After begging uncle to tell everyone.

  Mao You naturally couldn't take it lightly.

  After all, Uncle Qiu seems to have something to fear, and can't say it.

  She picked up the pile of documents, flipped through it and said, "However, it has been three days now, and the tension is still a victory, so don't worry."

  "But Yuan Bupo brought a piece of news, that is, his sister had a premonition."

  "Our Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans, this battle may be unavoidable. I don't know if there is a problem with the ceremony, but it is going well so far. However, she also brought a piece of news."

  "That is"

  Her expression became a little dignified.

  "The records of the Ma family, based on what she has calculated, the records of the Ma family may be connected to future crises. Some key figures have appeared two thousand years ago, and they are involved in possible future crises. There is a chance of life there. ."

  Mao You's words.

  A bitter smile and helplessness appeared on Ma Xiaoling's face.

  "What's wrong"

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  "No, I just didn't expect that the Ma family records would be so important. The ray of hope for the third calamity was also found in the Ma family records, but I didn't think that the crisis that might occur in the future could be found in the Ma family records. "

  "That is to say, the future crisis, according to the Ma family records, may have been predicted or estimated two thousand years ago, so there is a silver lining."

  Ma Xiaoling's expression became more and more strange.

  What kind of characters are the ancestors of the Ma family and the second zombie king two thousand years ago, and why can they calculate these things?

  Especially the second zombie king.

  The silver lining for the third calamity seemed to have something to do with him.

  Ma Xiaoling felt more and more that the Ma family two thousand years ago seemed to have a huge fog, and the people in that fog, the ancestors of the Ma family and the second zombie king, became more and more mysterious. They are all closely related, this is something Ma Xiaoling never thought of.

  Recorded from the original first part.

  She was just curious about who the second zombie king was.

  But as I got to know her more, I found that all of this seemed to be inseparable from her. The second zombie king in the past and present, the second and third tribulations, and everything she experienced seemed to be the same as the two thousand years old. It's about the previous love.

  Her eyes were a little confused.

  What kind of story did I experience two thousand years ago——————underworld.

  Uncle begged to read the Jizo records.

  His expression was solemn.


  "King Zang"

  "The Way of Heaven"

  Ancient events from millions of years ago.

  It is actually in the records of this Jizo.

  "Books from the sky, books from the ground, and people's books about everything that happened two thousand years ago."

  "All this, have we always been the ones to be robbed?"

  "Part [-] :: Partial Records"

  He was flipping through the books, and suddenly, his hand twitched slightly.

  "Awakening Jizo King"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 353 The Underworld Taboo!The story of the ancestors of the Ma family two thousand years ago!

  All the records in it made the worldview he just established collapsed.

  Destiny civilization annihilates the Book of Heaven, Book of Earth, Book of Man, and everything in the entire world is actually dominated by these three books. The fate of human beings has been calculated in one book, and their future, everything, everything is determined. In a book, all the future destiny is dominated by this book, for Uncle Qiu, he felt his own destiny and was firmly held in his hand.

  "An Eternal Game, a Game Against Destiny"

  "Awakening the Reincarnation of King Jizo"

  "Records from two thousand years ago"

  Uncle Qiu's eyes didn't stop, he kept looking at the Jizo records, the records in it were not recorded in the Jifu records.

  The underworld records what happened in the underworld from ancient times to the present.

  Jizo records the things that have existed since the birth of Jizo.

  He saw from the first record of the Jizo that two thousand years ago, everything has gradually become clear.

  "Fate first appeared two thousand years ago."

  Uncle Qiu saw a text in the Jizo records.

  The words made him shudder.

  Could it be that the records here have something to do with the records of the Ma family, which makes Uncle Qiu feel more and more that everything in it seems to be closely related to the Ma family two thousand years ago.

  "Two thousand years ago"

  He continued to look at this part of the record, and the more he looked at it, the emotions in his eyes kept changing, from solemn, shocking, to the last stunned to the end.

  He was speechless.

  In the dark and dark room around him, he looked at the Jizo records floating in the air in front of him, and for a while, his mind was a little confused.

  Even though he has lived for fifty or sixty years, and served as a Ksitigarbha agent, he has seen countless things, but now that he sees the things recorded in the Ksitigarbha records, he still feels that he has lived in vain all these years.

  "It seems"

  "This time in the world, there are many things to do."

  He said, his eyes on the world.

  His figure gradually disappeared.


  Ma Xiaoling took a sip of wine.

  She was wearing black clothes, her hair was tied up, and her eyes were staring at the front in a daze.

  She originally wanted to go to Wanyan Wulei, but Yuan Bupo refused her to go to see Wanyan Wulei, because Wanyan Wulei was in a very bad state. She should have died eight hundred years ago, but the eternal heart The lock gave her strength and made her a living dead, but now, Yonghen Xinsuo is constantly calculating the future outcome, making Wanyan Wulei's physical condition worse and worse.

  So Yuan Bupo wanted to stop his sister's calculations.

  If it weren't for the company of his sister for eight hundred years, he would have gone crazy long ago.

  Ma Xiaoling did not insist that she should go.

  After all, now is the most important thing.

  It's the record of finding the Ma family! But there is no news from Uncle Qiu for a long time.

  She could only wait.

  The Lady of Yaochi and the King of Humans are now going smoothly, but everyone has not let down their guard.

  Once the war is fought, the victory will be wiped out.

  "Miss Xiaoling, the bar's business is not very good recently. I feel like we are going to go bankrupt."

  Seeing Ma Xiaoling drinking, Kuang Fusheng came over with a sad face.

  This bar was opened by Ma Xiaoling, but it is not Ma Xiaoling's. Before Ma Dingdang left, he gave this bar to Ma Xiaoling, and after Ma Xiaoling renovated it, it became the current bar.


  Hearing the word bankruptcy, Ma Xiaoling's expression tightened.

  "Yeah! There hasn't been any revenue lately, and with so much happening around the bar, there's no traffic at all."


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Resurrection is very frustrating.

  He was talking.

  Suddenly, a woman in a black black gauze skirt came in from outside.

  With light makeup and a smile on her face, she came in from outside the bar.

  "No business is fine, I can reduce your rent a little bit."

  "I don't know why, but writing with you guys makes me so inspired!"

  She looked at Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Fusheng and smiled slightly.

  "Miss Yao Qiong."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at her and greeted her with a smile.

  "Miss Yao Qiong, you are so happy recently, are you going to marry Mr. Ren Xi?"

  Kuang Fusheng smiled.

  this woman.

  Naturally, it is Our Lady of Yaochi.

  Now a novelist and a pub landlord.

  "How can it be so fast."

  Yao Qiong shook his head shyly.


  Just when the three of them were talking.

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