After that moment.

  The golden light in the sky was written in the room of the apartment in an instant! The whole night.

  In an instant, it was filled with golden light! All human beings all trembled to the ground at this moment! The king of the earth.

  It's back! "Our Lady of Yaochi!!!!!"

  A roar of rage echoed between heaven and earth! The whole world.

  They were all swept away by this voice! In the coffee shop in the distance, the Lady of Yaochi came back to her senses and was about to leave when she suddenly saw the golden light in the sky and the sound of Mother of Yaochi! She seemed to understand something, and her expression changed slightly.

  The man in the white suit looked at everything in front of him and smiled.

  "A good show has officially begun."


  Ma Xiaoling, Jiang Gu, Mao You, countless people opened their eyes.

  Come to the rooftop.

  I saw the golden light that filled the sky, and the roar of "not good"

  "Could it be that Our Lady of Yaochi has found the King of Humans?"

  "This catastrophe has already begun"

  Yuan Bupo looked at the golden light in the sky, his expression changed slightly.

  The eternal heart lock with no face and no tears, everything predicted will unfold directly today without any omen! There is no preparation! After the appearance of the Lady of Yaochi, this battle has already begun. Jiang Gu's deep eyes flashed slightly. lift.

  He thought about what had happened recently.

  Has the battle between Our Lady of Yaochi and the Human King already started? "It hasn't started yet"

  Kuang Tianya shook his head.

  "But it should have started."

  Her beautiful eyes looked into the distance.

  There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

  According to historical records.


  It was the game between the Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans that began.

  [The author has just answered and will update everyone now!] To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 335 Weird power emerges!The plague spreads! 【2】

  on a top-floor building.

  The smile on the face of the man in the white suit cannot be hidden.

  Behind him, an embarrassed figure emerged.

  "What happened just now? I almost died just now!"

  The curly-haired man looked terrified! "He's the king of men, he must be angry if you killed his fiancee."

  "But it's okay, I won't let him find you, just enjoy this big show."

  The man in the white suit smiled coldly.

  "After this drama, I will be one with the most perfect human being."

  "Our Lady of Yaochi, I've been looking forward to you for a long time!"

  The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

  Boom! The moment his voice fell! A golden figure pierced through the sky! Headed towards the coffee shop! —————————— The Lady of Yaochi sitting in the coffee shop.

  She just felt a terrifying force coming! She put away the computer, got up slowly, and walked out of the cafe.

  The golden figure appeared in the mid-air of the cafe.

  "Our Lady of Yaochi!"

  A pair of golden pupils appeared in the midair, and a pair of icy and angry pupils looked at Our Lady of Yaochi! Terrifying and mighty aura.

  Crush everything! Like a god's mansion, looking down on the world! The power of the king! Fills the whole world! The Lady of Yaochi is naturally not to be outdone, her whole body is filled with layers of blood mist, and the moment it emerges, the clothes on her body do not know when. Turned bloody, she stood in the blood mist, confronting the king! Unprecedented depression.

  Fill the whole world! "What do you mean"

  Our Lady of Yaochi said coldly.

  "I don't need an answer"

  "You know it yourself!"

  "Millions of years ago, you did it once! But this time, you went too far!"

  The king said icy coldly! "On Linlin's body, all your strength auras, do you really think I don't know you?"

  The king's words were cold, and he had no intention of believing in Our Lady of Yaochi.

  When the Lady of Yaochi heard the words, her expression froze slightly.

  She looked at the king with despair in her eyes, "You think I did it, you don't believe me at all"

  The king laughed, his smile full of sadness: "I believed in you millions of years ago, what result did I get in return!"

  Boom! Boom! The two stopped talking! The blood-colored mist of the Lady of Yaochi swept up in an instant! A golden light appeared in the hands of the king! In an instant! The instant! It directly collided with the blood-colored mist! The two groups of energy collided in an instant and gave off a terrifying aura of destruction! Om! Both of them took two steps back!

  The human king said indifferently! Just when he wanted to punch down! Suddenly a strange force suddenly swept out from somewhere in Xiangjiang! The Lady of Yaochi, the human king looked at Xiangjiang in an instant. far away! I see that far away.

  The endless green and strange aura slowly poured into the sky from the ground, directly contaminating the entire sky. I saw which side of the sky was eroded by the strange green aura.

  "That is"

  The Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans looked slightly stunned.

  Both are aware of the recent plague events.

  This plague pervades the world, making many people become emotionless living dead, as if they are dead.

  And the contagion of this plague is very high and the atmosphere is very strange.

  Even if it is Our Lady of Yaochi

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  , there is no way to know the power of this plague.

  "It's not what you did"

  The human king's icy eyes looked at Our Lady of Yaochi.

  "What do you think"

  The Virgin of Yaochi looked at the King with complicated eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth: "You may not be able to guess who did it."

  "What's the meaning"

  The king is puzzled.

  "It's Chang'e, the plague she brought. Of course, if you don't believe me, then don't tell me."

  Our Lady of Yaochi said lightly.

  The king frowned.

  This power really does not have the breath of the Lady of Yaochi.

  "She has come back"

  The king's eyes were full of complexity.

  he said.

  The figure disappeared instantly.

  The Lady of Yaochi snorted coldly and followed directly.

  in the distance.

  The man in the white suit smiled and said to the curly-haired man beside him, "Look, isn't this scene about to start?"

  As he spoke, the man with curly hair disappeared immediately.

  Inside the bar.

  Ma Xiaoling, Jiang Gu, and Yuan Bupo also sensed the emergence of that strange power! Om! Just when a few people were about to leave the bar.


  A white light appeared, and cracks gushed out.

  Uncle Qiu's figure came out of the crack.

  "Please uncle!"

  Seeing Uncle Qiu, Ma Xiaoling quickly walked forward.

  Uncle begged to frown.

  His face was heavy.

  Seeing Ma Xiaoling approaching, he said in a low voice, "Xiaoling, this time the matter is serious."

  "The strange force that just broke out in the human world directly eroded into the underworld, and many ghosts in the underworld were contaminated. I suspect that the living beings in the three realms and six realms around the human world will also be infected."

  "And just now, there have been many dead people carrying such a virus on their bodies."

  in the moment just now.

  There are many such ghosts in the underworld.

  This is also the reason why Uncle Qiu appeared directly.

  "Let's go."

  Jiang Gu's figure dissipated directly.

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