Even the talisman of the underworld has no way to stop the spread of this strange power. If it is allowed to continue to spread, then waiting for the Three Realms and Six Paths will be the annihilation of the world! This is a dark war of annihilation!" You go find someone first."


  A gentle voice sounded.

  Jiang Gu looked at the crowd and slowly said a name.

  "Ma Xiaohu."

  —————————In a villa.

  "is her."

  "It must be her"

  Our Lady of Yaochi looked at the news report on the TV, and Mei Mu stared at the TV.

  As the Virgin of Yaochi, she is in charge of rewarding the good and punishing the evil in the world, and at the same time spreading the plague and bringing death, she is familiar with this strange power.

  For everyone.

  This is a strange power.

  For Our Lady of Yaochi.

  This strange force has only one name.


  "She has come back."

  "But how did she become like this?"

  The TV in front of Our Lady of Yaochi turned into a huge screen.

  on a huge screen.

  an infected human being.

  Looking at the infected humans and ghosts, the heart of Our Lady of Yaochi was heavy.

  Om! Suddenly.

  She felt a chill! In that instant! The moment the screen flashed.

  A pair of eyes stared at her.

  These eyes.

  She couldn't be more familiar.

  [Thank you for your support all the way, there have been very few updates recently, the author admits that he is wrong, but now the plot has begun to end, and the plot of the first part has begun to enter the melody] [There is nothing to say here! Thank you very much for your support! Thank you very much!] [Today's update is late, because the author has gone to Nanning, and the car is very dizzy, I am very sorry! Good night!] To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Ladies and gentlemen, please take a day off and make up for it tomorrow [free]

  I went to Fangte with my family today, tried the roller coaster, and when I got back in the car, I started to doubt my life. I vomited more than a dozen times. I want to die. event collection

Chapter 334 The King of Humans Awakens!Is the catastrophe imminent? ! 【1】

  It's Chang'e! "She's down."

  Our Lady of Yaochi picked up the notebook in her hand and walked out.

  She came to the place where she came most often.

  Here is a cafe.

  She likes to watch the joys and sorrows of the world here, and watch the people passing by.

  And the reason why she came here today is to see how the plague in this world spreads.

  Our Lady of Yaochi turned on the computer, and sections of complicated text were interwoven in the computer, and she quietly typed the text on it.

  "Miss Yao Qiong, you are here again today to write a novel"

  At this time, the waiter came up with coffee.

  This is a woman with short hair, with a very innocent smile on her face.

  "Yeah! How's your marriage with your boyfriend?"

  Our Lady of Yaochi smiled.

  "We are already preparing for the wedding! Thank you Miss Yao Qiong for your concern!"

  The short-haired waiter said with a smile.

  Our Lady of Yaochi nodded.

  She often comes to this coffee shop, and the waiters here are familiar with her, and her pseudonym is Yao Qiong, who specializes in writing novels. I heard that the waiter is getting married, and the Virgin of Yaochi can't help but feel happy for her.

  She is sitting in a coffee shop.

  Silently watching everything outside.

  In the bustling crowd, she sensed a trace of the plague, and it spread in the crowd. She looked at it casually and found that the plague was very strange, and the intertwined power, even she, the god of plague, could not be found. to a solution.

  Our Lady of Yaochi fell into deep thought.


  The sky gradually darkened.

  "Miss Yao Qiong, I'm leaving first, my boyfriend is here to pick me up!"

  The short-haired waiter smiled at Our Lady of Yaochi.

  "it is good"

  The Lady of Yaochi raised her head slightly and glanced casually.


  next second.

  Her body trembled slightly, and her eyes showed incredible puzzlement! Her gaze.

  It fell on the short-haired waiter's boyfriend.

  Her boyfriend was a middle-aged man wearing glasses, who looked a little honest and honest, but that... cheek, but there was a faint majesty, this majesty seemed to be innate and could not be hidden at all.

  Human king! Millions of years ago, she loved the human king to the death! And now she still loves the human king.

  This time back to the blue planet, she just wanted to renew the relationship with the king, but the short-haired waiter was there, and seemed to be talking with the king. She signed the hand of the king very sweetly, and looked here, She smiled kindly at Our Lady of Yaochi.

  The king of people, his eyes are also looking here.

  Just the moment I saw it, my brows frowned slightly, as if I saw some monster, and directly pulled the short-haired waiter away from here, leaving only the Lady of Yaochi on the seat, her eyes full of puzzlement and unwillingness.

  And in the distance.

  A man in a white suit appeared, looked at this scene, and showed a smile: "It's really admirable, Our Lady of Yaochi, I'm looking forward to what you will do next."


  "Now is not the time for you to act."

  He clapped his hands.

  behind him.

  A man with curly hair walked out. He looked a little dejected. The man in the white suit in front of him had a trace of fear in his eyes.

  "You go and kill her."

  The man in the white suit nodded to the short-haired waiter in the distance.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The man resisted a little.

  "Don't forget, you have surrendered to fate, believe me, your power will become stronger and stronger."

  "And I will not lose your benefits, have you forgotten who gave your power?"

  The man in the white suit said lightly.


  The man with curly hair nodded sullenly.

  His figure disappeared into the darkness.

  "Next, let's see our next protagonist."

  The figure of the man in the white suit gradually disappeared.

  ————————— After the king separated from the short-haired waiter, he returned to his apartment.

  He couldn't help but recall everything that happened millions of years ago.

  "Our Lady of Yaochi"

  Her return, naturally, something bad might have happened in Pangu Holy Land.

  But now he has no idea how the plan will be carried out.

  Millions of years ago, the appearance of that man stopped everything.

  Now the plan has fallen into a quagmire.

  Could it be that fate has already begun to take the initiative, and he looked behind him.

  The recent emergence of the plague made him wonder if it was the ghost of the Lady of Yaochi. However, it is impossible for him to lift the seal now. He sealed himself a long time ago, intending to spend the last time in his life and be an ordinary ordinary person. people.

  Except when he remembered the past.


  He heard a scream! This scream is very familiar! It's even familiar enough! "Linlin!"

  He ran to the apartment recklessly.

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