Seeing this picture, Ma Xiaoling raised her heart.


  these pictures.

  It disappeared in an instant.

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned.

  Her eyes turned to the left and right: those mists turned into white mists again.

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to think of something, her eyes fell into thought.

  "Let's go."

  Jiang Gu moved forward slowly.

  Ma Xiaoling followed quickly and walked through the vast white mist. After the two kept moving forward, Ma Xiaoling saw that the white mist in front of her was gradually transformed into the appearance of her childhood. In those pictures, she was happy and there were others. She is almost here, and there are countless paintings full of her unease, all of which are almost like when she was a child.

  Her whole life has been slowly emerging in this fog.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu moved forward step by step, and the pictures in the fog, from when Ma Xiaoling was a child, grew up with Mao You, and Wang Zhenzhen. In her life, apart from having tears before cultivating, after cultivating, her Tears were never left.

  The two moved forward step by step.


  came to now.

  She saw that she and Jiang Gu came to the Naihe Bridge, the picture in the white fog, began to stand still and ended, Ma Xiaoling looked at the white fog in front of her, her eyes were a little dazed, looking at her life, she felt too much in her heart A lot of complicated emotions, especially when I saw Jiang Gu just now, it was even more complicated in my eyes.

  Om! It's just the white fog in front of me.

  But it turned into two pictures directly.

  In those two paintings, there are different lives.

  It seems that her future has emerged——————【The last chapter, I will end this episode tomorrow, huh] Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 344 Appeared [-] years ago... A sword-wielding boy!

  In front is a picture of white fog transformed into a picture.

  Ma Xiaoling's very different futures are intertwined in front of the two pictures.

  In a picture, she and Jiang Gu walked into this place. Here, the endless darkness swallowed her and Jiang Gu. In that darkness, she played Dao, broke the dawn of darkness, and opened the door in the pool of reincarnation. The door awakened King Jizo and solved this crisis. In the admiration of the world, she resolutely embarked on the road of slaying demons and slaying demons. In that endless time, she seemed to be there for a lifetime. Spend time in demon slayer.

  That's the final picture.

  She slaughtered all the demons in the world, and suddenly, the world became: extremely dark, the whole sky was dark red, she smelled countless bloody smells, heard countless crying and painful cries, she came to a place with a radius of [-] There were corpses everywhere, and in the center of the corpse, a figure with a sword stood under the void.

  She took the undulating magic wand and aimed it at the figure.

  The figure turned back slowly, it was Jiang Gu.

  The screen stopped abruptly.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at this scene with blank eyes, and involuntarily took a step back, especially the last scene, which made her even more afraid and uneasy.

  In the other picture, she and Jiang Gu walked into this place. There is no darkness, there is no pool of reincarnation, there is only a door. She opened the door and saw her memories from childhood to adulthood. , In the end, the picture stopped where the two were, but the only difference was that the picture began to move again. In the picture, she and Jiang Gu opened the door.

  Behind this door is a three-bedroom and one-living room. The living room is very warmly decorated. She found that she didn't know when she put on an apron and held a pot of vegetables in her hand. Seeing the dining table in the living room, Jiang Gu was sitting in the warm living room with his back to her.

  “It’s time to eat”

  He turned his head and showed a happy smile.

  "Come on, I'm starving."

  Jiang Gu's voice sounded.

  "it is good"

  In the picture, she nodded and walked over quickly, with a happy smile on her face.

  She saw that she got the marriage certificate and Jiang Gu stepped into the wedding hall, got married and had children, begged uncle, Wang Zhenzhen, and Jin Zhengzhong to bless the two of them in the church. In that picture, she was full of happy smiles. Sadness, there is no slaying demons and demons, only happiness.

  ————————See the picture in front of you.

  Ma Xiaoling felt an endless sense of warmth and security in her heart, which was what she yearned for. At this moment, her footsteps moved forward unconsciously.

  It seems to just move forward.

  She can live here.

  Om! All of a sudden.

  She is about to step into the picture formed by the white fog! The endless roar sounded! In this warm picture of hers, a layer of vision was suddenly transformed, intertwined with the warm scene! In the transformed scene, She saw the darkness in the sky, endless Taoist priests came with magic weapons, and the mighty exorcists, Taoists, cast countless magic weapons.

  goals of these people.

  only one.

  That's in the center of the screen.

