow, and Kuang Fusheng.

  "Xiao Ling, how are you?"

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling in disbelief.

  Yesterday, she saw with her own eyes that Ma Xiaoling was seriously injured.


  Ma Xiaoling was also a little surprised, but she quickly understood what was going on.

  "You come together today, shouldn't you come to see me, okay?"

  Ma Xiaoling was very worried when she saw several people.

  Everyone's expressions were very solemn, and what happened yesterday, but several people's hearts were full of doubts.

  Wanyan Bupo hesitated and asked, "Who was yesterday?"

  Ma Xiaoling smiled slightly: "You should know."

  After listening to the words, Wanyan finally confirmed the guess in her heart: "It's really him"


  Arrow also understands the meaning of perfection.

  Ma Xiaoling did not speak anymore.

  However, Wanyan Bupo and Arrow were a little shocked in their hearts, but they were not unacceptable, especially Wanyan Bupo, he vaguely remembered the white fog that filled the sky eight hundred years ago, and that figure walked into the white fog.

  Eight hundred years later.

  No more news of that figure.

  "I didn't think he was still alive."

  It's a bit complicated to have a complete face without breaking the eyes.

  There were some inexplicable joys and inexplicable shocks, but in the end they all turned into a heavy burden, and he seemed to have something to say.

  "Actually, I came here today for an important matter."

  Wan Yan Bu Po's expression was very solemn.

  Heard him mention it.

  Arrow, Mao You is also solemn.

  "What's up"

  Seeing everyone's expressions, Ma Xiaoling felt a little uneasy in her heart.

  "Do you remember my sister?"

  Wanyan Bupo looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  "No Tears"

  Ma Xiaoling guessed in her heart that the woman who fell [-] years ago... the Jin Kingdom girl, should be the unbroken younger sister.

  Wanyan Bupo nodded: "She saw the future ending from the heart lock."

  The ending of the future Ma Xiaoling had a foreboding feeling: "What ending?"


  Wanyan Bupo said again.

  Mao You, Arrow's face was heavy, and he didn't seem surprised.

  "Doomsday you mean, she saw the end of the world coming"

  Ma Xiaoling asked in confusion.

  Since the end of the third calamity, although the whole world has fallen into a huge chaos, with demons and monsters running rampant, nothing too catastrophic has happened.

  But today.

  The news that Jiang Gu has just returned and Wanyan is not broken, the end of mankind has come to the end again. What is the relationship between "yesterday"

  "A huge vision occurred in the heavens and the earth. Under this vision, the tearless heart lock reacted violently. In the heart lock reaction, the heart lock gave a prediction for the future."

  Wanyan said in a deep voice.

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