Uncle Qiu gave a wry smile: "No wonder I searched for so long and didn't find any clues."

  Ma Xiaoling looked a little complicated, "In the pool of reincarnation."


  Uncle was stunned.

  Mao You was stunned.

  "The Pond of Reincarnation, what is it?"

  Yuan Bupo asked.

  Ask Uncle to seal it here, Mao You and Yuan Bupo are always there, Arrow and former staff and Kuang Fusheng went outside the blockade area to block those infected humans.

  Hearing everyone talking about the Pond of Samsara, he was a little puzzled.

  I beg your uncle not to speak.

  "The pool of reincarnation is the deepest part of the underworld, the deepest part of reincarnation, and the most important place in reincarnation."

  "Everyone who is reincarnated must pass through this place, which is connected to the human world and is full of the power of reincarnation."

  Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling in amazement.

  "Part [-]: Partial records, how can it be in the pool of reincarnation"

  "The Pond of Reincarnation is the most mysterious place in the Three Realms and Six Paths. No one can go there. It's amazing that you can pass there. Your Ma ancestors are the ones who got it."

  Uncle Qiu has a lot of confusion.

  "And, why did she put the fifth part :: part of the record in the pool of reincarnation"

  "Did she and the second zombie king ever go to the pool of reincarnation?"

  Ask uncle to walk back and forth.

  He couldn't understand what happened two thousand years ago.

  Why did the ancestors of the Ma family put the fifth part:: partial record in the pool of reincarnation.

  And how she got in there are a lot of questions that no one can answer.

  "Uncle begging, I want to find the fifth part of the Ma family's records. There are some things involved in this. I want you to help me find it. In the records of the underworld, is there any record of this."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Uncle Qiu.

  If it is said that the ancestors of the Ma family once came to the underworld, then the Tibetan records, or the records of the underworld, may have this record.

  So Ma Xiaoling asked her uncle to help find the records of the underworld.

  "I see."

  Uncle Qiu nodded, "I haven't read the Jizo records and the Jifu records, maybe there will be answers you want to know."

  he said.

  Suddenly one hand knotted.

  A strange wave of energy fluctuated out! The moment of fluctuation, it directly filled the whole body, surrounding him, Ma Xiaoling and others! "Tomorrow is the time for the King of Humans and the Lady of Yaochi to reunite, so be careful."

  "In here, there may be a guy who will sabotage."

  He took a deep look at the crowd.

  After saying this.

  He looked towards the sealed area.

  "I'll go first, and I'll let you know if there is any news."

  He said, and before everyone could react, he disappeared in place.

  ————————In the villa.

  The man in the white suit sat at the table with twelve books in front of him. He quietly looked at the books in front of him and opened a book.

  "The end of the world."

  "You are the one."

  Suddenly, he seemed to have found something.

  "The key appeared"

  [Let's say here, ha, now that the book has reached the middle and late stages, the plots will get better and better, but I heard that some people think that these plots are quite boring recently, and the author will speed up.] Feilu reminds you: the three things of reading are collected and pushed.

Chapter 352 Jizo Records!The Awakening of Ksitigarbha?

  "Our Lady of Yaochi, Eternal Kingdom"

  The two most important things have been perfectly arranged at this moment! Waiting now, the Virgin of Yaochi and the King of Humans will break completely! Now is the perfect time! The advent of the eternal kingdom, the awakening of the Virgin of the Lake and the King of Humans, everything. , are all within his calculations, as long as he becomes one with the Mother of Yaochi, his power will be unprecedentedly powerful, and then he will get the eternal heart lock, open the eternal kingdom, and get what he wants, then he will wait countless times. The plan of the civilized years will be successful! For this plan.

  It has waited countless civilized years! Just for this moment.


  After this crisis is over.

  But Ma Xiaoling couldn't relax what she had experienced in the pool of reincarnation, that...the picture she saw in front of the Naihe Bridge, that...the man holding the sword, and what happened to the ancestors of the Ma family and the second zombie king, this Inside, what happened, let the two people who have experienced life and death go to the fork in the fate.

  Even find the second zombie king and suppress it.

  What the hell is going on inside the bar.

  Looking at Jiang Gu sitting on the bar.

  "Weird, you seem to know Kuang Tianya"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu and asked suddenly.


  Jiang Gu nodded.

  "Can you find her? She's been missing for a long time. I thought it had something to do with her, but I didn't expect that Chang'e did it."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu.

  At first everyone thought that this was done by Kuang Tianya.

  But later, Uncle Qiu said everything, and this is what the King of Humans would tell Uncle Qiu, and Chang'e did everything.

  Everyone knew that Kuang Tianya was wrong.

  But now Kuang Tianya has completely disappeared.

  "I can't sense her breath, but I think she should find two people."

  Jiang Gu said gently.

  "Two people"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu with beautiful eyes, she found that Jiang Gu seemed to know a lot that she didn't know.

  "Kang Tianyou and Axiu."

  Jiang Gu's deep eyes looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  When Ma Xiaoling heard the words, she didn't react at first, but soon, she seemed to understand something.

  State of the world.

  Kuang Tianyou "She is Kuang Tianyou's younger sister"

  Ma Xiaoling asked.

  Jiang Gu smiled.

  "It's her daughter."


  Ma Xiaoling didn't respond for a while.

  But soon.

  She seemed to understand something.

  "She is from the future"

  She thought of this possibility.

  Because she has also experienced travel through time and space.

  But she did not expect that Kuang Tianya had also come through.

  "You mean, she went to find Kuang Tianyou, but Kuang Tianyou"

  Ma Xiaoling frowned slightly.

  Kuang Tianyou has completely disappeared since the third calamity.

  He didn't say goodbye like everyone else, and disappeared silently.

  "She'll be back."

  Jiang Gu said slowly.

  He was not worried about Kuang Tianya.

  Even by the means of fate.

  It was also difficult for him to catch Kuang Tianya.

  Even Jiang Gu doesn't know where Kuang Tianya is now.

  Mao You walked in from outside the hotel and heard the two

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  During the dialogue, she came over with the document and said slowly: "Xiaoling, don't worry, I have dispatched all the law enforcement officers and will help you find Kuang Tianya and Kuang Tianyou."

  The power of Kuang Tianya is no less than that of the second generation of zombies. Naturally, Kuang Tianya must be found. Otherwise, once she loses control, her power will not be bearable by law enforcement.

  "Arrow, Yuan Bupo has already gone to monitor the repayment ceremony of the Human King and the Lady of Yaochi, so there shouldn't be any problem."

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