Not from his consciousness.

  It came from a familiar consciousness—Ma Xiaoling! The tremors of Ma Xiaoling merged with the power of the reincarnation in an instant! At the time of fusion, an aura that Jiang Gu could no longer be familiar with slowly approached the two of them. Consciousness space, that is, in dreams.

  in that dream.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu opened their eyes.

  The whole body is no longer darkness, but the sea of ​​stars.

  "here is"

  Ma Xiaoling can feel that this is a dream, but the picture she sees now is so real.

  "The edge of the way of reincarnation is a dream."

  Jiang Gu seemed to have thought of something and smiled: "After a dream, people go to a different life."

  "The Way of Reincarnation is behind that door. I remember we fell asleep together."

  Ma Xiaoling said, her beautiful cheeks were slightly red.


  While the two were talking.

  The familiar breath surged again.

  A cold voice resounded in the vast stars.

  "You came"

  Ma Xiaoling turned her head and looked around.

  It's just that she just turned her head.

  Then I saw the center between her and Jiang Gu.

  A long cyan smoke intertwined, and after emerging, she gradually transformed into a woman in a cyan long gown and ancient clothes, and she slowly moved forward in the vast stars.

  The blue gauze floated on the woman's body, like misty smoke.

  She looked forward quietly with her beautiful eyes.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes widened, looking at the woman.

  the woman's face.

  exactly like her.

  There is no difference in facial features and body at all! The only difference is.

  There was a lingering aura on the woman's body.

  Like an untouchable fairy, ethereal like smoke.

  Jiang Gu's eyes saw the woman in the blue shirt, and the dead heart seemed to be beating.

  He watched the woman turn into blue smoke gently, and walked slowly forward.

  Qingyan Ma Linger was holding a long sword, with blood on the corner of her mouth, her breath seemed a little weak, but she walked quietly among the vast stars, slowly moving forward.

  Qingyan Ma Linger walked forward.

  Walk like a mist, and move forward step by step.

  Ma Xiaoling quickly followed.

  Jiang Gu paused for a moment and followed slowly behind him.

  "I never thought I'd be here."

  "I never thought I'd be here either."

  A misty voice sounded.

  From Qingyan Ma Linger.

  As she walked, her beautiful eyes quietly looked ahead, and her voice drifted out like smoke.

  This sentence is repeated twice.

  "he left"

  "The world is reincarnated, there is only this road left, maybe, I can bring him back."

  Qingyan Ma Linger said softly.

  She moved forward slowly, as if looking for something.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Hear Ma Linger's words.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu's bodies trembled slightly.

  Especially Jiang Gu, his deep eyes fluctuated and seemed to understand something.

  "Is the world reincarnated?"

  Ma Xiaoling's voice was gentle, but shocking.

  She looked at Jiang Gu beside her.

  "Could it be that two thousand years ago, the second zombie king died?"

  The world turns around.

  The second zombie king stepped into the road of reincarnation.

  Then its meaning is self-evident.

  "No, zombies don't belong to the Three Realms and Six Paths, they are creatures outside the Three Realms and Six Paths. If the second Zombie King dies, then"

  "What the hell happened"

  Ma Xiaoling turned her head and looked at the gradually receding Qingyan.

  Jiang Gu followed behind.

  His deep eyes, now fluctuating constantly, at this moment, he seems to understand something.

  The power of reincarnation within the body is constantly self-reincarnation, self-cutting.

  It's all from you.

  His figure stood on the spot, quietly watching the distant blue smoke Ma Linger, that dead heart, like a rebirth from ashes, gradually recovered.

  He stepped forward, followed Ma Xiaoling, followed the trail left by Ma Linger.

  through the vast stars.

  The emptiness and darkness are intertwined with light.

  in this light.

  There seems to be no end to it.

  Qingyan Ma Linger seems to be looking for something in this endless place.

  "I have left countless records"

  "I traveled all over the mountains and rivers, and went to the places where I met, met, and fell in love with him. I don't know where to start, but he suddenly appeared beside me."

  "Together with him, I will slay demons and demons, slaughter heaven and earth, slay evil, correct justice and eliminate evil, and become a famous exorcist in the Qin Dynasty."

  "It's just that I never thought that I would get such a result."

  "But even if he is the zombie king, even if he is the most evil in the world, I have never thought of leaving him."

  Malinger's voice was faint.

  He spoke lightly about the past.

  But in those faint words, it made people feel a kind of sadness, that kind of... sadness filled the air, making Ma Xiaoling's face gradually dignified, her beautiful eyes quietly looking ahead, accompanied by the blue smoke horse Linger moved forward.

  In the emptiness and darkness intertwined with the stars, she looked at Jiang Gu: "Tell me, what happened to her and the second zombie king?"

  "Why, I feel bad."

  Malinger's emotions.

  It made Ma Xiaoling feel very uncomfortable.

  Jiang Gu did not speak, but followed Ma Xiaoling, walking forward step by step.

  Follow the blue smoke.

  Walked through the void of darkness intertwined with stars.

  I don't know how long it took.

  I don't know how far I have gone.

  Seems to be an epoch.

  Seems like thousands of years.

  With Qing Yan, Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu walked along the road that Ma Linger had walked two thousand years ago, walking forward step by step, looking for that inexplicable thing step by step.

  I don't know how long after that.


  Qingyan Ma Linger suddenly stopped.

  She has an ethereal figure, standing quietly in this vast darkness intertwined with stars.

  She stretched her hand forward.

  The blue sleeves are intertwined with blue smoke.

  A smile appeared on her faint cheeks, and in those eyes, there seemed to be stars and seas beating.

  "I found you."

  The eyes of Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling.

  Instantly looked forward.

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