After Uncle Qiu and the others took a look, they said directly to the god of death behind him: "You immediately go and block the surrounding area."

  This time he came to the sun room.

  Came with a mission.

  If this plague force can no longer be controlled, then the underworld must take tough measures.

  Otherwise, once the entire Three Realms and Six Paths are infected, then the entire world will perish! This is facing the life and death of human beings! Don't ask for mercy! ————————In a square.

  There is a green mist here.

  And in the center.

  A woman in ancient costume stood in the center and looked around anxiously.

  "what did i do"

  "How did I become like this?"

  She looked terrified and looked around anxiously.

  There were corpses all around her and the corpses were on their necks.

  There are also tens of thousands of corpses with zombie prints! All of them are dead! The shape is extremely miserable and fell to the ground. The whole body is filled with a strange green mist, which makes people feel very infiltrating! Feilu reminds you: reading [-] thing collection, push

Chapter 336 The person the king fears... Jiang Gu? 【3】



  "I finally found you!"


  A voice sounded.

  The woman turned her head abruptly and found a flat-headed man wearing glasses walking over quickly. Seeing the dead bodies around him, he was trembling all over, but he came over firmly.

  "Go, let's go, there are devils here"

  The man with glasses looked around in a panic and said in a panic.

  The woman in ancient costume, standing in the center, looked dazed.

  The man wearing glasses pulled her away with force.

  Looking at the green mist around him, the man wearing glasses seemed to be unaffected at all, he pulled the woman in ancient costume and left.

  When leaving, the flat-headed and honest man wearing glasses glanced at the surrounding body, and quickly pulled the ancient costume woman away.

  Om! Not long after the two left.

  Two figures appeared in the sky in an instant.

  A golden light filled the body, and a blood-colored mist filled the body! Two figures stood in the void, staring at the land full of dead bodies.

  Feeling this monstrous strange power, the expressions of the two figures fused.

  Especially the figure filled with golden light, seeing this, the expression is even more angry: "What the hell is going on?"

  His golden eyes shot on this land, watching the lives and deaths of his own people, his heart couldn't help but burst into anger.

  "If these auras diffuse out, the entire human world will fall."

  Our Lady of Yaochi glanced at the Human King.

  "We have to find a way to stop the spread of these faint green mists."

  The king said in a deep voice.

  The strange power of these faint green mists, when the two of them just came, looked around.

  On the periphery, those Three Realms and Six Paths that were contaminated by these strange forces all turned into living dead people without emotions and desires. It is conceivable that once these plague forces spread out, the entire human world will face a huge crisis of life and death.

  Om! At the moment when the voices of the Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans fell.

  Countless figures appeared in an instant.

  A black figure directly blocked the surrounding moment! An old man in a white suit, in the distance of the green and strange experience, watched the blocked scene and the two people standing in the void.

  "Human King, Our Lady of Yaochi"

  The uncle said in a low voice.

  He didn't expect to meet two people here.

  "who are you"

  The king asked lightly.

  "I am the agent of Jizo, and now I want to block this place, what happened here?"

  Uncle Qiu looked to the left and right: There are dead corpses here and the most terrifying thing is that the dead corpses here have blood marks on their necks, and their bodies are filled with a strange green mist, and these faint green mists are still extending outwards.

  "The plague here has spread to the underworld and penetrated the yin and yang barrier."

  Uncle Qiu looked at the king and answered lightly.

  There was a hint of surprise in the king's eyes.

  This strange power has actually penetrated the Yin-Yang Barrier, and this power may have exceeded his expectations.

  "I don't want to do things in the underworld, but why are you arresting my people?"

  The king saw some infected and all were arrested.

  And it is still using the Soul Locking Refinement, which is specially used to deal with Specter, but it is actually used to deal with human beings at this moment.

  This is naturally his dissatisfaction as a king.

  His expression was indifferent, with golden light all over his body, as if he would make a move if he disagreed.

  "If there is no way to solve this strange plague, the entire human world, even the three realms and six realms, will face extinction. This is no longer a matter of the human realm, but the catastrophe of the entire three realms and six realms. The human realm can no longer be immune."

  The uncle said in a low voice.

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  As a Tibetan agent.

  Naturally, he also knew some things, for example, the identities of the King of Humans and the Lady of Yaochi in front of him.

  At the same time, he also understands that if he wants the Three Realms and Six Paths to be safe, he must sacrifice some people.

  When the King of Humans heard the words, he naturally knew whether what Uncle Qiu said was true or not, but, as the King of Humans, since he had awakened, he naturally couldn't ignore it.

  "I will handle things in the human world, and I will find a way to solve this crisis."

  The king looked at Uncle Qiu and said lightly.

  If it is really Chang'e, then as long as you find Chang'e, you can find the source.


  The two of them understood very well that it might not be that simple here.

  "Although you are the King of Humans, this is a matter of the Three Realms and Six Paths, and our Underworld must also intervene. Do you want me to break this seal?"

  Uncle Qiu has no intention of retreating.

  The king looked at Uncle Qiu, and the anger in his heart surged.

  If it were normal, he would definitely not be angry.

  But the woman he loved just now died in front of him, and he was already suppressing his anger and discord: the mother of Yaochi went to war, and the biggest reason was naturally because it involved his people.

  But now, he is not even qualified to save his own people, which makes him not angry.

  Even if this is a play, it is already true if it is false. It is true that he wants to protect his people, it is true that Ai Linlin is true, and it is true that he is in love with Our Lady of Yaochi. Now it is difficult for him to distinguish the true from the false.

  Even though he knew he had a responsibility, his greatest responsibility was still to protect his people.

  The atmosphere of the scene.

  Some of the swords are drawn, and it seems that in the next second, the battle will be triggered.


  In the distance of Uncle Qiu, several figures came slowly.

  The King of Humans is looking at Uncle Qiu indifferently.


  His eyes looked at the person who came, and his pupils shrank instantly.

  The same is true for Our Lady of Yaochi, her pupils shrank when she saw the person walking by.

  The two eyes.

  He looked towards the back of the group of people who came.

  Walking at the end was a gentle and elegant man in a black gown.

  Walking in the front is naturally Ma Xiaoling, Mao You, and Yuan Bupo. 3.

  Ma Xiaoling and the others looked at the two figures on the sky.

  "The Lady of the Yaochi King."

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were a little uneasy.

  Uncle begged to look at the king.

  The king also looked at Uncle Qiu.

  The tense and oppressive atmosphere reverberated here.

  They stared at each other halfway.

  The king withdrew his golden pupils and said lightly, "Give me a little time, I can solve it."

  Uncle Qiu saw the King of Humans taking the initiative to say: let him take a step, although he was a little surprised, he also took a step back: "I have sent the god of death to capture the infected spirits of all beings in the three realms and six realms, except for most of the human beings and some demons, Once the arrest is complete, if the matter still cannot be resolved, then I will use the fire of hell to cleanse this human catastrophe."

  "The time of our arrest should be within a day."

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