Ma Xiaoling felt that something had changed on the second floor.

  The breath of hell wafted out.

  "I'll go up first."

  Ma Xiaoling said to Yao Qiong, and then walked up.

  Go up the stairs and open the door to the second floor.

  Ma Xiaoling saw Uncle Qiu sitting on the sofa.

  Seeing Uncle Qiu, Ma Xiaoling looked a little overjoyed.

  However, Uncle Qiu's expression was very solemn.

  "Xiaoling, I have found the records two thousand years ago."

  Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling with an inexplicable expression.

  "Please uncle, your expression"

  Ma Xiaoling felt that Qiu Shu's expression seemed strange.

  "If you listen to me, then it will probably be even more strange."

  Uncle Qiu had an indescribable wry smile and helplessness on his face.

  Hearing Uncle Qiu's words, Ma Xiaoling's eyes became more and more curious, what happened in the underworld two thousand years ago.

  Why did the ancestors of the Ma family put the fifth part:: partial record into the pool of reincarnation.

  "Uncle please, hurry up and tell me what happened. There are really a lot of things going on recently. Don't give a shit."

  Ma Xiaoling was a little anxious.

  Seeing that Ma Xiaoling was so anxious, Uncle Qiu organized some words and looked forward with a dazed expression, then Fang began to say slowly: "Two thousand years ago, in the underworld, an unprecedented event happened."

  "This major event is called the taboo of the underworld. It is not even recorded in the records of the underworld. Only the records of the underground store have records of this event."

  "And this matter is related to your Ma family."

  Uncle Qiu took a deep look at Ma Xiaoling.

  "The underworld taboo is related to the Ma family"

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned.

  What does the taboos of the underworld have to do with the Ma family? Even if the ancestors of the Ma family practiced the Tao two thousand years ago, but where is the underworld? When I first saw the records here, I felt incredible."

  "Two thousand years ago, there was an unprecedented turmoil in the human world."

  "This turmoil is the front end of the dark age that follows, and the taboo of the underworld happened after this turmoil."

  Uncle Qiu retracted his eyes and looked straight ahead.

  It seems that there is a replay of the original together.

  "Two thousand years ago."

  "After the turmoil, a woman broke through the yin and yang, one person and one sword, and came to the underworld."

Chapter 354 Ancestor of the Ma family, once broke into the deepest part of the pool of reincarnation? !

  "One person and one sword, she broke through the passage between the underworld and the sun, and broke into the underworld."

  Uncle Qiu remembered the shock he felt when he saw the records! "Humans in the human world have been taboo to trespass the underworld since ancient times, because it involves the rules of the Three Realms. Then kill it."

  "After the underworld found out that this woman came from the human world, it sent countless underworld officials to arrest this woman."

  "I didn't expect"

  "This woman, one sword at a time, kills all the way from the junction of the underworld and the world, from the junction, to the gate of hell, passes through the ten halls, passes through countless ghost mountains, heavenly palaces, and then enters the ten halls, killing the eighteenth floor. Hell, it has reached the deepest part of the underworld!"

  "Cross the Naihe Bridge, cross the road of reincarnation, and come to the pool of reincarnation."

  When Uncle Qiu said this, there was an indescribable shock in his eyes.

  Even Ma Xiaoling.

  He looked so shocked that he couldn't speak.

  "She is the ancestor of your Ma family."

  "Ma Linger."

  Please tell me the woman's name.

  The ancestor of the Ma family, Ma Linger! One person and one sword, from the gate of hell, through countless ghostly places, heavenly palaces, ten halls, and eighteen layers of hell, to the deepest part of the underworld! What a terrifying act of Taoism! In the underworld, no king of hell can stop him."

  "She killed in front of the pool of reincarnation, and jumped directly into the pool of reincarnation under the eyes of countless ghosts, countless stalkers, and the king of hell who came after him."

  "No one knows why she jumped into the pool of reincarnation. The pool of reincarnation is the deepest forbidden area in the underworld. Even the King of Earth Stores would not dare to enter the pool of reincarnation easily."

  "What's more, she was already seriously injured and almost died in the fight all the way."


  Uncle Qiu sighed and shook his head.

  "She actually came back from the pool of reincarnation."

  "No one knows how she came back, but when she came back, she was dying."

  "And King Ksitigarbha appeared, rescued her, and sent her back to the human world."

  "This matter has since become a taboo in the underworld. No one dares to mention this matter, not even in the underworld records."

  Ma Xiaoling is sitting on the sofa.

  She listened to Uncle Qiu's words.

  She was in great shock and daze.

  She did not expect that two thousand years ago, her ancestor, after Yanyan, entered the pool of reincarnation, and returned intact.

  She has entered the pool of reincarnation, and naturally knows how terrifying the pool of reincarnation is.

  The pool of reincarnation that the Ksitigarbha kings feared, but the ancestors of the Ma family returned safely.

  Don't think about it, the ancestors of the Ma family, naturally, at that time, put the fifth part of the record into the pool of reincarnation.


  "Why go to the Pond of Reincarnation"

  Ma Xiaoling was a little puzzled.

  The ancestors of the Ma family killed all the way to the Pond of Reincarnation, almost dying, dying. Is it just to put a record on this matter?

  Of course it's not that simple.

  "In the Jizo records, it is said that she took something from the Pond of Samsara."

  The uncle replied.

  "Is this thing important?"

  Ma Xiaoling's expression was complicated.

  What is it.

  Let the ancestors of the Ma family fight for the pool of death "Maybe, there will be in the fifth part:: some records."

  "Based on the previous records, I can infer that the ancestors of the Ma family left these records after the turmoil two thousand years ago."

  "In a year, she traveled all over these places and left these records."

  "It's curious"

  God uncle

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  "One year later."

  "Dark upheaval happened."

  "This unprecedented dark turmoil has directly led to a fault in the inheritance of Taoism and exorcism. From the peak period, it has directly weakened to the lowest point. Countless Taoism and exorcism have lost their civilization and their inheritance has been disconnected."

  "And your Ma family ancestors have also become the last ones who have attained the Tao. After your Ma family ancestors, there is no one who has attained the Tao."

  "And those exorcists who have attained the Tao, the Taoist celestial masters, all died after that dark turmoil."

  As Uncle Qiu spoke, his face was solemn.

  That dark turmoil.

  It's simply a catastrophe in the world.

  It is also called the first kalpa by the Bible code.

  "After this catastrophe, the human world no longer has the ability to resist any catastrophe, and the entire human world has entered the era of the end of the law."

  "I think, since this dark turmoil has something to do with the second zombie king."

  "Then, the ancestors of the Ma family went to the Pond of Reincarnation, perhaps to deal with the second zombie king."

  Ask your uncle to express his thoughts.

  after all.

  The ancestors of the Ma family also seemed to know the existence of the second zombie king.

  Just what is involved here.

  You also need to find the records of the Nama family.

  "However, it's impossible to find the records of the Ma family."

  Ma Xiaoling asked.

  "The Jizo records say that as long as the people of the Ma family go to the pool of reincarnation, they can find the fifth part of the records left by the Ma family."

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