Everyone knows.

  Uncle is gambling.

  This gamble.

  Even people can't see hope, but Uncle Qiu put everything into this game because of the names of Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu. Once the game fails, more than [-] million living beings in the three realms and six realms will be killed. He was annihilated by the karmic fire of hell, and Qiu Shu would also bear the retribution from him, for thousands of lifetimes! But once it succeeds.


  The earliest tens of millions of people can be saved! This is a completely unequal outcome of victory and defeat. The consequences of losing will be more terrifying than the results of winning! "One hundred and thirty million"

  Meteor had cold sweat on his forehead and his fingers were shaking.

  "five minutes"

  Om! Just as his voice fell.

  A majestic voice echoed between heaven and earth! A crack followed! The moment the crack gushed out, endless power surged in that crack.

  "We have succeeded by virtue of fate, the power of pure love in the world, we have been sealed in the burning lamp. Now, we just need to wait for Ksitigarbha King to wake up."

  The voice of the King of Humans reverberated between heaven and earth.

  "Did he and Ma Xiaoling succeed?"

  The king's voice paused and asked again.

  "No news."

  The uncle shook his head.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The golden rays of light in his hands are dazzling, against the plague power that is ready to break through the seal of the underworld! "Oh"

  The king nodded thoughtfully.

  "He will make it."

  He uttered another sentence.

  This sentence.

  Let everyone be slightly taken aback.

  Especially the gods of death.

  Many gods of death understand the risks involved, and if the victory of this gamble is handed over to outsiders, the gods of death don't have much hope, but please believe the two of them, and they have no right to speak.


  Now the King of Humans actually thinks that that person can succeed, and even begging Uncle is a little astonished.

  He knew that the King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi seemed to be very afraid of Jiang Gu, but what he didn't expect was that the two would believe in Jiang Gu so much, but under this belief, it was not difficult to see that the two were afraid of Jiang Gu's strength.

  In the end, what kind of contact did Jiang Gu and the Virgin of Yaochi have with the King of Humans? These two exist in the ancient times, and can even be traced back to when Pangu opened the world and before the three realms and six paths were formed. Could it be that Jiang Gu Qiu Shu does not know.

  ————————The depths of the underworld.

  The pool of reincarnation.

  Jiang Gu stood in the void.

  He stared into the darkness, and in the darkness there seemed to be a scarlet eye staring at him.

  "Believe me"

  "Do not resist"

  An indistinguishable voice rang out faintly.

  In the endless power of the Great Dao surging at the moment when the voice fell.

  The power of the Great Dao is surging! The source power of reincarnation is slowly coming towards Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling! Jiang Gu's bloody eyes looked coldly, and he was about to take action, but at the moment when the source of reincarnation came in, he No shot! Om! The reincarnation power of the source directly poured into Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling's body! Ma Xiaoling's expression was slightly stunned, at this moment, she felt an unspeakable power, in her memory The surging made her memory start to beat, but these powers did not affect her memory. After the surging, it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

  The power of the source of hum reincarnation poured into Ma Xiaoling's body.

  The power of the road slowly dissipated.

  The power of the avenue dissipated, and the pool of reincarnation, which had been surging, gradually returned to calm at this moment.

  After regaining calm, an inexplicable force slowly emerged in front of him.

  This front.

  It seems to be in the depths of the pool of reincarnation.

  This power is guiding the two Jiang Gu's eyes to narrow slightly.

  The power of the Dao, the Dao of Heaven, and the power of the source of reincarnation, what is hidden in it, he can't feel the hostility.

  There is only endless familiarity.

  It felt like he was entering a chess game.

  The only difference was that he and the man who controlled the chess game found the slightest resemblance.


  He smiled softly and led Ma Xiaoling towards the place where the power was guiding.

  After that moment.

  The deepest part of the pool of reincarnation.

  There is a vast void here, and nothing can be seen. The breath of the underworld and the human world emerges here. This is the depths of the pool of reincarnation, and it is also the junction between the underworld and the human world.


  Just when Ma Xiaoling couldn't see the door.

  Jiang Gu's eyes.

  through the endless void.

  looked somewhere.

Chapter 348 King Ksitigarbha now!The last ten seconds!

  Jiang Gu dragged Ma Xiaoling and walked forward slowly.

  through the endless void.

  I don't know how long I have walked in that vast void.

  I don't know how long it took.

  Jiang Gu's footsteps stopped.

  His hand was empty and pulled forward.

  A door opened in an instant, and countless golden rays of light poured out from the four frames of the door! In an instant, the vast nothingness around it was reflected! "Let's go."

  Jiang Gu took Ma Xiaoling and walked into the door.

  inside the door.

  It's a radiant world.

  There is no terrain, no objects, or even any vigor. It is an extremely pale world. There is only whiteness between the heavens and the earth.

  "Is this the place where Uncle Qiu said he can wake up the king of Jizo?"

  Ma Xiaoling slowly came to her senses from the pool of reincarnation, but just looking at this pale world, she was a little dazed for a while.

  There obviously seems to be nothing here.

  This white world is so white that people are desperate.

  "Is it just a scam, isn't it?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked a little surprised.

  This hell trip.

  It is not a crisis, but it is also full of many strange things. These things make Ma Xiaoling always feel that something is wrong, but it is impossible to say.

  The reincarnation picture, everything in the white mist, and all the pictures of Meng Po are intertwined, giving Ma Xiaoling a feeling that she must experience.

  But when I came here, there was nothing.

  But for Jiang Gu.

  What he could feel seemed more real.

  He can feel that this is a different situation. Since he came in this world, everything seems to have changed. The code of the Bible, the generals, the third robbery of the Ma family, everything has become: of course, But it made him feel a little bit unusual.

  The most important thing is the Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans.

  Seems to have had contact with him.

  Or, the aura of the Great Dao, fearing his power, also gave him a familiar feeling.

  Since the third robbery, the game he walked seemed to be intertwined with a game that appeared in ancient times, and the person who made the layout seemed to have the same idea as him, that is to destroy fate.

  Jiang Gu closed his eyes.

  He was looking for a flaw in this white place, where there was no breath, no trace.

  Time flows slowly.

  No one knows how long it took.

  Ma Xiaoling is naturally anxious in her heart, but she also knows that if this is the last step, then it is useless to be anxious. If it is not the last step, then she can only calm down and feel it.


  Jiang Gu's eyes.

  open suddenly.

  Under his induction, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, without any breath, and a ray of breath emerged.

  ——————“Three minutes left.”

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