He seemed to be worried that Ma Xiaoling would not believe it, and said: "The power you don't want, Wu Lei was actually dead at the beginning, and only relied on Xinsuo to live to this day, and Xinsuo also predicted one before, including the first one you said. Three Tribulations."

  "And in the third robbery, I also sent that message to you because of my heart lock."

  He told an astonishing fact! He is Yuan Bupo.

  I begged uncle

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The news he received was naturally what he told Uncle Qiu.

  "You should be curious, what happened after you left Zhuxian Town?"

  Wanyan Bupo looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  The appearance of Ma Xiaoling changed everything, even his memory. He could clearly feel that his memory was changed.

  "What's going on here."

  "It has a huge relationship with what I said about the end."

  Wanyan Bupo said again without waiting for Ma Xiaoling to answer.

  Ma Xiaoling listened.

  The beautiful eyes flashed with a heavy look.

  After Uncle Qiu left, he told her that this calamity might not be over yet.

  But I never thought that this catastrophe would have something to do with [-] years ago.

  "what is the problem"

  Ma Xiaoling asked.

  Mao You and Arrow are also puzzled.

  On the way the two of them came, they also heard Yan Bupo mention something, but not in detail.

  When Wanyan Bupo mentioned this matter, a deep fear appeared in his eyes.

  "Eight hundred years ago, after you left Zhuxian Town"

  He recalled that day.

  After Ma Xiaoling left Zhuxian Town, he trembled on the ground, the kind of... suppressing from his bloodline made him unable to move.

  He can see.

  In that white fog, a figure sat cross-legged around Zhuxian Town, the surrounding resentment and the powerful energy slowly moved towards him, and was inhaled by the man.

  The resentment between heaven and earth slowly dissipated.

  The white fog gradually dissipated.

  He left.

  Unbroken and reluctantly supported.

  When he was about to leave here, the broken Virgin peach tree, the drop of effort, seemed to be pulling some strange power, and all the people in Zhuxian Town felt great pain in an instant! Whether it was the zombie he turned into a soldier, or the people of Zhuxian Town, all died painfully.

  Under that strange power, they all died.

  Only Wanyan Wu Lei was locked in that heart and became a living dead.

  "Spooky Power"

  Mao You and others were also shocked

  What power can annihilate all zombies and humans in an instant "is the plague."

  Wanyan Bupo's voice was full of pain, "I learned later that it belongs to the plague emanating from Our Lady of Yaochi. She probably appeared [-] years ago."

  A plague that killed all zombies! Everyone was horrified.

  How terrifying is the power of the Lady of Yaochi, "and the future ending that Xinsuo sees is the battle between the Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans, leading to the end of the world."

  Wanyan Bupo said the ending predicted by Heart Lock.

  A miracle happened last night.

  The person who had died came back Wanyan Wu Lei and predicted some disturbing things.

  Om all of a sudden! Heaven and earth shook once again! Two groups of forces emerged between the sky and the earth! Ma Xiaoling, Wanyan Bupo, Mao You, Arrow and others all stood up! The power of Pangu echoed in that group in the sky and the ground A place where power explodes.

  A crack appeared and a woman fell to the ground.

  The other place is also a crack! In the crack, endless red blood mist filled the air, and a figure staggered out of the crack and fell directly to the ground.

  ————————In the middle of the deserted half mountain peak.

  The closed eyes opened.

  He looked at the places where the two groups of energy erupted.

  "The Breath of Pangu III"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 316 The arrival of tomorrow!Strange woman in the alley!

  Between heaven and earth.

  The two cracks appeared.

  Pangu's breath gushed out.

  The breath of Pangu awakened him.


  Ma Xiaoling and the others looked at the sky in surprise.

  The breath that just appeared was like tearing everything apart, especially Ma Xiaoling sensed the breath of Pangu Guangyu! She had used it, so she could feel the flow of that breath.

  "what happened"

  Kuang Fusheng asked a little nervously.

  The shaking of the world just now made people startled.

  "It seems to be the breath of Pangu Guangyu"

  Ma Xiaoling frowned.

  Om! Just when everyone was in shock! The endless blood-colored mist swept over.

  A weak breath came directly towards here! "Someone is coming."

  The magic wand appeared in Ma Xiaoling's hand! A pair of beautiful eyes looked at "Three Zero Zero" in the distance

  A mass of breath surged in the air! Om! Suddenly! On the second floor of the bar, in front of everyone.

  A ray of blood-colored mist broke through the window and poured in here! Everyone has not yet reacted.

  A mass of blood-colored fog came! At the moment when the blood-colored fog came.

  A figure fell from the blood-colored mist.

  A familiar figure.

  It appeared in front of Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Fusheng.

  "It's Tomorrow's Sister"

  Kuang Fusheng saw the figure in front of him.

  It was Tomorrow who left four years ago! It's just why she was here "with weak breath, as if she was seriously injured."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the blood mist, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly: "What is this?"

  This blood fog is not tomorrow's! But it entangles tomorrow! "The Lady of Yaochi."

  Mao You thought of a person.

  Yesterday, in the magnetic field of resentment, when the Virgin of Yaochi appeared, it was the blood fog that filled the sky! "This is the plague."

  Wanyan Bupo looked at the blood mist, her bloody eyes filled with deep fear.

  "Go quickly"

  "you go away"

  When everyone was looking at the blood mist, Tomorrow fell to the ground, muttering to himself, his expression panicked.

  She looked very embarrassed, as if she had come from a war.

  Its breath is also very weak, and it seems that it will die at any time.

  Now she is in a coma with serious injuries.

  "Could it be that Our Lady of Yaochi is here again?"

  Arrow said in a low voice.

  As soon as this sentence comes out.

  The crowd looked around vigilantly.

  This blood fog appeared, could it be that the Lady of Yaochi also appeared?

  After being vigilant for a long time, the blood-colored fog around him gradually dissipated, and Yao did not appear.

  The shock just now doesn't seem to exist.

  Everyone looked at Tomorrow who fell to the ground.

  What exactly happened to tomorrow, who was seriously injured and in a coma————————Xiang Jiang.

  in an alley.

  A figure fell to the ground from the crack.

  She paused for a moment, then Fang slowly got up from the ground.

  "It hurts"

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