Ma Xiaoling heard the words, nodded, and walked down with everyone.

  Jiang Gu watched everyone leave, and he also walked over slowly.

  when he is about to leave.

  Looking at Mao You behind him, he suddenly stopped and said slowly, "Returning the Yang Forbidden Spell is just a piece of waste paper."

  After saying that, he turned and left.

  Mao You picked up the walkie-talkie's hand and shook it slightly.

  She looked at Jiang Gu in disbelief, and for a while, her eyes became complicated.

Chapter 329 Jiang Gu in Twenty Years Later!Heaven from the future!

  the next day.

  On the TV, it was constantly broadcasting.

  What happened yesterday! What is reassuring to mankind is that all those demons have disappeared without a trace, but a news that made humans and zombies boil is broadcast! This news.

  Shake up the entire human race and zombies! "According to the latest report, the demons are gone"

  "And in the footage we took yesterday, we have seen that endless demons are heading to Xiangjiang."


  "These monsters disappeared inexplicably. What happened in them?"

  The TV hostess was broadcasting, and she said with a smile: "Let's take a look at the precious video that our reporters took."

  The TV started playing the video.

  First, there were endless demons. Those demons were ferocious with claws and claws. Every human being who saw the video was dignified and scared. They didn't dare to imagine how terrifying it would be if these demons appeared in front of them.

  Especially with this terrifying amount.

  At a glance.

  Just like the black sea, all the densely packed figures are demons! Even across the screen, it can make people feel extremely depressed! It's just in that depression.

  A cold light pierced the sky! It fell to the ground in an instant! The place where the cold light 300 landed! All of a sudden! These darkness.

  It slowly dissipated in almost an instant! The demons in the black mist seemed to merge with the darkness, and when the darkness dissipated, those demons gradually disappeared.

  This shot was taken at a very high place, and the rooftop of the bar can be seen from a high place.

  As the darkness faded away.

  Everyone saw it.

  A white fog filled the sky.

  In the center of the bar's rooftop.

  in the white fog.

  A figure.

  Holding a long sword on the ground, he stood quietly in the white fog.

  The figure felt so familiar.

  At the moment when the white fog appeared.

  The endless demons all retreated.

  Without any hesitation, as if encountering the most feared enemy, I left here! Darkness, back away! The video came to an abrupt end.

  The camera cuts back to the host, and the host looks a little dull.


  "White Fog"

  "Bai Wu is back!"

  He was stunned at first, sluggish at first, and finally, suddenly turned into shock! White fog.

  came back.

  Bai Wu, this four years ago, the power of one blow summoned all beings in the Three Realms and Six Paths to fight against the doomed Lord of the Three Realms and Six Paths! The savior of mankind did not die! This news.

  Detonate the entire human world! And the world! The zombies left over from the third robbery have reached a terrifying realm.

  That's why the supernatural force was created.

  And in that zombie world.

  White fog is called.

  Zombie God.

  Two words are enough to prove Bai Wu's status in the zombie world.

  The unique god of zombies! With this news, the Three Realms and Six Paths shook! The... Zombie God who disappeared for four years.

  That... Four years ago, there was no breath, and the zombie god who was like death came back! This news came out.

  It directly shook the human world and the zombie world.


  Two days have passed since the gathering of demons.

  On the bar roof.

  Kuang Tianya came here quietly, looking at the brightly lit city in the distance, her eyes were filled with curiosity for a while.

  She likes to watch quietly like this, because in the world she lives in, there are no such things.

  "Do you like these lights?"

  A gentle voice sounded.

  Kuang Tianya turned around and saw a handsome and elegant man walking in the distance.

  He was wearing a black shirt, his long hair was blowing in the night wind,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Gently walked towards her and came to her side.

  "Uncle Jianggu"

  When Kuang Tianya saw Jiang Gu, he couldn't help but get nervous.

  "How will the world be in twenty years?"

  Jiang Gu's deep eyes stared at this brightly lit city.

  Kuang Tianya's body trembled slightly.

  Her eyes were full of wonder.

  "Uncle Jiang Gu, you"

  Her clear eyes were incredible.

  She doesn't understand.

  But soon she seemed to understand something.

  "The World Twenty Years Later"

  Kuang Tianya was silent for a while, "It doesn't exist anymore."

  A word no longer exists.

  seems to foreshadow.

  future destiny.

  But Jiang Gu's eyes did not fluctuate in any way, and it seemed that he already knew a piece of news.

  "Uncle Jiang Gu, aren't you curious?"

  Kuang Tianya looked at Jiang Gu curiously.

  Uncle Jiang Gu in front of him doesn't seem to be curious at all.

  "Everything that happens in the future has already happened, and curiosity has no effect."

  Jiang Gu smiled.

  "Then don't you want to ask why it doesn't exist?"

  Kuang Tianya looked at Jiang Gu in front of him, and a slight blush suddenly appeared in his eyes, "Or, Uncle Jiang Gu, you don't want to know, do you end up?"

  "I am dead"

  Jiang Gu asked.


  Kuang Tianya shook his head.

  Jiang Gu's eyes flickered, as if he was guessing something.

  quite a while.

  He shook his head.

  "You came here, then you exist here, the outcome of the future is doomed, I know that nothing can be changed."

  "The only thing that can be changed is to find a silver lining in this already doomed ending."

  His voice was soft, making it impossible to understand his emotions.

  Come down in a word.

  Kuang Tianya's eyes became more and more shocked. She looked at Jiang Gu and suddenly smiled. She wiped her eyes and said, "Uncle Jiang Gu, do you know that no matter where you are, you don't seem to change."

  "Twenty years later, you said the same thing to me."

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