  That... lonely, black robe standing under the dark dome, holding a sword.

  The wind from the sky blew his long hair, he was holding a sword, the surroundings were desolate, and endless magic weapons, Taoism, power, and magic all slammed towards him! Under this dark sky.

  The man turned his head slowly.

  Just when Ma Xiaoling could see his face clearly, the picture was broken in an instant.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The picture, directly changed back to the original warm picture.

  It's just that at this moment, Ma Xiaoling has recovered a little bit from the confusion. The picture just now was too shocking and too sad.

  And the figure standing in the endless darkness, surrounded and besieged by the world, is too familiar.

  "Nai Heqiao, the road ahead is confused, and there is nothingness. If there are many unwillingness in this life, many ideas, and many helpless things that you once thought of but couldn't get will emerge one by one."

  "Stay true to your heart and you can get through it."

  Ma Xiaoling's mind reverberated with what Mother Meng said.

  Her bewildered beautiful eyes came back to her senses in an instant.

  When she came back to her senses, she saw that she was only one last step away from that picture.

  She looked at this picture with a lot of reluctance in her heart.

  If she looked beside her, Jiang Gu was standing quietly beside her.

  It's just that Jiang Gu's deep eyes at this moment had a few traces of coldness, but when Ma Xiaoling looked at him, the coldness disappeared without a trace.


  She wanted to ask Jiang Gu if she saw the content of the picture, after all, she and Jiang Gu actually got married and had children! "I didn't see it."

  Jiang Gu smiled warmly, shook his head, and then walked directly into the white mist of the picture that Ma Xiaoling saw first.


  Ma Xiaoling nodded blankly, but then came back to her senses, "I haven't asked yet."

  Thinking of this, her cheeks flushed slightly, she bit her lip lightly, and her heart was full of emotions for a while, and her shyness prevented her from raising her head.

  Seeing that Jiang Gu's figure was about to leave, she quickly followed.

  when leaving.

  Suddenly she seemed to think of the picture that was intertwined with the warm picture. What happened? Was it Jiang Gu's or because Ma Linger was her past life, so she saw this picture.

  What connection does this picture have with the Taoism and exorcism families two thousand years ago, she thought about it, but there was no result, so she quickly followed Jiang Gu.

  Walk through the vast white fog.

  There is an ancient wooden bridge in front of it.

  Beside the ancient wooden bridge, there is a slowly flowing stream.

  This is naturally the Naihe Bridge, and below the Naihe Bridge is the Wangchuan River.

  On the Naihe Bridge, there are many ghosts walking above in confusion, passing through the white fog, they have no memory, so they can only stay and walk here.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu followed these ghosts forward.

  The two walked and walked suddenly.

  Jiang Gu seemed to sense something, and his eyes instantly turned to Wangchuan Hanoi! After a pause, he walked forward.

  After he and Ma Xiaoling left.

  A strange aura came from the end of the Wangchuan River on the Naaihe Bridge, and then a ghost climbed up from under the Naaihe Bridge in a daze, followed the ghost and walked forward step by step.

  ————————— The end of Naihe Bridge.

  It is a modern door.

  In front of that gate, countless gods of death stand guarding this place.

  Behind the door was a vast darkness, and in the darkness, there seemed to be water surging.

  Countless ghosts walked through this door and slowly walked into the darkness, still being swallowed by the water in the darkness! The pool of reincarnation! ————————— [Well, last night’s chapter points Wrong volume, I read it today, only dozens of people subscribed, and then I understand what happened! It is corrected now! This chapter is new! 】 To see the underlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

Chapter 345 The Pool of Reincarnation!Ask for your uncle's choice!

  This is the pool of reincarnation! The important place of reincarnation in the three realms is also the place of balance of the three realms! If there is no reincarnation, the three realms will inevitably collapse, and the whole world will be in chaos! Interwoven with countless mysterious and unpredictable forces, those forces are vast and majestic, entwining the buttons of the Three Realms, with the power of annihilation and life.


  The Death God standing there saw Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu, and shouted quickly.

  Just as the words fell, Ma Xiaoling took out the Ksitigarbha decree, and seeing the Ksitigarbha decree, these gods of death hurriedly knelt down.

  "We came to wake up the King of Ksitigarbha under the decree of the agent of Ksitigarbha, and we are going to the pool of reincarnation."

  Ma Xiaoling said to the god of death in front of her.


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