Om! The endless power of the source of reincarnation surrounded the two in an instant like a sea! Jiang Gu pulled Ma Xiaoling and stopped.

  The moment you stopped.

  The source of reincarnation is coming from all directions! Ma Xiaoling subconsciously wants to resist! But in this pool of reincarnation, she can't do anything at all! Jiang Gu's finger lightly clicked, and the energy of the source of reincarnation was instantly shaken by a strange force!" !"

  Jiang Gu snorted softly! The surrounding source power dissipated in an instant! It was just at the moment when the source of reincarnation dissipated, a terrifying and vast power surged from the depths of the pool of reincarnation! With the unparalleled and violent waves of reincarnation, it came in an instant. A breath that Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu had never felt before slowly emerged! "Dao"

  Ma Xiaoling was shocked.

  Tao! Three realms and six Taos! As a Ma family member, she knows why, whether it is an exorcist, a Taoist, or countless practitioners, they all take Tao as their ultimate goal! man, never appeared again.

  And the last person in the world to be enlightened.

  It was Malinger.

  The ancestors of the Ma family! Although it is said to have attained the Tao, it is only a trace of the original power related to the Tao! But now.

  Dao Dao is attacking Jiang Gu and her! "This is"

  "The Way of Heaven"

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes are full of incredible expressions! Six Paths are naturally ranked.

  The Dao of Heaven is the source of the Dao, and it is also the beginning of the six Dao of the heavens and the earth! This Dao of Heaven is also what Nuwa said about God. When Nuwa created people, he needed God, that is, the spiritual energy of the Dao of Heaven. What I don't know is.

  Just now, the power of Dao also appeared in the human world! Clap! Boom! The power of the terrifying and mighty Dao made the entire serene pool of samsara roll over in an instant! Come! "Roar"

  In the void of darkness.

  The blood-colored pupils opened instantly! Jiang Gu gently held Ma Xiaoling's hand, and the other hand turned into a fist, filled with a terrifying blood-colored light! The whole body of the fist, the power of reincarnation turned into a vortex! Terrifying and mighty power, condensed the fist Above! "Break Five,!"

  A soft drink! The fist slammed with the power that came to the avenue! Bang! The violent power.

  With a strong destructive power, the entire pool of reincarnation rolled up in an instant! The entire underworld, the entire underworld, shook in an instant! Countless death gods, ghosts, looked at everything around in fear! This is the underworld for millions of years. A shock! "The underworld is shaking"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  As the agent of Jizo, Uncle Qiu naturally felt the change in Jifu for the first time! "What's going on?"

  Uncle Qiu looked at the underworld uneasy.

  Just him now.

  There is no way to separate.

  In the moment just now, the plague power in the sealed area was about to break the seal of the underworld, so he had to guard this place.

  ————————“The underworld is shaking”

  In the enchantment of the love lamp.

  The Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans stand opposite each other, with a burning lamp in the center, surrounded by a vast world.

  But the shock of the underworld, the two still feel it! The Virgin of Yaochi spreads the plague and brings death, which is an important part of reincarnation. The underworld has something to do with her, and the underworld is connected to the human world, so the King of Humans can naturally sense it. .

  "This is"

  "The power of God."

  "The power of God that has not appeared in millions of years has appeared twice in a row"

  The eyes of Our Lady of Yaochi were shocked.

  "What exactly is going on"

  The King of Humans looked a little gloomy, and he couldn't figure out what happened, "God's order will actually come down, where does the power of God come from?"

  "Remember our guess"

  Our Lady of Yaochi said suddenly.

  "You mean, that person has something to do with God"

  The human king's body trembled slightly, and it seemed that he was a little scared when he mentioned that person.

  "He appeared."

  "God appeared."

  "What do you think"

  Our Lady of Yaochi took a deep look at the King of Humans.

  "Forget it, right now, under the order of God, we have to try it no matter what."

  "Fate makes fun of my plans that were planned millions of years ago, and it should also be included in the itinerary, no matter what kind of grievances we have."

  The king looked at Our Lady of Yaochi and said slowly.

  The two nodded.

  The light of love in front of you.

  A raging fire broke out.

  "Almost a success"

  When the two of them saw this scene, their expressions were slightly overjoyed! Om! At the moment when the two of them rejoiced! Suddenly.

  The flame of the love lamp suddenly swept up! "Success!"

  The two looked at each other.


  The king suddenly looked at Our Lady of Yaochi.

  "God has done it, it is helping us"

  Our Lady of Yaochi also felt something was wrong.

  Although the two feel that they can succeed, it seems that it will take time.

  But just now.

  The flames rose suddenly.

  The power of God emerges from the underworld, and its meaning is self-evident.

  ————————The pool of reincarnation.

  Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling's bodies slowly retreated a few steps.

  Jiang Gu's blood-colored pupils looked ahead.

  There was just a little bit of confusion in those eyes.

  He actually felt a little familiar with the power of this avenue.


  He felt this power, and he seemed to be familiar with it.


  Why in his memory, in the two thousand years, he has not fought with many people, the most powerful of them is nothing more than the generals, but this power does not belong to the generals, the power of this Dao makes him feel like a person, A man stood in the darkness of nothingness, holding the road against him.

  His eyes turned to the darkness in front of him.

  It seemed that in that emptiness and darkness, there was a pair of eyes looking at him.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 347 The Power of the Great Dao!The Guidance of the Pond of Reincarnation!

  outside the seal area.

  Uncle Qiu is making a mark with one hand with a solemn face, looking at the pocket watch in his hand.

  There are ten minutes left before the time when the strange power of the plague mutates greatly.

  Ten minutes later, these plagues will mutate with strange powers, and even the underworld will not be able to seal! You can only use hell karma to clear everything before that! Now there are only ten minutes left.

  But there is no news from either side. These plague forces have gradually swallowed the seal of the underworld, and it seems that they will break through the seal at any time! "Uncle Qiu"

  "The number of infected has reached [-] million."

  Meteor urgently reports the number of infections.

  Only the voice fell.

  He said directly: "It has risen to [-] million."

  "Nine thousand and thirty,, ten thousand"

  "9 million [-]"

  Number of infected people.

  It's increasing like crazy.

  "Uncle please, if you don't execute it immediately, then the people who are infected, I am afraid we will not be able to solve it in a short time."

  A god of death beside Meteor said directly.

  The current situation is that there are many in the sealed area.

  However, those in the underworld and the human world who are infected with the three realms and six realms, demons, and zombies who are not caught in time will infect another person in a short period of time! The speed of the death of the god of death was originally the same as the number of infected people. But with the current number of infected people, there is no way to capture all of them in a short period of time! "Ten minutes."

  Uncle said directly.

  There was cold sweat on his forehead.

  Although I don't know whether it is right or wrong, if he is the agent of Ksitigarbha, then he must not now. It should be said that an hour ago, he should have performed hell karma. For those of the second and third kalpas, Uncle Qiu insisted that the fire of hell karma be displayed after ten minutes.

  "Break through [-] million."

  Meteor said solemnly.

  "[-] million"

  The number of infected people is skyrocketing! Everyone's heart.

  All are beating.

  Whether it was Mao You, Yuan Bupo, Arrow, and Kuang Fusheng, they all felt their hearts beating.

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