My uncle was sweating coldly on his forehead.

  He felt that he was about to lose his hold.

  The last three minutes.

  Even the King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi were silent in the void.

  Everyone's heart is holding up.

  "One hundred and fifty million."

  Meteor sound is a little weak.

  His body has begun to tremble, and his heart has been tense to the extreme.

  The last three minutes.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  I felt my mouth was dry, my heart was raised to my throat, and it was tense to the extreme.

  The current number of people infected with the Three Realms and Six Paths has reached 1 million[-].

  "It is estimated that in the last three minutes, it may reach [-] million."

  Meteor said nervously.

  "Uncle Qiu, if you don't use hell karma again, this plague power should break through the barrier of the underworld. At that time, I'm afraid both the underworld and the world will fall."

  Mao You's hands were shaking.

  Current situation.

  It's already very critical.

  The critical thing is that this plague power has exceeded the imagination of Uncle Qiu and others. The current power is even on the verge of breaking through. If you really wait for the last three minutes, this plague power may not even be able to seal Qiu Uncle. Then, even if Uncle Qiu wants to use the hell karma to clean up this power, the plague power has already been released.

  But it's troublesome.

  My uncle didn't speak.

  His eyes stared straight ahead.

  He is no longer a human body, and he is trembling a little. Even at this moment, he has some doubts. Using these tens of millions of lives to make the world and the underworld out of control, is this really right? , then when millions of people are infected, everything can be annihilated with hell karma.

  But now it seems too late to regret it.

  ————————In the vast white world.

  Jiang Gu's eyes opened.

  In this white world, a phantom appeared, and when the phantom appeared, a faint golden light filled his body.

  This phantom was wearing a black suit, standing quietly in this vast white world.

  "Finally I"

  "Wait for you."

  He said softly, turning his back to the two of them.

  "wait for us"

  Ma Xiaoling frowned slightly, "You know we will come"

  "I can calculate that you will go here, but it seems that there is no time now."

  He looked towards the sky.

  After his voice fell.

  human world.

  The golden light rose from the sky.

  He turned around slowly, and looked at Jiang Gu with a pair of eyes filled with golden light.

  "I know that we will finally meet, this day, I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

  "Fate has begun to be caught."

  "A silver lining may have begun to emerge."

  He said, suddenly there was no movement.

  --------"One minute."

  The meteor face is as gray as death.

  Did you really lose this gamble, but the biggest gamble ever in the world! This gamble.

  The bet is [-] million sentient beings in the three realms and six realms! And this is still a game, and the winning rate is much lower than the losing bet! "Thirty seconds."

  "Twenty seconds."

  "Ten seconds 1 Jizo agent."

  Meteor looked at Uncle Qiu.

  The power of the plague is about to break the seal of the underworld! Once it is broken, the three realms will perish! I beg your uncle to shout! Start chanting the spell! The flames in the sky, intertwined with everything, appear in his hands! when finished.


  in the middle of the sealed area.

  A golden light emerges here! The golden light spreads out.

  A figure slowly walked out of the sealed area.

  "I am the King of Ksitigarbha, and I am here by the decree"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 349 King Ksitigarbha is in this world!The Destiny Game has officially begun!

  Ksitigarbha! Appeared! At this moment in the last ten seconds, those plague forces were immediately blocked by a vast force! Uncle Qiu collapsed to the ground.

  He gasped for breath.

  He seemed calm just now, but he seemed to be pretending. In fact, he was also worried. It didn't matter if he would suffer for thousands of lives, but he couldn't ignore the lives of these hundreds of millions of beings in the Three Realms and Six Paths. As the King of Earth Store , he needs to give up the tabloids, but his choice just now is to save everything.

  This is for his current responsibilities.

  is irresponsible.

  But he was also a member of the human world, even if the first few million, he did not want to give up.

  This prosperous gambling game.

  He bet right.


  However, when Uncle Qiu collapsed to the ground and regained his senses, he realized something was wrong.

  King Ksitigarbha is the supreme existence in the underworld, and he actually came from the decree. What the hell is going on? It’s just that Uncle Qiu didn’t have time to think about it! The purest and truest love in the world"

  A light drink came out of the void! At the moment of emergence.

  A lamp appeared in the center of countless golden lights.

  King Ksitigarbha stepped forward slowly and directly grabbed the lamp.

  "Even if the world perishes, King Ksitigarbha has never abandoned the world, but suffers with the world."

  Uncle Qiu looked at the King Jizo who walked out of the sealed area, his eyes filled with admiration.

  But at the same time.

  He also had some doubts in his heart.

  What the hell did Xiaoling and Jiang Gu do, and why did the Ksitigarbha King come to obey the decree? There are too many doubts here, which makes Uncle Qiu feel wrong.

  As the Lord of the Three Realms and Six Paths, King Ksitigarbha has traced its roots back to ancient times. In terms of rank and strength, he is at the same level as the King of Humans. The only difference is that the King of Humans is far more advanced than King Ksitigarbha. Terrifying, but from a certain level of Chengdu, the king of people and the king of Ksitigarbha, one is the king of the world, the other is the king of the underworld, why does the king of Ksitigars respect the law and who is the law in the world that can make the king of the earth look like .

  Only after Xiaoling and Jiang Gu return, all this may be clear.

  With the appearance of the love lamp, King Kizang used his supreme power to condense the pure and true love power out of the love lamp, and once again condensed the seven emotions and six desires of countless humans, ghosts, demons, and zombies in the sealed area! These people gradually returned to normal.

  The golden light is diffused! It is diffused toward the whole world! This great crisis.

  After Jizo King appeared.

  The curtain slowly came to an end.

  Everyone didn't expect that the King Jizo, who sealed himself, appeared and solved all this! This is a gamble.

  Please uncle win.

  ——————"King Zang"

  Once out of the secret place, the man in the white suit stared at the merciful and merciful Ksitigarbha King in the sealed area, with a gloomy look in his eyes, but then he sneered again.

  "I didn't expect that the merciful and merciful Ksitigarbha King would actually be reborn into the descendants of the Ma family behind my back. It's really interesting!"

  "King Zang, I'm curious, what will you do next?"


  He smiled weirdly.

  "It doesn't matter anymore."

  "Next, Our Lady of Yaochi will be completely formed! This civilization will also begin to perish. No one can beat me, hahaha!"

  He burst out laughing, in the celestial book he knew, the Virgin of Yaochi had begun to gradually go crazy! The burning of the love lamp can be said to be the hope of the Virgin of Yaochi, but it is also the last despair of the Virgin of Yaochi! The one who loved millions of years ago, the Virgin of Yaochi desperately

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  She wanted to save her, but the appearance of Chang'e and the appearance of the love lamp made the Virgin of Yaochi gradually give up.


  Don't know why the Love Lantern would suddenly succeed.

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