But that doesn't matter anymore.

  Because then fate will tell Our Lady of Yaochi, what is the impermanence and teasing of fate.

  "That kind of...from hope to complete despair is a gift I gave you, enjoy this gift well, you are the most perfect human being since this human civilization, I have been looking forward to it for a long time!"

  "Millions of years ago, I looked forward to your assimilation with me, but unfortunately, the changes that occurred millions of years ago made everything fail."

  "But it doesn't matter. Next, you will still be mine."

  He laughed loudly, and then his body gradually dissipated.

  Only the last sentence left, left in the air: "This game of destiny has entered the final step"

  "I will return as supreme"

  ———————— The pool of reincarnation.

  In the vast white world.

  Time seems to have entered the eternal silence.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu both stood there, quietly watching the Ksitigarbha King who had turned around and was filled with gold.


  In the eternal silence, a voice emerged.

  It is the King of Earth Store.

  "The world is miserable, the world is miserable, and the world is full of countless sins and debts, making it difficult for sentient beings to give up everything in that samsara."

  "This pool of reincarnation, even if it can wash away everything from beings in the three realms and six realms, there are some that cannot be washed away forever."

  "If the underworld is not empty, I will not become a Buddha. I know that all this is impossible, but as long as the world is miserable, it is difficult for me to be myself. This was taught to me millions of years ago by a single person."

  "And I, too, have been waiting in the years, hoping to find a way to free the world from this misery."

  "After countless years, finally, I have waited for you."

  Ksitigarbha King said slowly.

  His eyes looked at the two of them.

  "Hell is not empty, swear not to become Buddha"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the Ksitigarbha King in front of her, "Can you predict what will happen in the future?"

  What King Jizo said was waiting for the arrival of the two of them.

  Could he be able to know the future "so to speak."

  King Jizo nodded.

  "If you can know the future, why do you have to be so mysterious, wouldn't it be better to appear directly?"

  Ma Xiaoling was very puzzled.

  She and Jiang Gu walked through the underworld, came to the depths of the underworld, and came to the depths of the pool of reincarnation. It seemed like a useless effort, because the king of Tibetans could calculate everything.


  Ma Xiaoling didn't know it, but Jiang Gu knew it.

  The fate of the world is like this. Even if you can know everything, the future you know will undergo unimaginable changes in countless years. That is to say, everything you know now is not inevitable. But it is inevitable, which is a very mysterious thing.

  Of course, the most mysterious.

  It is the existence of destiny.

  Because he executes according to what is written in the heavenly book, the deviations that occur, that is, and he, will fix these, so it will use: do everything to stop it.

  Therefore, if Ksitigarbha's setting is for him to wake up, he will be hindered endlessly, so the arrival of Ma Xiaoling is a very important part.

  ————————————【The weather is so hot and dry that I want to die woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.] Feilu reminds you: [-] things to read, collect, push

Chapter 350 The fifth part records the fate of two thousand years ago!

  "Everything you have experienced is inevitable and must be done."

  Ksitigarbha said softly.

  "Could it be that I was destined to come here"

  Ma Xiaoling asked in confusion.

  "You have your reasons for coming here, and our destiny has only just begun to intertwine, this world is like a huge computer, the world's birth, old age, sickness and death, ecological reincarnation, everything, everything has been accurately calculated and obtained a close With perfect data, this near-perfect data is what we call initial destiny."

  "The Book of the Heavens has been calculated perfectly and calculated perfectly, and everything has been obtained."

  "And I, through calculation, got today's result."

  King Jizo said a lot of things.

  Which involves the fate and the book of heaven millions of years ago.

  These ones

  It was something Ma Xiaoling had never heard before. The words spoken by King Kizang seemed to have opened up a new world for her, which made her feel a mysterious feeling.

  "That is to say, my appearance, my everything has been calculated and destined"

  Ma Xiaoling was a little unbelievable.

  Jiang Gu stood quietly.

  The plan to capture fate now.

  Ready to go to the last step.

  Millions of years ago, the human king and the Virgin of Yaochi, the extermination of the Pangu tribe, and the emergence of the plague force, all of which seem to be dominated by fate, but in fact, what really dominates all this is the perfection of the last catastrophe. Human beings, the only thing that makes him feel that something is wrong is that everything that appeared millions of years ago seems to have some deviations.

  But that doesn't matter anymore.

  Once fate collapses, everything he does will be worth it.

  Two thousand years of destiny.

  Intertwined darkness.

  It's just that this fate is far more complicated than he thought.

  And the scriptures have changed.

  Everything in the future is already elusive.

  "It doesn't matter anymore."

  King Jizo smiled.

  "What's the meaning"

  Ma Xiaoling was puzzled.

  "My appearance is just to tell you who your enemy is."

  King Ksitigarbha said this, his words were a little dignified.


  "Isn't it the King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Ksitigarbha King puzzled.

  "As I said, this world is a huge computer. We are all calculated in this computer, or in other words, we have made up programs to execute our life according to the program of the computer. People, those who die beside them, and everyone's fate is fixed."

  "There is a book involved here, and this book is the core of fabrication and calculation. This book is called destiny."

  "The world is incomplete, and we humans are also incomplete. Everyone has different shortcomings, advantages, resentment, and happiness. All in all, we can't be a truly perfect human being."

  "And the scriptures that bear witness to all of this, since the birth of destiny, have felt the imperfection of this world, so"

  "He shot."

  King Ksitigarbha looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  at the same time.

  His eyes also looked at Jiang Gu.

  Jiang Gu couldn't see the eyes of King Ksitigarbha and wanted to express it, but he saw that there seemed to be a trace of respect for him in the eyes of King Ksitigarbha "The Book of Fate."

  Ma Xiaoling's mind was completely confused.

  Everything the king said.

  For her, the whole world view seems to be collapsing! It can be said that after the third calamity, her world view has been improved, and she is no longer limited to Taoism and exorcism.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The devil family, and the frame given by the world, she understands that zombies are not evil, and human beings are not good, and the life of the world is still brought by the zombie king.

  All this made her understand good and evil, not demons and humans.

  In particular, the emergence of the Pangu tribe.

  The Pangu who created the world turned out to be a clan, and the zombie king turned out to be the Pangu who created the world.

  As time goes by.

  She also gradually accepted it all.

  But now what the King of Tibet has said.

  For Ma Xiaoling.

  She smashed her worldview fiercely, and then started to weave.

  "I do not believe"

  She shook her head."

  My destiny is in my own hands!"

  Ma Xiaoling said firmly.

  She looked at Ksitigarbha.

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