"As for the reason, it is not mentioned."

  "The only hint is to pass through the gate in the deepest part of the pool of reincarnation."

  Uncle Qiu gave the key hints of the fifth part::part he found in the Jizo records.

  "Go through that door."

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were in shock.

  That door seems to be the deepest part of the underworld.

  "Through that door"

  She seemed to understand something.


  "It's at the junction of the pool of reincarnation and the human world"

  Uncle Qiu was taken aback for a moment, but then he also thought of this possibility: "The junction of the pool of reincarnation and the human world"


  "From ancient times to the present, from the appearance of the underworld to the present, no one has been able to go there."

  "Could it be that the ancestors of the Ma family went there two thousand years ago?"

  Ask your uncle to stand up straight away.

  He couldn't believe it at all.

  Going to the Pond of Reincarnation is already very shocking.


  This ancestor of the Ma family actually went to the junction of the Pond of Samsara and the human world! You must know that there is not only a taboo in the underworld.

  It is still a taboo of the Three Realms! If the Pond of Reincarnation involves the Dao of Reincarnation.

  Then, there is already the way of reincarnation! Go there.

  Only reincarnation.

  That is also the most taboo place in the Three Realms, but I never thought that the ancestors of the Ma family were there: I have been to that place two thousand years ago! "In the end, what did she do there?"

  "What's worth letting her go where"

  Please uncle be shocked.

  Never before.

  No one came after.

  It's a forbidden place there! What is it that makes her desperate for life——————【The plot of la la la la is unexpected for you, huh! 】 The decline is terrible, but the author also knows that it is the readers who have not been able to update themselves and continue to support. Thank you for this book, which is not a ghostwriter, not a eunuch, and gives you an ending! Don't worry about it!] Read the underlined version of the novel Please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 355 The forgotten past!Go to the underworld!

  "Are there any other records?"

  After hearing Uncle Qiu's words, Ma Xiaoling asked suddenly.

  "I saw something in the pool of reincarnation."

  She explained what she saw in the Pond of Reincarnation.

  The broken picture, the interwoven picture.

  The man with the sword was surrounded by darkness.

  After listening to Ma Xiaoling's words, Uncle Qiu looked a little thoughtful. After a while, he asked, "Do you think that is Jiang Gu's reincarnation picture?"

  "I still can't find any clues about Jiang Gu's origins."

  "However, if he has an intersection with the second zombie king, then there may be records in the fifth part of the record."

  "Fate will appear at any time. The king and the Virgin will fight, and it must be fate. But if we want to find the traces of fate, it is completely impossible for us to record the fifth part. Maybe we can find traces of fate."

  Part V: Partial records, very important.

  Most importantly, he did not tell Ma Xiaoling.

  There are some taboos in the underworld.

  "By the way, what about Jiang Gu?"

  Uncle Qiu asked suddenly.

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head.

  Jiang Gu is haunted.

  If he doesn't want everyone to know, then everyone can't know his whereabouts at all.

  "Sister Xiaoling! Sister Mingyue is gone."

  Just as the two were talking, Kuang Fusheng came down from the upstairs and said to the two of them.

  Since Mingyue cultivated here, she hardly appeared.

  Our Lady of Yaochi kept her body in a state of serious injury, always in: half-awake.

  But now the bright moon has disappeared——————on a mountain peak.

  Jiang Gu stood on the top of the mountain, staring at the sky.


  It was [-] years ago, in the place where Jie was, that is, Kunlun.

  Jiang Gu found here.

  Naturally, it is to find the legendary eternal kingdom.

  What fate wants to find is the eternal kingdom.

  Use the eternal kingdom to create a new civilization.

  A new civilization controlled by fate.

  Jiang Gu found a trace of residual breath here.

  Now that fate has appeared, the strangeness of fate is something Jiang Gu has never seen before. It is an intangible enemy, but there is still the fact that he wants to find the eternal kingdom, because the eternal kingdom has a certain connection with the Pangu tribe. .

  A silver lining for the third kalpa.

  In the Pangu cemetery, the Pangu breath brought him by the Pangu cemetery revived his zombie power. Although it was a little short of being able to break through the second state, he absorbed the power of the Pangu seal eight hundred years ago.

  He was curious.

  Who opened the tomb of Pangu?

  He had some conjectures, but he couldn't confirm them.

  "The Pangu tribe has perished."

  "I don't know our destiny, but I know that we must pay this price if we want to deal with our destiny."

  A low voice sounded.

  Jiang Gu turned his head slightly.

  I saw it on the top of the mountain.

  I don't know when, Mingyue was wearing a long gown and stood on the top of the mountain.

  "We Pangu people have a mission and have to deal with fate. We always thought that we were the only ones in this world who could fight against fate."

  "But according to the records of the Pangu Clan, two thousand, fate felt a threat, so it wanted to eliminate that threat."

  "It seemed to succeed, but it failed because of a woman."

  "This is the record I found, are you interested?"

  Mingyue looked at Jiang Gu and smiled slightly.

  Jiang Gu's eyes were indistinct.

  "Two thousand years ago"

  His gentle voice was hoarse.

  two thousand years ago.

  no one is better than him

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  more familiar.

  "I know you are from two thousand years ago, and I know that no one is more familiar with two thousand years ago than you."

  "However, you have a record that you should not be familiar with."

  "That record is the front end of the dark and turbulent, and it is also the place where you still feel doubts."

  "I brought something from the Pangu Clan, maybe, you will be interested."

  The bright moon came slowly.

  in her hand.

  Take Pangu Guangyu.

  But this Pangu Guangyu.

  But somewhat broken.

  Jiang Gu stretched out his hand and took the Pangu Guangyu.

  "This is the sacred relic of our Pangu tribe."

  "Maybe it will be of use to you."

  "I should leave too, I want to go back to Pangu Holy Land to see"

  She said to Jiang Gu.

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