A figure walked in the void and slowly came towards Uncle Wang.

  Yuan Bupo looked at the figure in the white mist with a horrified expression, Chuchun looked at the body in the white mist, her eyes were slightly moist, the familiar breath made her body tremble, and she pressed her lips tightly to prevent tears from falling. .

  "Uncle Jianggu"

  Kuang Tianya's eyes were filled with joy and admiration.

  "It's Uncle Jiang Gu!"

  Her voice is full of joy! It's like meeting her idol! "It's you"

  Ma Xiaoling barely supported the ground and stood up.

  Looking at the figure in the white mist, her determined mood gradually relaxed, and the long-lost sense of security slowly enveloped her.

  She didn't know whether that day was her illusion or her vision.

  But the appearance of this figure today made her understand that it was not an illusion! It was just this scene.

  It seems familiar.

  Ma Xiaoling stood up and quietly looked at the figure in the white fog, walking on the ground in the void, walking forward step by step.


  He came to the front of the long sword.

  Clang! Om! His hand directly held the long sword! The moment he held the long sword! A terrifying shock suddenly swept up! He pulled out... the long sword and stood up straight.

  this moment.

  Ma Xiaoling's body trembled slightly.

  She looked at the figure in the white mist with her beautiful eyes, and for a while she couldn't tell who the figure in the white mist was.

  The figure in the mist.

  Like a young man who drew his sword two thousand years ago, standing under the sky.

  The only difference is .

  That two thousand years ago was a young knight.

  And two thousand years later.

  He is a person who is invisible, elusive, and in the mist.

  But this moment.

  The body holding the sword seemed to overlap with the boy who held the sword two thousand years ago.

  Ma Xiaoling felt the constant trembling in her heart.

  If really not.


  Ma Xiaoling shook her head.

  If it was really like that, how could he walk into the white fog [-] years ago, and the second zombie king would recover from the darkness.

  But this is not possible.

  Especially Jiang Gu once said.

  The second zombie king is his enemy.

  No matter how much Ma Xiaoling guessed, what she knew was that Jiang Gu would not lie to her.

  Om! Qiang! The sword energy vibrated.

  In the white fog that filled the sky, the figure was holding a long sword and stood quietly in front of Uncle Wang.

  Uncle Wang looked at the figure standing in front of him, his eyes were instantly red and wet, and his body trembled slightly.

  It can sense the breath of Jiang Gu four years ago, and is on the verge of death.

  But it also knows.

  He will not die.

  Looking at the figure standing in front of him holding a long sword, just like the young man two thousand years ago, in front of the endless monsters, he said indifferently: "Who dares to take a step forward."

  The momentum is shaking the heavens! Now.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  He didn't need to say that sentence, but stood there directly, the demons in the sky, but they were too afraid to move.


  There are no words.

  There were no repellings either.

  Rather, it was a calm speech.

  With that extremely indifferent words fell! A pair of blood-colored pupils emerged in the white fog.

  The terrifying and mighty momentum is like sweeping over the sea! The rich corpse aura.

  Let those demons tremble violently! Om! The body in the white mist dissipates in an instant! Endless chill.

  Covered the body of every demon! Om.

  Ma Xiaoling stood on the spot.


  Her body trembled.

  at that very moment.

  She felt an extreme chill suddenly pass in front of her! Before she could react, she saw that the surrounding demons dissipated one by one, and a trace of destructive power permeated her body.

  This is why Ma Xiaoling trembled.

  Om! I don't know how long it has been.

  Maybe just for a moment.

  The white fog in the sky slowly dissipated.

  A body, the long sword in his hand was gently inserted on the ground, and he stood there quietly.

  Countless tearing sounds.

  appeared in the ears of the people.

  Mao You, Ma Xiaoling, the former staff, Arrow, the remaining supernatural troops, Yuan Bupo, etc. all saw the endless, terrifying and mighty black mist. At this moment, as if being swallowed up, it slowly dissipated. The demons in the room dissipated silently, and only the terrifying coldness, like the coldness of a sword piercing the neck, reverberated between the heaven and the earth.


  Everyone saw it.

  The long sword stuck on the ground.

  Trembling slightly.

  The black fog that filled the sky was endless, and the demons that covered the sky and the earth all dissipated at this moment! Gu Diao, Hook Snake, Chaos, Penghou, Chi Mei, and countless terrifying demons, all slowly dissipating at this moment.


  "Escape 3"

  One after another weak voice.

  reverberates in the sky.


  Under the gaze of Ma Xiaoling and countless people.

  The darkness that surrounds Xiangjiang keeps receding.

  the whole Hong Kong.

  In a short period of time, it directly returned to its original appearance! At this moment.

  Ma Xiaoling and the others looked at the man standing beside the long sword again.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the man quietly with her beautiful eyes.

  "I said"

  "We'll meet soon."

  The gentle words, as always, echoed in Ma Xiaoling's ears.

  She walked forward step by step.


  It was Jiang Gu who she had been looking for for four years and believed that he was not dead.

  "haven't seen you for a long time!"

  Ma Xiaoling smiled.

  Her eyes were a little low, and there seemed to be water mist gushing out, she pursed her mouth, but there was a smile she couldn't hide on her cheeks.

  It looks weird and complicated.

  Yet inspiring.


  He looked at the sky, the corners of his mouth were as gentle as ever.


  He pointed it out.

  The endless pure spiritual power surged from the sky in an instant! It headed towards Uncle Wang's body! Uncle Wang stopped his trembling body from excitement and sat down.

  The spiritual power of the pure world poured in, and his whole body was filled with golden light that filled the sky.

  under this golden light.

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