Hold Jiang Gu's hand even tighter.

  She felt uneasy.

  "You have conquered fate."

  "So, that's why I showed up."

  "Of course, the biggest reason, of course, is because everything two thousand years ago was the first shot of fate after millions of years of silence. It felt threatened and uneasy. You and him have fought fate."

  "So, I found you."

  Ksitigarbha King said slowly.

  "Another two thousand years ago"

  Ma Xiaoling's chaotic mind gradually regained her composure.

  things two thousand years ago.

  It seems to have become the most important part of her life, and everything in those two thousand years has guided her to explore step by step.

  four years.

  She searched for the records of Part [-], but she couldn't find any trace! Before Uncle Qiu left, she asked her to find Mr. Tianyi, but Mr. Tianyi left and was in his residence, Mr. Tianyi's residence, Ma Xiaoling. Hit a shock.

  Her beautiful eyes gradually turned into astonishment.

  Mr. Tian Yi's residence is densely packed with one line of words.

  Destiny is back.

  Is it.

  She was finally convinced that everything King Jizo said in front of her was true.

  But what she didn't expect was.

  There is something about the fate of , that actually happened: two thousand years ago.

  "Part [-]: Partial records, will tell you everything."

  "There, there are answers you want to know."

  Ksitigarbha King no longer speaks.

  Rather, it is about records from two thousand years ago.

  "Part [-] :: Partial Records"

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head and said, "Part [-]: Part of the record, I've been looking for it for four years, but there isn't a single clue."

  "Do not."

  Ksitigarbha King smiled softly.

  "It has already appeared."

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were stunned: "It has already appeared"

  There was a ripple in Jiang Gu's deep eyes, as if he understood something.

  "The Pond of Reincarnation."

  Reincarnation Chi Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes shrank.

  King Ksitigarbha smiled: "As expected of you."

  "Part [-]: Partial records, in the pool of reincarnation"

  As he spoke, he looked towards the sky.

  "time is limited."

  "You will find it."

  His figure gradually disappeared.

  after he dissipated.

  Between the white sky and the earth, a crack appeared.

  In the cracks, the breath of the world permeates out! This is the passage back to the world! [There is a chapter, in the third volume: inside, I will ask the editor to give some permission tomorrow] To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 351 The plague is over!The strangeness recorded in the fifth part!

  Human world.

  The emergence of King Ksitigarbha! Those sentient beings in the three realms and six realms infected by the power of the plague have reshaped their emotions and desires, and the power of the plague has completely dissipated! It has never appeared before, those sentient beings in the three realms and six realms in the sealed zone looked around in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

  Seeing this scene, feeling the power of the plague dissipated, everyone standing on the roof breathed a sigh of relief.

  To know.

  This is a total of [-] million living beings in the three realms and six realms! Once the power of infection breaks out, the entire human realm and even the three realms will be destroyed! This is an unprecedented gamble.

  It's also a huge crisis! It can even be compared to the third catastrophe! "I know, it can't be wrong."

  Uncle heaved a sigh of relief.

  Too much has happened today.

  Originally, he thought the gamble had been lost.

  The King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi couldn't take advantage of the fate and left directly.

  There was no news from the underworld, and the king of Ksitigarbha failed to show up for a long time.

  The number of infections continued to increase, and even increased to a very terrifying level! But the breath of the avenue emerged one after another.

  For the first time, when the Human King and the Lady of Yaochi left, the aura of the Great Dao appeared, and after the Lady of Yaochi and the Lady of Human King left, they appeared again.

  The second time, the King Ksitigarbha was unable to show up for a long time, and there was no news of the Mother of Yaochi and the King of Human beings.

  But after the breath of the avenue emerged.

  The Mother of Yaochi and the King of Humans succeeded by fate, and the King of Earth Store also appeared.

  What the hell is going on with this Dao? Could someone control the Dao of Heaven?

  All of this is destined to be unknown to Uncle.

  In the enchantment of the burning lamp, the figure of the Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans appeared on the roof.

  "You have already borrowed the fate successfully, and then, it's time for you to repay the fate."

  "You will have a new identity and a new life within three months, and then meet and fall in love."

  "Otherwise, your relationship will completely collapse and worsen."

  "This is your last hope."

  Uncle Qiu's last words were addressed to Our Lady of Yaochi.

  He knew the thoughts of Our Lady of Yaochi.

  This time by chance.

  If the fate is really successful, then the love between the Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans will continue. This is a transaction that benefits both parties! Uncle Qiu also turns a blind eye.

  And most importantly.

  The next catastrophe will have a great relationship with the two of them. Once the two of them go to war, life will be ruined.

  This will be a situation that Uncle Qiu does not want to see.


  The king nodded.

  The two didn't have much to say.

  The next repayment is a very crucial part, "I'll go to prepare first."

  Our Lady of Yaochi said softly.

  left here.

  "I'm leaving too."

  The king said to Uncle Qiu.

  After the two disappeared.

  A crack gushed out! The reincarnation breath of the underworld spread out! Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu walked out from inside.

  "Xiaoling! Jiang Gu!"

  When Uncle Qiu saw the two of them, a smile appeared on his face.

  "Please uncle."

  Ma Xiaoling nodded, but her expression was a little solemn.

  "Xiao Ling, what's wrong with you"

  Mao You came up and saw that Ma Xiaoling's expression was not quite right.

  "I found the fifth part of the Ma family: Partially recorded."

  Ma Xiaoling's voice was a little low.

  "Part [-] :: Partial Records"

  Uncle Qiu was stunned, "I've been looking for a long time and I can't find any clues, how is it possible?"

  He seemed to have thought of something.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Could it be that this fifth part is recorded in the underworld"

  He couldn't think of this possibility at all! Who would have thought that this possibility is the underworld, the underworld! It is one of the three realms! "Well, Uncle Qiu, it's in the underworld."

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  "Ma Linger, the ancestor of the Ma family, deserves to be a man of Tao. His strength is terrifying, beyond my imagination."

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