Since the demise of the Pangu Clan, she has been in a semi-conscious and semi-awake state, and has not fully woken up until today.

  She didn't know why.

  She suddenly wanted to find Jiang Gu and hand over the holy relic she took from the Pangu tribe to Jiang Gu.

  "I don't know why, I really want to find you."


  "What I know is that you and Ma Xiaoling are both the ones who bring miracles."

  The figure of Mingyue gradually disappeared.

  Jiang Gu looked at Pangu Guangyu in his hand, his eyes were as deep as abyss.


  Jiang Gu has just returned to the bar.

  Then I saw Ma Xiaoling sitting at the bar, she seemed to be waiting for something.

  Seeing Jiang Gu, a slight smile appeared on her face.

  She is holding a wine glass.

  Quickly walked over.

  "I have a business, I am not interested"

  "However, the reward is only a glass of wine."

  She raised the glass in her hand.

  "Part [-] of the Ma Family :: Partial Records"

  Jiang Gu smiled.

  "found it."

  "In the deepest part of the pool of reincarnation, it is also a taboo among the taboos of the underworld."

  "There is the most dangerous and strange place in the Three Realms."

  "What, are you interested?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu with her beautiful eyes, and a slight smile appeared on her face.

  as always.

  Although the relationship between the two, under an inexplicable progress, gradually became familiar.

  But for a moment.

  Ma Xiaoling, however, felt that Jiang Gu was very far away.

  She still liked it very much, and faced Jiang Gu with the appearance of knowing Jiang Gu for the first time.

  "When to set off"

  Jiang Gu asked.


  Ma Xiaoling's answer is simple.

  "it is good."

  Jiang Gu nodded.

  When Ma Xiaoling heard the words, she handed the wine glass to Jiang Gu.

  Then she walked quickly up the stairs.

  Looking at the back of Ma Xiaoling's departure, Jiang Gu's eyes quietly looked ahead.

  Two thousand years ago, as Mingyue said.

  He seems to have forgotten something.

  This thing is very important.


  This was the most important turning point two thousand years ago.

  It is also the pinnacle of his dark recovery.

  "Hey, weirdo, let's go."

  Jiang Gu was looking ahead.

  I saw Ma Xiaoling standing on the outer stairs, carrying a vanity case, walking down and talking to him.

  After walking down.

  She threw out the spell at will.

  Spells emerge and burn.

  a crack.

  Slowly emerging! The breath of the underworld fills in an instant! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 356 Step into Reincarnation and Follow Ma Linger

  The pool of reincarnation.

  Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling came here slowly.

  Came here last time.

  Both were in a hurry.

  This time.

  It was Uncle Qiu who brought the two of them there in person.

  In front of the pool of reincarnation.

  Uncle Qiu was wearing a white suit, looked at the two of them, and said solemnly: "The deepest part of the pool of reincarnation is the junction between the pool of reincarnation and the human world, and it is also the place where the source of reincarnation resides, and it is also the place where all beings in the three realms and six paths reincarnate. Entering there, you will be eroded by the power of reincarnation.”

  "Even a Zombie King"

  "It will also be affected."

  His last words were to Jiang Gu.

  The source power of reincarnation is the most source power of reincarnation, and it is also the place where reincarnation lies.

  There are taboos in the Three Realms.

  It is the strangest and most taboo place! Jiang Gu nodded.

  He looked at the pool of reincarnation in front of him.

  He had experienced the power of this reincarnation and the great Dao last time.

  If the strength is restored, or Jiang Gu is in the dark recovery state, this Samsara Dao can't do anything about him, but his current strength is not enough to fight against this Samsara Dao.

  The most feared thing in the world is.

  The back of the cycle.

  What the heck is there.

  The Ksitigarbha King, the Human King, and the Lady of Yaochi were all full of fear when confronting the power inside.

  "Uncle, let's go."

  Ma Xiaoling said to Uncle Qiu.

  "must be careful."

  Uncle Qiu looked at the two of them solemnly.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu walked forward slowly.

  Go to the strange power of reincarnation.

  Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling stepped in one step at a time.

  The endless tide covered the two of them.

  Ma Xiaoling felt the endless cold and endless darkness, which instantly surrounded her.

  The endless depression made her breathless for a moment.

  When she gasped for breath.

  A warm hand held hers, making her feel the coldness and darkness gradually fade away.

  Feeling the warmth from the palm of her hand, Ma Xiaoling bit her lip lightly in this gloomy cold, revealing a slight smile.

  Just looking at the endless darkness and nothingness ahead.

  She suddenly trembled violently.

  What was it that made the woman two thousand years ago, seriously injured, enter here step by step, and go to the deepest part of the Pond of Reincarnation. Ma Xiaoling's cultivation is not low.

  But as soon as she entered here, she felt the... endless depression around her.

  [-] years ago.

  A woman dragged her severely injured body towards the deepest part of the Pond of Samsara.

  She is in this emptiness of darkness.

  As if to see it.

  In front of that, a woman in a green shirt, resolutely and slowly fell into the boundless abyss.

  Blue yarn flutters.

  Swing in this emptiness.

  "What's wrong"

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