"In this day, we will also find a way."

  "But as long as the time comes, I will burn all the infected ghosts, whether it is the ghosts of the underworld, or the humans and demons in the human world."

  The human king nodded and took a deep look at Jiang Gu at the back.

  Jiang Gu's deep eyes narrowed slightly.

  at this moment.

  He didn't know if it was his own delusion.

  The king seemed to be afraid of himself.

  "This battle has resolved this matter, and I will find you to settle the account."

  The King of Humans glanced at Our Lady of Yaochi, turned and left here.

  [There are updates, please rest assured to make up] To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 337 Another human catastrophe!Jiang Gu's discovery! 【4】

  "King of People"

  Uncle Qiu looked at the place where the king disappeared, and his eyes looked at Jiang Gu not far away.

  At that moment, he felt that the king seemed to be afraid.

  Otherwise, it is impossible to take a step back just now.

  Not only him, even Ma Xiaoling and others seem to have discovered this.

  Ma Xiaoling vaguely remembered that the Virgin of Yaochi immediately retreated when Jiang Gu appeared, and she seemed to be very afraid of Jiang Gu! But.

  The King of Humans is the king of the earth, the king of the world. At this moment, he is even afraid of Jianggu. What is his identity? Ma Xiaoling looks at Jianggu with a complicated look. Even though she and Jianggu have experienced countless lives and deaths, Jianggu is very fond of everyone. In terms of it, it is still like smoke, elusive and elusive, and it can even be said that you can't find a trace of it. When you find a trace, you will find the layers of fog, and it seems that there are countless layers of fog entangled there.

  He was standing in that fog.

  I want to see through, but I can't.

  "Our Lady of Yaochi"

  Uncle Qiu looked at Our Lady of Yaochi.

  Our Lady of Yaochi wanted to leave.

  Glancing at everyone, he said lightly, "I don't want to be your enemy, but"

  "The king's affairs, I will settle it with him."


  Her body gradually dissipated.

  When the two of them left, the scene, only the green and strange mist was left.

  "Jiang Gu, do you know the King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi?"

  Uncle Qiu asked, he looked at Jiang Gu with a complicated expression.

  Jiang Gu's deep eyes lifted slightly.

  After half a sound.

  He shook his head.

  But he didn't know the Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans.

  It existed millions of years ago, and he only existed two thousand years ago.

  However, it is impossible to speculate why the Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans are so afraid of him, Jiang Gu.

  There are still too many mysterious and unpredictable things in this world, such as the mysterious existence that opened Pangu's tomb, took away Pangu's bow and arrow, and put down a space disc.

  Even though Jiang Gu is the Zombie King, his current strength is not much recovered.

  At the time of the third robbery, his power was always in: dark recovery and constant fluctuations in the normal state, until the real dark state recovered and evolved into the second form, Fang will crush the ministers.

  Before that, in his normal form, with 15% of his power, it was difficult to fight against the generals, unless the generals were in the normal state.

  I want the power to recover completely.

  It still needs to continuously absorb energy such as resentment and corpse energy.


  Uncle Qiu wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he stopped talking.

  "Uncle, do you have to use hell karma fire?"

  Ma Xiaoling asked.

  She is most concerned about this, of course.

  "The latest news is that the number of people infected by this strange power plague has reached several million."

  "If it is allowed to develop, the consequences will be unimaginable."

  The number is now in the millions.

  That is to say, there are millions of human beings to be killed by the karmic fire of hell.

  "And more than that."

  The uncle shook his head.

  "The ghost of the underworld, the number of infections has reached [-] million."

  "There are also those who have been reincarnated and reincarnated."

  "I don't want to make this choice if it's not to the point where there is no way out."

  Uncle Qiu's words made Ma Xiaoling, Mao You, and Yuan Bupo look down.

  Mao You's eyes were complicated, "Has things gotten so serious?"

  She is the leader of the supernatural army, but this time the world is concerned about the number of deaths. As for those infected forces, no one has reacted to it. If Uncle Qiu hadn't appeared, Mao You would not have paid attention to it.

  but didn't think

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  In a short period of time, millions of people in the world have been infected! "In one day, we only have one day left."

  "So far, we haven't had any clues."

  "And the most serious thing is that the plague virus that spreads out of these strange forces will also become diseased."

  Uncle Qiu took a deep look at everyone present.

  "Once it becomes diseased, not even the underworld barrier can stop these plague viruses from spreading. Once these strange forces spread out, then the world will cause catastrophe."

  "This catastrophe will destroy the entire world."

  His words have already demonstrated the seriousness of this matter.

  Once there is no way to find a solution.

  Then there will be a crisis in the world.

  "I originally wanted to start the hell karma fire now and clean up the hell and the world, because the longer the time passes, the more people will be infected, and the faster the infection will be. By then, it will not only be millions, but tens of millions. ,even"

  "Hundreds of millions of people."

  Uncle Qiu said a heavy number of words.

  "We know, please uncle."

  Ma Xiaoling nodded heavily.

  "I'll look it up first and see if I can find a way to crack it."

  As Ma Xiaoling spoke, she went to the front of the strange force.

  She used a spell to collect some of the strange power and went back to decompose it.

  After doing this.

  Ma Xiaoling left with Mao You and others.

  "Aren't you going back?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu.

  "You go away first."

  Jiang Gu said gently.


  He stepped forward.


  His body suddenly poured into the boundless green and strange power.

  Ma Xiaoling didn't have time to stop it, and when she saw this scene, she couldn't help stamping her feet: "This idiot!"

  That weird power, even zombies can't avoid it.

  Even Jiang Gudu may miss! "Let's go first, maybe he will have a way."

  Mao You said to Ma Xiaoling.


  The two and Yuan Bupo left here.

  And in the virus intertwined with the strange green mist, Jiang Gu walked slowly inside.

  It's not that he can't absorb these energies.

  But he couldn't absorb this energy.

  This is the power of fate, and it is also the ghost of fate.

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