A crack appeared.

  Our Lady of Yaochi, the Good Man and the King came out.

  The two walked out without saying a word, and their expressions changed slightly when they saw the plague power that broke out in the sealed area.


  Please look at the two of them.


  The king shook his head.

  My uncle is a little desperate.

  He didn't expect that, as an agent of Ksitigarbha, he still has no way to deal with these viruses! "We can't let go of the grievances and grievances from millions of years ago."

  The king said in a deep voice.

  The expression of Our Lady of Yaochi was a little gloomy.

  Even if it is a love lamp, it is impossible for the two to temporarily let go of the grievances and grievances that have existed thousands of years ago, so the relationship between the two may never have a chance.

  Boom! Suddenly, the heaven and the earth shook! The King of Humans and the Lady of Yaochi seemed to sense something, and their eyes instantly turned to the sky.


  The two looked at each other with deep fear in their eyes.

  Even Uncle Qiu, at this moment, seemed to sense something, and his eyes looked at the sky in horror.

  The figures of Our Lady of Yaochi and the Human King disappeared directly in place.

  And in the distance.

  The man in the white suit seemed to sense something, but he didn't seem to sense anything. He looked at the sky and shook his head.

  "The reorganization of the Heavenly Book is also about to be completed, Our Lady of Yaochi, I am looking forward to your joining."

  He smiled lightly.

  Uncle Qiu, who was in the distance, narrowed his eyes slightly, "The one just now... yes"

  "The Breath of Tao"

  "The Six Paths"

  His pupils shrank instantly! He seemed to know some news.

  ————————— The depths of hell.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu came here.

  Under the abyss, she traveled through the endless layers of hell. She and Jiang Gu finally came to the deepest point! This abyss is something that even ghosts dare not enter, but for Jiang Gu, it is very simple.

  the deepest depths of hell.

  It's a flat ground.

  There is no abyss, and there is no terrain. It is flat and vast, and at the end of the vastness, stands a magnificent and majestic gate. Behind the gate, there is a vast white mist, and countless ghosts slowly walk towards the gate.

  in front of that gate.

  It was a woman, standing there quietly.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 343 In front of the bridge!Memories screen!Ma Xiaoling's doubts!

  "After you go to hell, you need to go all the way to the depths of hell, go through the cycle of reincarnation, cross the bridge of Naihe, and finally step on the pool of reincarnation. In the depths of the pool of reincarnation, there is a door. Can wake up that Ksitigarbha."

  His uncle's words echoed in his ears.

  A black pocket watch appeared in Ma Xiaoling's hand. She looked at the time on the pocket watch and said, "There are still three hours."

  "Here, through the gate, it should be Nanaihe Bridge."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the majestic door.

  Jiang Gu's deep eyes turned to the woman guarding the gate.

  Every time she passed a ghost, a broken ancient bowl appeared in her hand.

  In the ancient bowl, there is clear water.

  Ma Xiaoling hurried forward, passing through countless ghosts, Ma Xiaoling hurriedly came to this gate.

  Om! The moment she walked to the gate! Countless men in black suits directly blocked the entire gate! "Who dares to trespass the Naihe Bridge!" This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  A cold drink sounded! I saw a man wearing sunglasses appearing in front of Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu.

  Just the moment he saw Ma Xiaoling, he sensed the celestial breath on Ma Xiaoling's body.

  "The man from the sun"

  "Bold! I dare to trespass into the underworld! I still want to step into the Naihe Bridge! Is it because I want to be reincarnated early?"

  He said, making a seal with one hand, the ghosts and gods in front of the gate directly surrounded Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling! "We have urgent matters, this is the token of the Jizo agency."

  Ma Xiaoling took out the token of the Jizo agent.

  The moment he took out the Ksitigarbha agent token, the breath of Ksitigarbha appeared directly! The man in the black suit frowned slightly, but he also knew that the Ksitigarbha agent token in Ma Xiaoling's hand was real.

  "Let's go."

  He said slightly unwillingly.

  As a veteran Death God, he is naturally qualified to be arrogant, but after Meteor came, he was transferred here to guard the gate of Naihe Bridge, so he naturally wanted to do something big, earn credit, and return to his original position.

  When Ma Xiaoling was about to pass the gate, suddenly, she seemed to sense something, and she looked at the woman in front of the gate, and a familiar feeling emerged in her heart.

  It was an intimate feeling.

  It's just, why does this kind of feeling appear on a woman.

  Only now she doesn't want to investigate.

  Under the gaze of the god of death, she and Jiang Gu passed through the gate.


  It's an endless fog.

  "Nai Heqiao, the road ahead is confused, and there is nothingness. If there are many unwillingness in this life, many ideas, and many helpless things that you once thought of but couldn't get will emerge one by one."

  "Stay true to your heart and you can get through it."

  A voice sounded.

  Ma Xiaoling turned her head.

  That voice came from the woman guarding the gate, Po Meng.


  Ma Xiaoling looked at the woman, and after thanking her, she hurriedly approached the vast white mist.

  In this vast white fog.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu walked forward step by step, and there were no signs around, even Ma Xiaoling felt that she was suspended in the sky, and could not feel anything tangible. It seemed that everything around was illusory.

  This feeling made her a little scared.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  She looked at Jiang Gu beside her uneasily, Jiang Gu's deep eyes were filled with nothingness, reflecting countless white mists.

  Om I saw pictures in the white mist that filled the sky, and with the strands of mist, they were interwoven into pictures.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes looked to the left and right:.

  Around there: those white mists interweave into pictures.

  It was a dark red sky.

  Under the dark red sky, there is a dark forest, some cold and silent forest. Someone seems to be walking slowly in the silent forest. There is a slight gasp, and the sound of gasping is very loud. Low, like a wounded beast, looking for a place to rest.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the pictures around her and listened to this voice, her heart was a little depressed.

  It seems that the sound, like a bloodthirsty beast, makes people feel uneasy and depressed.

  But she was very familiar with the voice.

  She looked at Jiang Gu beside her.

  Jiang Gu's eyes are still as deep as ever, looking at the picture of the mist all over his body, it seems that there is no trace of waves.

  Ma Xiaoling retracted her gaze, and continued to look to the left and right: the picture transformed by the mist.


  Some noisy voices sounded abruptly, resounding on the periphery of the forest.

  The moment it sounded.

  The beast's low growl and panting sound disappeared instantly.

  Only loud noises emerged from the forest.

  A pair of blood-colored pupils suddenly appeared in the darkness.

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