Maoyou asked.


  Uncle said directly.

  "Ksitigarbha King needs to reshape everyone's souls and desires to expel those strange forces."

  "But the Ksitigarbha King has already been reincarnated. To find him is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack. It is almost impossible."

  The uncle continued.

  This is his way.

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  In other words, it was the answer he found in the records of the Tibetan Ksitigarbha.

  "Uncle Qiu, did you find these in the Jizo records? What exactly is recorded in the Jizo records?"

  Mao You suddenly asked.

  Before begging Uncle, go to the Jizo records.

  But after it appeared, there was no mention of the Jizo records, which was very strange, making Mao You a little curious about what was recorded in the Jizo records, so Uncle Qiu kept silent.

  "The Ksitigarbha records record some unknown secrets."

  "Walking through eternity, back to the beginning of the world."

  Please answer slowly.

  "There are a lot of complicated things recorded in this Jizo record, and one day I will slowly let you understand."

  Uncle Qiu looked at the crowd, but did not say what was recorded in the Jizo records.

  Ma Xiaoling remembered the look that Uncle Qiu looked at her and the question she asked, and seemed to understand something, but the current crisis was the most important thing.

  "The first factor, we really can't do it."

  Arrow spoke at this time.

  As a soldier, he generally seldom speaks unless absolutely necessary.


  "It's not difficult"


  Three figures suddenly appeared not far from Uncle Qiu and the others! One figure filled with golden light, one figure filled with blood mist, and the other was standing in the void.

  King of Humans, Our Lady of Yaochi, Yuan Bupo.

  Ren Wangdu walked and landed in front of Uncle Qiu: "My Lady of Yaochi and I are willing to let go of our grievances temporarily, but I think if we love again, it may be difficult."

  The Lady of Yaochi also landed on the ground, and looked at Uncle Qiu in surprise: "I didn't expect that you already know the solution."

  Her voice was a little bitter.

  Yuan Bupo quietly landed on the ground without saying a word.

  "If the king and the Virgin are willing to let go of their grievances, then I have a solution."

  Uncle Qiu said suddenly.

  "any solution"

  The king asked with his hands on his back.

  "Love Lights."

  "A treasure in the underworld can borrow fate from heaven and earth, this fate can make you fall in love again, but it lasts for a short time, and you have to pay off this fate within these three months, that is to say, you can now Love each other with a love lamp, but in the next three months, you need to truly love each other to pay off this fate."

  Uncle begged to look at the two of them.

  Love Lights.

  It is specially used to pay off debts.

  It can make use of the fate between heaven and earth to let each other love each other, but this love and fate are borrowed from heaven.

  If it fails to pay off, then not only will it not be able to restore the original appearance, but it will even make each other more resentful! "No problem."

  The king nodded.

  Our Lady of Yaochi also nodded.

  Her eyes were full of brilliance.

  Uncle Qiu naturally saw it.

  Our Lady of Yaochi.

  It seems that she also intends to take advantage of this crisis, use the love lamp, and after repaying her fate, she will develop her love with the king again, but Uncle Qiu has no intention of breaking it. Although the Virgin of Yaochi has selfishness, what she does is still for the world. Consider.

  "You must pay attention, once the love lamp does not succeed, it will bite you back."

  "Time is running out now, and you need to enter the barrier of karma immediately."

  "And I will also find a way to wake up the King of Earth Store."

  Ask your uncle to seal your hands.

  A crack slowly emerged under his seal.

  The Lady of Yaochi and the Human King stepped forward and walked in.

  Do all this.

  Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  "Can you find Jiang Gu?"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 341 Records of King Jizo!Go to hell! 【repair】

  "Uncle, is it important to find Jiang Gu?"

  Maoyou asked.

  "It's very important. If you want to wake up Ksitigarbha King, except that hell is empty, this is the only way."

  The uncle said in a low voice.

  "Awakening Jizo King"

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were a little stunned.

  "King Ksitigarbha once said that if the Ksitigarbha is not empty, he vows not to become a Buddha. He has a heart of great compassion and compassion to save all beings, so the hell has never been empty, and some people have been tortured on the road of reincarnation. If there is no return, he will not be become a Buddha."

  "The easiest way to clear hell is to bring all the evil spirits into the world."

  "But the world is bound to be in chaos, and the evil ghosts of hell have experienced the third calamity and have reached a terrifying level. Even I may not be able to control it."

  Ask your uncle to sigh softly.

  "So the appearance of Jiang Gu can awaken the King of Earth Store"

  Mao You looked puzzled.

  "The more complicated way is to let those evil ghosts who have been tortured in hell pay off their debts and survive the torment of heaven, but this is basically impossible, so there is only one last way."

  Please look at the crowd.

  "The Jizo records seem to have predicted the arrival of this day, so he left a record."

  "If you want to wake up Ksitigarbha, you have to find the zombie king Jianggu that exists in the world and go to hell alone."

  Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  "I have to find another person to beg uncle, why don't you tell me! There are only less than two hours left, how can we find the remaining person?"

  Mao You didn't understand, but she suddenly seemed to understand something, "Could it be that the person who is looking for in the Jizo records is among us?"

  "It's Xiaoling."

  Uncle said.

  "The Ksitigarbha records require the blood of the Ma family to be opened, and then wake up the Ksitigarbha King, and also require Xiaoling and Jiang Gu to go to hell together."

  "This is our last hope. If you can't succeed, or the Lady of Yaochi and the Human King can't succeed, then I can only use hell karma to burn down all the strange powers in the world and the underworld."

  The uncle sighed.

  His back is a little old.

  The responsibility he shoulders makes him have to give up the young and become big, otherwise the whole world will perish! "Jiang Gu, what does the Ma family have to do with the Ksitigarbha King? Why do I feel Some people don't understand."

  Mao You was very puzzled.

  Why the awakening of Ksitigarbha King and the opening of Ksitigarbha records are all related to Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu.

  "I don't know either, but King Ksitigarbha was born before the order of the Three Realms and Six Paths was completed. I think there may be some ancient things involved, but I haven't had time to read the Ksitigarbha records completely. The Ksitigarbha records first began to be read, and the answer was found."

  There is a lot of guesswork out there.

  However, these speculations could not be confirmed.

  After all, the most important thing right now is of course the plague caused by this strange force.

  "he came."

  Ma Xiaoling looked towards the end of the sky.

  A faint white mist gushed out.

  A figure emerged from the white fog, Jiang Gu.

  His gentle and delicate cheeks seemed to have something on his mind.

  "Jiang Gu, we may need you"

  Uncle Qiu walked towards Jiang Gu with a sincere expression.

  "What's wrong"

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