Jiang Gu stepped forward.

  Going to Ma Xiaoling.

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Chapter 328 Jiang Gu: I'm back

  The golden light from the sky reflected on Jiang Gu's body, emitting a faint golden light.

  He walked towards Ma Xiaoling step by step.

  Ma Xiaoling bit her lip lightly.

  No matter who the person in front of her is, she only knows, no matter what relationship the person in front of her has with the second zombie king, but what she knows is that the person in front of her is the person in her heart.

  ——————“He appeared again”

  "What happened four years ago?"

  in a villa.

  The man in the white suit feels the breath that appears between heaven and earth.

  "Four years ago, in the calculation of the book of heaven, he was already dead, without any breath."

  "Why is there life again"

  "Eight hundred years ago, what happened in the seal of Pangu, why did the civilization's extinction plan fail?"

  He looked at the sky in confusion.

  Four years ago, during the Heavenly Book calculation, Na Jianggu had already died.

  But why four years later, he reappeared in the world's annihilation plan four years ago. It was one of his plans to lead out the King of Humans and the Virgin. Once the plan was successful, those Pangu people would come back to the world, and he could The Lady of Yaochi in the Pangu Holy Land was released, and took the opportunity to merge with Mother of Yaochi.

  millions of years ago.

  He had thought so.


  The figure that appeared millions of years ago prevented all this, but the plan that should have been successful was stopped! "It seems"

  "I still need you!"

  He smiled and looked at the moonlight again.

  His body gradually dissipated.

  And at the same time.

  In the stars in the vast universe.

  A woman with lonely hands for millions of years, waiting for a figure.

  "The shadow of the candle on the mica screen is deep, and the long river is gradually sinking and Xiaoxing is sinking.

  "Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, blue sea and blue sky, night and night heart."

  "The story of millions of years ago should not be over yet, Chang'e, do you want to seek revenge from the Lady of Yaochi?"

  The figure looked at the woman in front of him with a faint smile.

  In a word, the woman in front of her seemed to be stunned.


  The loneliness of millions of years ago.

  Only the blood of the Lady of Yaochi can vent.


  The man in the white suit smiled strangely, and a strange force poured into Chang'e's body in an instant! ———————— The rooftop of the bar.

  "Uncle Jiang Gu!"

  Before Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling said a few words, a happy voice sounded.

  Jiang Gu turned his head slightly.

  Then he saw a long-haired, innocent girl looking at him with joy, her clear eyes were full of joy and happiness, as well as a trace of sadness.

  State of the world.

  A strange expression appeared in Jiang Gu's deep eyes.

  Seeing Jiang Gu's eyes, Kuang Tianya couldn't help but feel a little nervous: Kuang Tianya."

  Ma Xiaoling glanced at Ya curiously.

  This Kuang Tianya has an active character and is not afraid of life. Today is the first time I have seen her so tight.


  Kuang Tianya seemed to have a lot to say to Jiang, but for a while he didn't know where to start.

  It's just that the eyes she looked at Jiang Gu were slightly moist, as if she hadn't seen Jiang Gu for a long time.

  "Hello, my name is Mao You!"

  Mao You came up and said hello.


  There are some doubts in Arrow's eyes, and the person in front of him seems to be a little different from the Pioneer, especially to him, the Pioneer is like a

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  A young chivalrous man with a long sword, his eyes always have a touch of flame.

  But the people in front of you.

  It is more like a mysterious existence wrapped in mist, making people feel untouchable and ethereal.


  The former staff and Mao Youren were both slightly taken aback.

  "Jiang Fu, it really is you!"

  Wanyan Bupo walked over slowly from a distance.

  Jiang Fu's pioneer Mao You and his predecessor Quan were stunned.

  "The Last Commander"

  "Meet the Pioneers!"

  Arrow saw that Wanyan Bupo recognized Jiang Gu's identity, and he also determined that the person in front of him was the pioneer! He directly knelt on the ground with a look of respect.

  Even if it is eight hundred years, he has come to the modern age.


  Jiang Fu is still his pioneer! And he.

  Still the vanguard's subordinate! The former staff and Mao You's face are stunned.

  Isn't this a name that only appeared in ancient times? "He is a person from [-] years ago. He should have died in the battle of Zhuxian Town, but I brought him back to modern times."

  Seeing this, Ma Xiaoling did not hide it.

  People don't work for law enforcement now, so there's nothing to hide.

  "then he"

  The former team members looked at Jiang Gu in astonishment.

  Jiang Gu looked at the arrow that was half-kneeling on the ground, walked forward gently, and helped him up.

  "It's not [-] years ago anymore"

  "My name is Jiang Gu now."

  he said to the arrow.


  Arrow looked complicated, but nodded immediately: "Yes."

  Om! Just when everyone is talking.


  A dazzling golden light broke through the night and filled the sky in an instant! "Roar!"

  A dragon chirped.

  From the top of the sky, it suddenly slammed into the world! Everyone looked behind Jiang Gu.

  only see.

  Uncle Wang.

  At this moment, he has stood up and stood under the void.

  Endless golden light filled his body, he stood in the golden light with a solemn expression, the golden light diffused out, and gradually entwined into an illusory golden dragon, surrounding the uncle Wang's body! Om! Endless golden light on the sky.

  In an instant, it spreads down! In an instant.

  It was implicated in the golden light on Uncle Wang! The illusory golden dragon poured directly into Uncle Wang's body! Boom—I saw a golden dragon hovering over a thousand feet in the dark night at the top of the sky! The light reflects the whole sky! Om! Uncle Wang opened his eyes.

  A ray of golden light spread out, and a terrifying and mighty aura swept the whole world in an instant! Demons in the world.

  All trembling! Under the tremor of the demon.

  Uncle Wang's body gradually dissipated.

  Ma Xiaoling's hands.

  A crystal clear bead appeared again, and within that bead, a golden dragon hovered, full of righteousness! Seeing this scene, Ma Xiaoling finally felt relieved.

  "You go down first, the next thing is left to me."

  Mao You said to the crowd.

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