He looked at Ma Xiaoling and said directly.

  As an agent of Ksitigarbha, it is impossible for him to appear in the human world at normal time, and he can only appear in the underworld, but because of the infection of this strange power, he must also break these rules.

  "it is good."

  Ma Xiaoling nodded, not asking her uncle for any help.

  "I need a drop of blood from the Ma family."

  The uncle said solemnly.

  "A drop of blood"

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned.

  "Yes, I need a drop of blood from the Ma family now, that is, your blood."

  The uncle nodded.

  He also seemed to know the curiosity of Ma Xiaoling and others, and explained directly.

  "I just went back and checked the encyclopedia of Jizo. I didn't have any hope."


  "I didn't expect that in the Ksitigarbha Encyclopedia, there are records of Ksitigarbha."

  "I think there may be a way in the Jizo records."

  Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling seriously.

  He looked much older.

  "it is good."

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  A drop of blood appeared on her fingertips.

  The moment this drop of blood appeared, it went directly towards Uncle Qiu's palm.

  Uncle Qiu carefully collected the drop of blood.

  Looking at Ma Xiaoling, he smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't expect that after I left, the responsibilities on my body became greater and greater."

  "The records of Jizo may have something to do with your Ma family."

  "It is said in Ksitigarbha Encyclopedia that only the blood of the Ma family can open Ksitigarbha records."

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned by the words of Uncle Qiu.

  Originally, she was also very puzzled why the blood of the Ma family could open the Jizo records.

  But now it seems that Uncle Qiu doesn't know.

  "Maybe when you open it, you'll know the answer."

  "I go first."

  He came fast and went fast.

  Looking at Uncle Qiu's back, Ma Xiaoling's eyes were a little complicated.

  The former beggar shoulders the responsibility of slaying demons and exorcising demons.

  Today's Uncle Qiu shoulders the responsibility of the Three Realms and Six Paths.

  Even Uncle Qiu, until the last moment, is unwilling to use the fire of hell to clean up hell and the world. This is against the law of heaven. Once it is done, then Uncle Qiu's lifelong merits will no longer exist! Even these evils The newspaper will haunt him for millions of lives.

  So she can only think of a way as soon as possible.

  Let this crisis pass as soon as possible! Time.

  passed quietly.

  The sky gradually darkened.

  There are only two hours left in the day.

  All infected human zombies, monsters, have been caught in this hospital.

  Mao You and others also sent a supernatural force to blockade the hospital.

  A terrifying crisis.

  come again.

  neither knows.

  The next second is the karmic fire of hell arrives first.

  Still hoping to come first.

Chapter 340 Jizo Records!Love lights!Hope in Crisis!

  Night comes.

  The starry sky hangs, the star sea is like a dream.

  The night sky tonight.

  Some feel dreamy.


  In that dream, in the blocked hospital, the emotionless living dead and the creatures of the Three Realms and Six Paths wandered aimlessly.

  High places outside the blockade area.

  Mao You, Ma Xiaoling, former staff, Kuang Fusheng, all came here.

  "According to the statistics, this inside"

  "More than [-] million human beings have been infected by this strange power, there are [-] demons, and there are more than [-] million ghosts wandering in the world, that is, those who died in the third kalpa."

  "It adds up to nearly nine million."

  "If you continue to add the ghosts of the underworld."

  Mao You looked at the report in his hand, and there was a hint of unbearableness in his eyes.

  "Yuan Bupo?"

  Suddenly, she looked left and right: "It's strange, I don't think I saw him all day yesterday."

  Yuan Bupo also appeared frequently during this period.

  But just yesterday it disappeared without a trace.

  "do not know."

  shook his head.

  Mao You did not continue to ask, but looked at the blockade area below and sighed.

  Nearly nine million creatures from the Three Realms and Six Paths! Not including the underworld.

  It is conceivable.

  It's going to be hell on earth! Om! All of a sudden! In the direction of that bar.

  A white light emerged! I saw the figure of Uncle Qiu, emerging from the distance, and gently falling in front of everyone's eyes.

  "Please uncle! Did you find a way?"

  Mao You hurriedly asked forward.

  Uncle Qiu landed on the ground, and when he heard Mao You's hurried words, he paused and nodded suddenly.

  "There is a way"

  "But this method is not easy to implement."

  "There are a lot of important factors, none of which we can make up."

  The uncle said in a low voice.

  "What's the solution"

  Ma Xiaoling asked.

  "The first factor has something to do with Our Lady of Yaochi and the Human King."

  Uncle Qiu looked at the crowd with some helplessness in his eyes.

  "This virus, with its strange power, destroys all the emotions and desires in the human body! Only the empty body is left!"

  "And these emotions and six desires are almost from one word."

  Ma Xiaoling and Mao You froze: "One word"

  Uncle begged to nod: "love."

  He walked up and down, "So if you want to solve this crisis, you must use the most pure and true love in the world, which is what we call the origin of love."

  "And this origin comes from the Mother of Yaochi and the King of Humans."

  "That's why we need Our Lady of Yaochi and people to fall in love with each other, so that the world can be covered by this pure and true love."

  "Of course, this is only the first step, but the first step is already very difficult to achieve."

  Uncle Qiu sighed, took a deep look at Ma Xiaoling, and asked, "Where's Jiang Gu?"

  He seemed to have learned some news from that record.

  "do not know."

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head.

  Uncle Qiu nodded and did not continue to ask.

  "And the second factor, to get this pure and true love, requires the appearance of a person."


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